Toast Warren Tredrea - Elected to the Port Board (Football discussion only)

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I voted Tredrea. He's what we desperately need on the board. Abernethy's previous term on the board and his contentious business issues are reason enough to not want him back on the board, but let's not denigrate his playing career. It reaks of 'we're not in the sanfl any more'.

He was as good a big game player as I've seen at the club. He was better than just a good player in a great team. He played his best football in finals - especially grand finals and was absolutely a part of perpetuating the winning culture that got us into the afl in the first place.

He might be a complete campaigner irl, he's definitely not the man we need on the board now - but you don't need to s**t on his playing record to argue the case for Tredrea

Exactly. Sick as **** of seeing people pissing on his playing career. B & F, 7 time premiership player and ALWAYS got the job done in big games.

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People annoyed at Burto's support of Abba but silent last week when Boulton, James etc were openly supportive of Tredrea says everything.
The most important difference is Burton being a current club employee.
Standing against Tredrea in this election (on the club's insistence, no matter what anyone says) is actively standing against the club's best interests. I will happily criticise anyone who is doing such a thing.

What garbage.
It's YOUR opinion that him on the board is in the club's best interest, and just that. Own it. But don't denigrate others who have a differing view.

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Bagging a club great goes against everything this club should stand for and I support change 100% and look forward to WG Tredrea on the board.

Literally nobody has bagged him for anything other than his support for the regime.

The fact is that the Tredrea board bid has been on the agenda for a long time. Multiple people on this board have been working behind the scenes to make it happen. Abernethy is a club stooge who has cobbled together a bid over a short space of time designed to protect the regime from a dissenting voice being elected by the members to the board. He also wasn't even the first person asked to stand against Tredrea, he was just the guy they could get to say yes.
Literally nobody has bagged him for anything other than his support for the regime.

The fact is that the Tredrea board bid has been on the agenda for a long time. Multiple people on this board have been working behind the scenes to make it happen. Abernethy is a club stooge who has cobbled together a bid over a short space of time designed to protect the regime from a dissenting voice being elected by the members to the board. He also wasn't even the first person asked to stand against Tredrea, he was just the guy they could get to say yes.

Okay, who else was asked?
And who on this board has been working behind the scenes to make it happen?
People annoyed at Burto's support of Abba but silent last week when Boulton, James etc were openly supportive of Tredrea says everything.
Are Greg Boulton and John James pulling on the boots for us next year? Because if not this is a laughable false equivalence, from a poster who has for some unknowable reason had a clear and blatant anti-Tredrea agenda the last few weeks.
Okay, who else was asked?
And who on this board has been working behind the scenes to make it happen?

If the people who have been working with Warren want to put that on the record now or after the election then that's up to them to do, not me.

And I'm not going to post information that was given to me in confidence about others who were asked but I have no reason to disbelieve it.
I would never bag Abernethy as a former great player for us. As others have stated played lots of great games in finals. In his later years on more than one occasion in finals, playing in defence he would get the job on a rampaging D Jarman and absolutely make him ineffectual whilst having the ability to play his own game himself.
Most people here are aware of Tredrea’s record and what a champion CHF he was.
This is about people’s opinions on who would be the most effective candidate, to have the biggest positive influence on the board, especially football matters.
The fact that someone of Boulton’s standing felt he needed to publicly come out in support of Tredrea is a massive endorsement for his candidacy.
Burton publicly supporting Aber shouldn’t be taken that seriously and I’m not just talking about the fact that he’s endorsing his possible future father in law.
People annoyed at Burto's support of Abba but silent last week when Boulton, James etc were openly supportive of Tredrea says everything.

This is a wild false equivalence. Boulton and James aren't current Port Adelaide employees.

I believe Abba is generally anti-Hinkley but running against Tredrea shows that he's one of 3 things:

  • A Koch stooge
  • Oblivious to why it's so important Tredders gets elected
  • Knows why it's important Tredders gets elected, but is too self interested to care

None of these things reflect well on him as a candidate.
The comment you took issue with was a reply to a post that had already noted that Abernathy (sic) had won more (premierships the obvious interference as it is the aim of a club and players) than Tredrea.

Other than correcting the spelling of a surname of a soon to be failed club puppet your words have been completely pointless.
Thanks for letting me know how I was thinking champ.

Is it not a conflict of interest for officials to openly support on social media who they want on the board?

Also of course the players want Abba, they're dead scared of Tredrea rocking the boat of comfortableness and no expectations for them.
You bet it's a conflict of interest which is lost of some people without a clue.

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Toast Warren Tredrea - Elected to the Port Board (Football discussion only)

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