One issue these days that I see in junior football in Perth is the ability of kids being able to move junior clubs.
A kid leaves his local team in local team to go and play in a stronger team at another club 20kms from where he lives, then a few more do the same thing and his original team does not have enough players to field a team or if they do it is a weakened team because their best players have left.
Some of the strong clubs cap the amount of players they have in each team and how many teams they have per grade and send out registration links to the kids they want first.
25 years ago you basically had to play for the local club your suburb was zoned too and if you wanted to move you had to apply to league to have a transfer approved.
Now you can sign for whatever club you like.
They allow them to move so they don’t hurt their feelings.
And for some reason it seems very important for parents their child wins junior premierships.