What do people think of Creationism?

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Jesus was probably a ripping bloke.
"get outa bed ya bludger, you aren't really sick"
"ffs those guys are starving, share some tucker with them you scumbags"
" don't do that, how would you like it if they did that to you"
"Don't worry about finals, play one week at a time "

( from the gospel of StBruce , subject to translation errors ).
I find it interesting when you consider the history of the stories, they're stories that have been told for thousands of years across the entire world.

To believe them today is a bit like believing that Jack and the Beanstalk is truth, and getting yourself into an argument about it is just as ridiculous. But people can believe whatever they want, I don't really care.
I find it interesting when you consider the history of the stories, they're stories that have been told for thousands of years across the entire world.

To believe them today is a bit like believing that Jack and the Beanstalk is truth, and getting yourself into an argument about it is just as ridiculous. But people can believe whatever they want, I don't really care.

And if they kept it to themselves, I wouldn't either. When they teach impressionable children utter bullshit as fact that's when the problems start.

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Love how billions of years (give or take a year or 2) ago a couple of amoebas got it on in some primeval sludge and the result is the amazingly diverse and complex world we see today. Evolution in a NUTshell! Evolution requires as big a leap of faith as believing in a God/Creator.
Love how billions of years (give or take a year or 2) ago a couple of amoebas got it on in some primeval sludge and the result is the amazingly diverse and complex world we see today. Evolution in a NUTshell! Evolution requires as big a leap of faith as believing in a God/Creator.

Not really, Evolution requires an education & study of the natural world. Belief in the Gospel requires blind faith. No need for explanation or understanding or the discovery of facts, just blind faith.

Adam gives up a rib & we get Eve. Thats faith in a NUTshell.
Not really, Evolution requires an education & study of the natural world. Belief in the Gospel requires blind faith. No need for explanation or understanding or the discovery of facts, just blind faith.

Adam gives up a rib & we get Eve. Thats faith in a NUTshell.

Imagine all life on earth disappeared. There are no trees, plants or animals. All we have is rocks, dust, and lifeless matter. So how does the earth get populated with living things? That's the atheist evolutionist's unanswerable dilemma, and shows the massive faith they have to hold in preposterous answers. That is the point I am trying to make regarding both being equally huge leaps of faith.
Imagine all life on earth disappeared. There are no trees, plants or animals. All we have is rocks, dust, and lifeless matter. So how does the earth get populated with living things? That's the atheist evolutionist's unanswerable dilemma, and shows the massive faith they have to hold in preposterous answers. That is the point I am trying to make regarding both being equally huge leaps of faith.

Yes just Imagine. A 'bloke' with a magic wand, then ****, --- life in 7 days, or whatever the book says.

You can look up the science of creating organic substances & metabolic processes. Its amazing what they can do these days. All in less than 2billion years, but not as quick as 7 days!

I guess a massive soup of various chemicals & a few million volts of lightening could have sparked it all off. Or maybe we all hitched a ride from Mars or the Orion Belt perhaps.
Yes just Imagine. A 'bloke' with a magic wand, then ****, --- life in 7 days, or whatever the book says.

You can look up the science of creating organic substances & metabolic processes. Its amazing what they can do these days. All in less than 2billion years, but not as quick as 7 days!

I guess a magic soup of various chemicals & a few million volts of lightening could have sparked it all off. Or maybe we all hitched a ride from Mars or the Orion Belt perhaps.

Ooh a magic wand how cool. Abiogenisis is about as proven as Richmonds recent finals efforts.
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Love how billions of years (give or take a year or 2) ago a couple of amoebas got it on in some primeval sludge and the result is the amazingly diverse and complex world we see today. Evolution in a NUTshell! Evolution requires as big a leap of faith as believing in a God/Creator.
Pray tell, how was that concomitant 'other' world which religion posits created? Do you believe that, if it exists, it is through no human construct? Please explain the exact physical nature of this other world, beginning with its geographical location. Why should we attach any importance to what you believe?
Love how billions of years (give or take a year or 2) ago a couple of amoebas got it on in some primeval sludge and the result is the amazingly diverse and complex world we see today. Evolution in a NUTshell! Evolution requires as big a leap of faith as believing in a God/Creator.

you are a spud.
Imagine all life on earth disappeared. There are no trees, plants or animals. All we have is rocks, dust, and lifeless matter. So how does the earth get populated with living things? That's the atheist evolutionist's unanswerable dilemma, and shows the massive faith they have to hold in preposterous answers. That is the point I am trying to make regarding both being equally huge leaps of faith.

