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Would've thought (and it sucks this is even a consideration) that women would find it more comfortable parking near other cars, rather than having to walk alone through a dark carpark.

When commuting to Melbourne via the train, parking at the station was shit so most often it was parking on a surrounding street

Not ideal but in summer it was daylight when getting back in the evening, but I'd never be home before dark in winter - so as a woman you start to think of those things:
  • where am I parking
  • what's the safest way to walk to my car
  • is there street lighting
  • and approaching the car, can I see around it before I get there or is it blocked...

Even worse if going to the footy after work & not back until after midnight when it's even more isolated

And it's similar with my current job - where I park for a day shift isn't where I park if I have a late finish in winter, as it's walking across the carpark on your own at night. And it's worse when there's then only one or two other cars around compared with a much larger number

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When commuting to Melbourne via the train, parking at the station was shit so most often it was parking on a surrounding street

Not ideal but in summer it was daylight when getting back in the evening, but I'd never be home before dark in winter - so as a woman you start to think of those things:
  • where am I parking
  • what's the safest way to walk to my car
  • is there street lighting
  • and approaching the car, can I see around it before I get there or is it blocked...

Even worse if going to the footy after work & not back until after midnight when it's even more isolated

And it's similar with my current job - where I park for a day shift isn't where I park if I have a late finish in winter, as it's walking across the carpark on your own at night. And it's worse when there's then only one or two other cars around compared with a much larger number
It is really, really sad that this is the primary consideration for women parking and commuting (or walking, or living) but alas, it has to be the reality.
ABSOLUTELY not a defence of this but i spoke to someone who did this one day (recent migrant as a matter of fact) who said they found using a car as a guide opposed to the lines alot easier.

Its still annoying to me but the explanation actually made sense.

100% that is why people do it. I always park afar and walk instead of getting the close carpark and having to give way to everyone coming into the carpark to be able to get out. There will be 20 free carparks in the area and someone will still park right next to me. I find it funny I've got a beaten up 97 Ford which I am just driving until it dies and nice cars will still sidle up next to me. When I was a kid no way would my parents park next to my car haha.
2 turning lanes.
Turning light goes green.
RH Car lurches forward. Wangs his foot on the brakes when he realises the left hand car hasn't moved yet. :/

No reason not to go, just the guy in the left lane has gone Joe Biden, and the guy in the right lane wants someone to hold his hand.

All the traffic behind , sighs , beeps, swears, makes rude gestures etc.
Going to work yesterday very busy at this intersection.
Gets to my turn to turn left.
This person was doing a U turn beeps me gives me the finger.
WTF your in the wrong you have to give way to everyone else..

Driving as become so bad.
I noticed people are moving further out to the right on right turns instead of just doing a normal turns .

They seem to design new intersections , so that if you try to turn from the right lane into the right lane, you clip the curb of the media strip, so you need to take a funny unnatural arc.
They seem to design new intersections , so that if you try to turn from the right lane into the right lane, you clip the curb of the media strip, so you need to take a funny unnatural arc.

I haven't seen any of those.

I was driving past people turning right .
I was in the right lane..ohh heck why move over so much.

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i find people swinging right to turn left is an issue

also people not going fully into right turn lanes to turn right

What about where there's a turning lane & they either take forever to actually move into the turn lane, or they slow right down from the driving lane before slowly edging into the turning lane and finally putting their indicator on

I've also encountered it a few times with the same driver, that when on my way home and getting towards a side street we both use, they'll put their left indicator on and then drive at 3/4 speed in the bike lane for the majority of the block leading to the street (like 8 or so houses) - not slow enough to really get in front of them to safely make the left turn which means that we're all travelling slowly for no reason

I also nearly hit them one night when this happened, because after turning into what I know now is the street on which they live (and it a 2-way street), they went to the right & I honestly thought they were going to park facing the wrong way such is how they drove - then with no indicator they did a sudden left turn into their driveway, right in front of me

This wasn't an older person by any means - pretty sure it's one of the kids who hadn't long got off their P's the first time I encountered this...some people shouldn't drive
i find people swinging right to turn left is an issue

also people not going fully into right turn lanes to turn right

I knocked a mirror on a small truck who swung left to turn right one day. My judgement said there was just enough room between the parked car and him for me to squash through. Not quite it seems.
Campaigner took off after me.
Told him take my rego down. Asked him why he was turning right from so far left.
Said his boss would be making me pay for the damage on his mirror. ( minor ).
Said whatever , you've got the rego , i'm busy.
Nothing came of it.
I knocked a mirror on a small truck who swung left to turn right one day. My judgement said there was just enough room between the parked car and him for me to squash through. Not quite it seems.
Campaigner took off after me.
Told him take my rego down. Asked him why he was turning right from so far left.
Said his boss would be making me pay for the damage on his mirror. ( minor ).
Said whatever , you've got the rego , i'm busy.
Nothing came of it.
i try to avoid going past turning trucks or buses

unlike the mazda 2 driver they do sometimes need to swing wide to make a turn

sometimes they're also just shit drivers like the semi that hit me while i was stationary in peak hour traffic
People that slow down and take forever to get into the right turn lanes so you have to slow down from 60 to 30 to get past them shits me
I hate that and they split the lanes as they slowly merge
i try to avoid going past turning trucks or buses

unlike the mazda 2 driver they do sometimes need to swing wide to make a turn

sometimes they're also just shit drivers like the semi that hit me while i was stationary in peak hour traffic
This wasn't a real truck, some little thing, driver too lazy to put more lock on. Did not need to swing left to turn right.
People that slow down and take forever to get into the right turn lanes so you have to slow down from 60 to 30 to get past them shits me

People that see a light go red in front and slow right down, not realising there is another green light between them and the red. Because they slowed down so much , the green light turns red, and the traffic from the side road fills the space between the two sets of traffic lights.

People slowing down for the red light, that stop you getting into the turning lane so you can't trigger the turning lighs.
( if a $100 000ish tesla can drive by itself , mostly, why can't a multi million traffic light system look and see where the cars are and adjust its cycle times to suit )?
This wasn't a real truck, some little thing, driver too lazy to put more lock on. Did not need to swing left to turn right.
oh im not saying it was im just saying i tend to give trucks more room from experience of what can happen
Last 2 days been next level at this intersection.
Yesterday I was about the 23rd car turning left .
Then cars flying up the right side and putting on their left blinker WTF you can't cut in.
Then I was 3 cars to turn .
This car cut right in front of the car that was about to turn left from the right side of the road.
Then there another car changed their mind and turn left from the right side as I was making my left then.

I really wish they would make this intersection no right turn it's very hard getting across at times .
People that slow down and take forever to get into the right turn lanes so you have to slow down from 60 to 30 to get past them shits me
People in the right lane they just turned into won't move left till they get to 100 .
But they take ages to get to that speed.
Just move left just let the cars that were already at a good speed go ...they will move left soon.

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Cars & Transportation Vent about all things traffic

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