WA/Daylight Saving: To Join The 21st Century Or To Not, Part II

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Suck shit you scum bags rich ***** who live near the beach. I say **** off to England or Sydney if you want a extra hour of sun,WA is hot and there is plenty of sun. These yes people really shit me,they tried to rig the election and even tried to rig old people vote i heard. All This Million wasted on Commercials promoting it when the majority never wanted it but like a drug dealer the pest don't stop.

This money could have been given to charity or people with medical problems,people like that ****wit/nazi **** non democratic ass should get a deadly disease and suffer.
Suck shit you scum bags rich ***** who live near the beach. I say **** off to England or Sydney if you want a extra hour of sun,WA is hot and there is plenty of sun. These yes people really shit me,they tried to rig the election and even tried to rig old people vote i heard. All This Million wasted on Commercials promoting it when the majority never wanted it but like a drug dealer the pest don't stop.

This money could have been given to charity or people with medical problems,people like that ****wit/nazi **** non democratic ass should get a deadly disease and suffer.

Folks I give you Exhibit A - The average "No" voter....

Winners in a referendum but losers in life. :p

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i loved DLS but i wont get emotional about it, just means i will need black curtains for the mornings in summer.

waking up at 5am when im sposed to be up at 6am shits me.

but meh.

Were there any reasons given why there were no other questions included in this referendum, ie trading hours, ANYTHING?

Also, why wasn't the referendum held straight after the trial, so a more accurate opinion could be accounted for. surely people dont make up their minds by watching ads or reading newspapers do they?

My mind was made up at 9pm every night when id be drunk as a skunk, the sun was just setting, and id say 'F*&K look at the time! I love this!"
Folks I give you Exhibit A - The average "No" voter....

Winners in a referendum but losers in life. :p

Sounds like a bit of sour grapes on your part given that as a yes voter you and your fellow DLS freaks are clearly the losers.
Fancy backing an issue that was never going to get across the line.
Sounds like a bit of sour grapes on your part given that as a yes voter you and your fellow DLS freaks are clearly the losers.
Fancy backing an issue that was never going to get across the line.

What like those other losers who backed the repeal of slavery laws and the implementation of voting rights for blacks and women?

I mean they had no chance of getting those over the line either. Took decades, centuries in some cases but inevitably the tide of opinion turned and the stupid and the prejudiced died out.... :p
Sanity at last now I wont have to listen to idiots like Birnie and his cohorts trying to justify ++++ing with nature.

This thread has given from day one. The only shame is that the issue has finally been resolved and this glorious testament to WA will die.
It actually makes perfect sense.

You're a No voter aren't you..... :rolleyes:
Eagle87 has been making Aliases to show how stupid some No voters can be. :mad: :eek:

Don't worry mate, you have your fair share too :)
Eagle87 has been making Aliases to show how stupid some No voters can be. :mad: :eek:

Don't worry mate, you have your fair share too :)

Not required... but a fair suggestion! :thumbsu:

Agreed on the last line. Restores ones faith in democracy when one understands that both sides of almost every debate are ultimately decided by the very very dim..... :p
Not required... but a fair suggestion! :thumbsu:

Agreed on the last line. Restores ones faith in democracy when one understands that both sides of almost every debate are ultimately decided by the very very dim..... :p

Well you won't be short of company then will you.
What time is your plane leaving I am sure everyone would love to come and wish you happy safe flight:).
Well you won't be short of company then will you.
What time is your plane leaving I am sure everyone would love to come and wish you happy safe flight:).

There's a few people who claim they are definitely leaving over this. Well if making everyone else change the time on their clocks is the only thing that fulfills them, then they must lead a sad life.

There'll be some local nuance in their new place of residence that they hate and can try to force everyone else to change to suit them.

Perhaps they can move to Adelaide, they have DLS.. then start whining that the local processed meat is called "fritz", how can this be? It's not called fritz in NSW! What a backward rednecked place! Be progressive!

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To all the shattered Yes voters ...you can make your own daylight savings ...just change your work hours.
Ever thought some of us are reliant on other people, to set our work hours, Moo?

Educated indeed.

Not one of them has ever defined "progressive" without resorting to comments that everyone else has it. Daylight saving was pushed forward in 1917. If we want to force early 20th century ideas on the populace, then I hardly see that as "joining the 21st century".
It was put in place during winter for the winter for the war effort. Would those who voted no on environmental grounds be against all year DLS?

Not necessarily. It has to be something people want, but here's the rub: if it is something that politicians know people want, they'd introduce it anyway to influence their popularity. Imagine something like the stimulus package going to referendum.

