Werewolf WereWolf in a Manger, Cub got croaked but wolves win!

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jim carrey GIF
Mod Report Night 2

Urrkkhh. Lots of mayhem and death.

Cadsky , Goon was drained by Bing Crosby (Vampire)
myblueroan , fake or true doc, slaughtered by Wolves
Dingster , Atheist Villager, blown * apart by Mafia
Barrybran , an Unwise King (Flog) chewed up by Golden Cub SK
Chat Pile , Village Seer, tragically murdered by the vig

* delighted you were not irl.

It is now day. Reports on overnight actions are being prepped.
Dingster today:

Im Out GIF
Chipmunk for me. If Pamcakes1 wasn’t brutally and unfairly lynched yesterday, Chipmunk would have been right up there. I wonder … 🤔

Grand Uncle Horace
mod note

jslammin I know you are a new player and some latitude is extended but you must record a valid vote in his thread to avoid being mod killed.

A valid vote looks like this

Horrorhead thanks Grand Uncle Horace
Silly vig seer.

Not sure on the thought process on our seer's play but pretty shitty to lose him.

Once Pam thing was revealed to be a mistake (which, upon reading the OP, was due to the the seer being an alcoholic and getting random results 1/3rd of the time) he should have claimed protection and explained why he gave the info he did.

By village being left in the dark, it just opened him up for a kill. We have 2 doctors we could have easily protected.


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Not sure on the thought process on our seer's play but pretty shitty to lose him.

Once Pam thing was revealed to be a mistake (which, upon reading the OP, was due to the the seer being an alcoholic and getting random results 1/3rd of the time) he should have claimed protection and explained why he gave the info he did.

By village being left in the dark, it just opened him up for a kill. We have 2 doctors we could have easily protected.

i believe they seer true its their vote that gets randomised

the play makes no sense unless they wanted to get killed really

if they seered pc1 it was as a villager, they might have thought they were giving big evil vibes and thrown dingo out but yeah

hopefully Pie 4 Life got the amulet at least

with the doc mechanics in this game where both docs can miss a protect the amulet really is the safest way to keep someone alive until it isn't
i believe they seer true its their vote that gets randomised

the play makes no sense unless they wanted to get killed really

if they seered pc1 it was as a villager, they might have thought they were giving big evil vibes and thrown dingo out but yeah

hopefully Pie 4 Life got the amulet at least

with the doc mechanics in this game where both docs can miss a protect the amulet really is the safest way to keep someone alive until it isn't
You're right it's the vote that's randomised. That makes it more baffling.
Why did Murphy Brown throw the game? That's really shithouse honestly.
they did say killing them was a bad idea multiple times but the vig didn't listen which, yeah why would you
they did say killing them was a bad idea multiple times but the vig didn't listen which, yeah why would you
Seems like he was trying to **** the game for everyone with a claim he knew was false on day 1. It wasn't even boncer trying to be an idiot style.
evil would say the exact same thing.
yeah i know
he needed to actually claim at that point.

with 2 docs, the amulet and one outed flog claiming wouldn't have been a terrible idea, especially after the shit show they created

either way we're now basically without intel and in this game the SK also has a seer so going to be rough from here
Morrison, for a randomised period once at night or once during the day can redirect a players night action and a players s day vote. (Multi Minister)*

It's possible this was the cause for the mistake??

So Chat chose Pam but then got the result of another player.
yes also the mafia have a roleblocker so fair chance they already or will know the vig by tomorrow given no kill N1

something for the vig to keep in mind today, especially now that the seer is dead

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