West Coast Eagles Assistant Coaches

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I wasn't really talking about that Pyke comment, just more in general about supporters who seem to relish looking at the negative side of things..before they even happen!

Fair enough, but the club has done some dumb things in the last few years, including letting Rosich go when he was ready to step up and lead the club in what i believe would of been a better direction than what we have gone lately.
Its come across as some people being too comfortable in thier positions to put what was best for the club first.
Anyway, i'm glad we have gone with Simpson, i'm just hoping they give him full reign to do what he sees fit in order to get the club back to the top, which is what we all want. :)
Pretty happy with the selection of coaches so far, they seem to taking there time and are being thorough with there selection. I don't think it's necessary to have big names in the coaches box, great players don't always make great coaches.

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If you're relying on your assistants to do the work for you then you're not the right guy for the job.

what do you think is Simpsons job? you do realise coaches dont actually "coach" dont you?

Alex Ferguson had a team of assistants/coaches working with players on daily basis. perhaps he wasnt the right guy for the job either?
I find it unusual that a coach going for a senior gig didnt already have his assistants at the ready.
Simpson should have had at least 3-4 guys at the ready to come accross when he got the job.
I do like the Simpson appointment but I reckon we could have the worst assistants coaching panel ever assembled.
Nothing really inspiring in the lot chosen so far and if we were to appoint a sacked Freo coach as senior assistant that would just top it off!o_O

FFS. I swear this board is getting sillier by the day

So assistant coaches with aspirations to some day become a senior coach should have a ready made support team to follow him should he get a position. Disregard that they may have existing contracts with their current club or may not want to move to another state or that the new club may not even want them

I mean obviously someone as highly regarded as Paul Roos would have people lining up to join him should he change his mind and return to coaching. Oh wait, he didnt and he's still trying to finalize his coaching panel despite dangling the carrot of a guaranteed senior spot in two or three years
what do you think is Simpsons job? you do realise coaches dont actually "coach" dont you?

Alex Ferguson had a team of assistants/coaches working with players on daily basis. perhaps he wasnt the right guy for the job either?

Sure mate, coaches don't coach. Simpson just told the Eagles hierarchy that they should give him the coaches job so he could watch a bunch of other guys make up a game plan. ;)
Sure mate, coaches don't coach. Simpson just told the Eagles hierarchy that they should give him the coaches job so he could watch a bunch of other guys make up a game plan. ;)

thats not what i am talking about. i am also old fashioned, to me a term "coach" is for doing the nitty gritty technical stuff. ie. teach players how to kick. in cricket teach correct technique whilst batting. whilst i am sure simpson will be able to help in the technical area, his main job will be ensuring everyone pulls together and are on same page and provide feedback. and that is a managers job. word coach, in my opinion, doesn't accurately reflect the role.
FFS. I swear this board is getting sillier by the day

So assistant coaches with aspirations to some day become a senior coach should have a ready made support team to follow him should he get a position. Disregard that they may have existing contracts with their current club or may not want to move to another state or that the new club may not even want them

I mean obviously someone as highly regarded as Paul Roos would have people lining up to join him should he change his mind and return to coaching. Oh wait, he didnt and he's still trying to finalize his coaching panel despite dangling the carrot of a guaranteed senior spot in two or three years

A simple 'like' was not enough recognition for this post.

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Fair enough, but the club has done some dumb things in the last few years, including letting Rosich go when he was ready to step up and lead the club in what i believe would of been a better direction than what we have gone lately.
Rosich left the club in like 04 or 05. He went to Freo for a promotion (in a Commercial role) and then got promoted again to CEO 4 or 5 years later, he was nowhere near CEO when he left us.

I know it's not a big deal but the one example you used of our club doing "dumb things" is completely wrong.
Rosich left the club in like 04 or 05. He went to Freo for a promotion (in a Commercial role) and then got promoted again to CEO 4 or 5 years later, he was nowhere near CEO when he left us.

I know it's not a big deal but the one example you used of our club doing "dumb things" is completely wrong.

Not to mention that there was a very large chunk of the freo supporter base that wanted rosich's head on a stick not all that long ago
FFS. I swear this board is getting sillier by the day

So assistant coaches with aspirations to some day become a senior coach should have a ready made support team to follow him should he get a position. Disregard that they may have existing contracts with their current club or may not want to move to another state or that the new club may not even want them

I mean obviously someone as highly regarded as Paul Roos would have people lining up to join him should he change his mind and return to coaching. Oh wait, he didnt and he's still trying to finalize his coaching panel despite dangling the carrot of a guaranteed senior spot in two or three years

Your'e right...this board is getting sillier by the day.
thats not what i am talking about. i am also old fashioned, to me a term "coach" is for doing the nitty gritty technical stuff. ie. teach players how to kick. in cricket teach correct technique whilst batting. whilst i am sure simpson will be able to help in the technical area, his main job will be ensuring everyone pulls together and are on same page and provide feedback. and that is a managers job. word coach, in my opinion, doesn't accurately reflect the role.

Thats a skills coach. The head coach should be responsible for game plan, tactics as well as have a big say in selections on game day and what he wants at the draft. Thats what he's there for and i wouldnt be leaving that up to anyone else. What he would do is expect his development coaches to develop the players in such a manner that compliments his strategy for the team whether that be skills or fitness etc.
Rosich left the club in like 04 or 05. He went to Freo for a promotion (in a Commercial role) and then got promoted again to CEO 4 or 5 years later, he was nowhere near CEO when he left us.

I know it's not a big deal but the one example you used of our club doing "dumb things" is completely wrong.

It doesnt matter when he left, the disappointing thing is that he was a talented asset of the club who went on to make another club successful based on what he learned when being at WC. The club should be identifying talent on and off field and nurturing it to the benefit if the club long term. At the moment it seems like some of the decisions that have been made have been to secure the old boys jobs and not necessarily put the clubs best interests first. This is just my opinion and many will disagree.

ps: i wouldnt worry about Freo supporters wanting Rosich gone at first, they had no idea what success looked like and so would be against anything resembling ruthlessness and a desire to suceed at the time. I'm sure they are pretty happy now and i'm sure they will change thier mind in the future if things went downhill.
Thats a skills coach. The head coach should be responsible for game plan, tactics as well as have a big say in selections on game day and what he wants at the draft. Thats what he's there for and i wouldnt be leaving that up to anyone else. What he would do is expect his development coaches to develop the players in such a manner that compliments his strategy for the team whether that be skills or fitness etc.
Agree with this.

From memory Woosha stated that his role evolved into a manager role in the year we won the spoon and it obviously worked poorly, they changed the structure right away.

Basically the head coach has seniority and a broad influence across all areas. He also relies on more specialised coaches to focus on their respective areas.
Nine reporting Harvey's been offered the head coach job for Claremont.

I am extremely comfortable with this. Don't rate Harvey or Voss to be honest and am much more comfortable going after an Adrian Fletcher in an Alan Richardson type role.

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West Coast Eagles Assistant Coaches

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