If they know it's something people are probably not keen on, hey presto: referendum. Of course it's highly likely to be no.


It's not about being resistant to change. If people perceive that a change will have a negative impact on their lives, why would they press on with it? Building the freeway had a positive impact for the majority of us, but if your house was due to be demolished to make way for it, you'd be pretty "resistant to change".

If it's change for the better: bring it on.
Complete and utter crap DC.

I know you haven't really been here much over the last few years or whatever, but the Mandurah rail line was MASSIVELY unpopular in Perth.

Now it's a resounding success and tell me, apart from the very few in Mt. Pleasant, who in Perth hasn't it benefited.

Yet, if the people of Perth had their way, it never would have been built.

Reconcile that for me, please, I would love to know.
I know you haven't really been here much over the last few years or whatever, but the Mandurah rail line was MASSIVELY unpopular in Perth.

Now it's a resounding success and tell me, apart from the very few in Mt. Pleasant, who in Perth hasn't it benefited.

Yet, if the people of Perth had their way, it never would have been built.

Reconcile that for me, please, I would love to know.

The Mandurah rail line was never MASSIVELY unpopular in Perth, the contentious point was the route it would take to Mandurah.
Get your facts right and don't claim to speak for the people of Perth.
There, Reconciled!
The Mandurah rail line was never MASSIVELY unpopular in Perth, the contentious point was the route it would take to Mandurah.
Get your facts right and don't claim to speak for the people of Perth.
There, Reconciled!

If it had taken the "popular" route, it would have been an almighty failure. Same outcome.
Were there any reasons given why there were no other questions included in this referendum, ie trading hours, ANYTHING?
Trading hours was asked not that long ago, though I think it would probably get up if asked again.

Also, why wasn't the referendum held straight after the trial, so a more accurate opinion could be accounted for. surely people dont make up their minds by watching ads or reading newspapers do they?
The plan was that after several weeks of dark, wet weather people would be more keen on the idea of a bit of extra sunshine. Sadly, the weather didn't oblige!

My mind was made up at 9pm every night when id be drunk as a skunk, the sun was just setting, and id say 'F*&K look at the time! I love this!"

Just like eagle87 has been saying, clearly it's only those of higher intelligence who can consider the issues rationally who voted Yes.
I know you haven't really been here much over the last few years or whatever, but the Mandurah rail line was MASSIVELY unpopular in Perth.

I don't remember it being massively unpopular at all. There was certainly plenty of debate and strong opinions on exactly where it should go (and why shouldn't there be?)

The main point of negativity I recall were the cost and time overruns, not the idea itself.

Now it's a resounding success and tell me, apart from the very few in Mt. Pleasant, who in Perth hasn't it benefited.
Me! I've never used it!

In fact it's been a negative to me personally. There are now less (and smaller) trains on the northern line in the mornings, making it uncomfortably crowded. Plus the new underground platform in Perth means I now end up further away from where I have to go.

But I still think it was a great thing to do, and we should have more of it.
The Mandurah rail line was never MASSIVELY unpopular in Perth, the contentious point was the route it would take to Mandurah.

Garbage. The papers and other media were full of people whining about pissant excuses such break noise, traffic jams, roadworks and other such rubbish.

Much like there was with the Joondalup line, the stadium, the foreshore development plan, changes to Liquor licensing laws, extended trading....anyone else noticing a theme?
The Mandurah rail line was never MASSIVELY unpopular in Perth, the contentious point was the route it would take to Mandurah.
Get your facts right and don't claim to speak for the people of Perth.
There, Reconciled!

Cheers for that. I don't know how the Mandurah line got brought into this, but it's one of the best things to happen to the metro area. Certainly it was contentious with the plans to run it via Kenwick.

Probably the only time it was unpopular would be when it was being constructed and you were a regular commuter on the Kwinana Freeway, but it was worth it in the end.
I don't remember it being massively unpopular at all. There was certainly plenty of debate and strong opinions on exactly where it should go (and why shouldn't there be?)

The main point of negativity I recall were the cost and time overruns, not the idea itself.

Garbage. The papers and other media were full of people whining about pissant excuses such break noise, traffic jams, roadworks and other such rubbish.

Much like there was with the Joondalup line, the stadium, the foreshore development plan, changes to Liquor licensing laws, extended trading....anyone else noticing a theme?


It was massively unpopular at the time.

The polling and research done at ISTP before the decision shows this, when Peter Newman was advising Mr Gallop.

It only had support in the areas that it served, but the majority did not like it at all, overall.

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WA/Daylight Saving: To Join The 21st Century Or To Not, Part II

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