Werewolf WereWolf in a Manger, Cub got croaked but wolves win!

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Well Ding,
You didn't miss much except I got sucked in by another cunning player. Not sure if BEasty did too or is in cahoots, but determined not to be paranoid again. I went with it, as did some other villagers.😀
and so we lost Pammy who is now apparently a cat.
( hi pammy. Now you know I'm not mafia and just a humble villager stumbling about, trying to do good.)

Can't see the point of Chat Pile sacrificing themselves tbh, unless they wanted an early exit.

Anyway Ding, are you playing now?
And are you village?🤣🥂🌊
Happy to declare villager. Lets go!

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A work mate of mine lives in the Jimboomba Beaudesert area and he had huge gum trees come down. I'm lucky enough to live the the classy Ipswich area and didn't have anywhere near as bad weather effects here although Springfield does seem to cop it a fair bit too
A work mate of mine lives in the Jimboomba Beaudesert area and he had huge gum trees come down. I'm lucky enough to live the the classy Ipswich area and didn't have anywhere near as bad weather effects here although Springfield does seem to cop it a fair bit too
I’ve got mates in the Jimboomba/South McLean area too who lost power and had a tree come down across their driveway! I also saw the pics out at Springfield. I was kinda shocked by that bc I work out there at least once a week lol. Not one of our properties touched 👏🏻
Night 2
Mod Report Night 2

Urrkkhh. Lots of mayhem and death.

Cadsky , Goon was drained by Bing Crosby (Vampire)
myblueroan , fake or true doc, slaughtered by Wolves
Dingster , Atheist Villager, blown * apart by Mafia
Barrybran , an Unwise King (Flog) chewed up by Golden Cub SK
Chat Pile , Village Seer, tragically murdered by the vig

* delighted you were not irl.

It is now day. Reports on overnight actions are being prepped.

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I grew up in the Jimboomba/Flagstone area, I now live on the other side of the country but it’s been insane to see the effects of the storm that came through Christmas night on social media from friends and family in that area.

Especially copping another storm on Boxing Day! That was very rough.
Mod Report Night 2

Urrkkhh. Lots of mayhem and death.

Cadsky , Goon was drained by Bing Crosby (Vampire)
myblueroan , fake or true doc, slaughtered by Wolves
Dingster , Atheist Villager, blown * apart by Mafia
Barrybran , an Unwise King (Flog) chewed up by Golden Cub SK
Chat Pile , Village Seer, tragically murdered by the vig

* delighted you were not irl.

It is now day. Reports on overnight actions are being prepped.
I guess I’ll leave the goats in the field and come and clean up all this blood.
Utter carnage 🤣
Has Tarkyn_24 made it to day 3?

It’s been a while, hasn’t it Tarks?
Dies night one or lives to the end game is old tarks

Not so old apparently though

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