Yes, because you can't believe an actual scientific explanation backed at least by some evidence, let's just go completely bat shit crazy and assume the even less likelier scenario to be true, that's how logic works, ladies and gentlemen

It's like you can't work out who took the milk out from the fridge and drank it all so the boogieman must've done it
When we really look at things we have to appreciate the starting point in these discussions.

Most of us assume that the starting point is that we're actually intelligent and can work things out.
Let's try it from the other side of the spectrum and admit that we're actually all stupid, ignorant and have no idea what we're talking about.

We'd actually make more sense from that platform :)

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Pray tell, how was that concomitant 'other' world which religion posits created? Do you believe that, if it exists, it is through no human construct? Please explain the exact physical nature of this other world, beginning with its geographical location. Why should we attach any importance to what you believe?

I have not said I believe in anything so obviously you like to draw conclusions from nowhere.
Imagine all life on earth disappeared. There are no trees, plants or animals. All we have is rocks, dust, and lifeless matter. So how does the earth get populated with living things? That's the atheist evolutionist's unanswerable dilemma, and shows the massive faith they have to hold in preposterous answers. That is the point I am trying to make regarding both being equally huge leaps of faith.

another indication that we need to consider whether there's some sort of evolutionary advantage to being a ****wit.

you know full well evolution is about how life developed not how it started. yet you intentionally misrepresent the argument.
the sheer ****ing stupidity of your argument is astounding.

simple test: if you remove a man's rib can you create an actual female human? answer no.
are men made from clay? answer no.
did man evolve from other forms of life? answer yes.

that is how an "Evolutionist" comes to there point view. no leap of faith or worrying about abiogenesis, just look at the available fact's for both.
Ample evidence for evolution
none for your fairytales.

that's the start and end of the debate.

how life began is a completely separate debate to evolution, FFS even the catholic church believes in evolution and ****ed version of but they believe in it.
Imagine all life on earth disappeared. There are no trees, plants or animals. All we have is rocks, dust, and lifeless matter. So how does the earth get populated with living things? That's the atheist evolutionist's unanswerable dilemma, and shows the massive faith they have to hold in preposterous answers. That is the point I am trying to make regarding both being equally huge leaps of faith.
Except the scenario you've constructed isn't reasonable. The conditions on early earth were very different to those today, with extremely different atmospheric composition, temperatures and chemical make ups.
When we really look at things we have to appreciate the starting point in these discussions.

Most of us assume that the starting point is that we're actually intelligent and can work things out.
Let's try it from the other side of the spectrum and admit that we're actually all stupid, ignorant and have no idea what we're talking about.

We'd actually make more sense from that platform :)

My car goes and I don't know why.
Two guys told me I can substitute water for petrol and it will work if I have faith. So unless three guys tell me it can't I'll give it a shot. If it doesn't work its obviously due to lack of faith. Just don't try to explain how the engine works, you'll make my brain hurt. So or all intents and purposes I just need to choose which form of magic to believe.
Except the scenario you've constructed isn't reasonable. The conditions on early earth were very different to those today, with extremely different atmospheric composition, temperatures and chemical make ups.

See I struggle to believe anyone has any idea what shape or form the world was in billions of years ago. People can't agree on 100 years of climate variation!
another indication that we need to consider whether there's some sort of evolutionary advantage to being a *******.

you know full well evolution is about how life developed not how it started. yet you intentionally misrepresent the argument.
the sheer ******* stupidity of your argument is astounding.

simple test: if you remove a man's rib can you create an actual female human? answer no.
are men made from clay? answer no.
did man evolve from other forms of life? answer yes.

that is how an "Evolutionist" comes to there point view. no leap of faith or worrying about abiogenesis, just look at the available fact's for both.
Ample evidence for evolution
none for your fairytales.

that's the start and end of the debate.

how life began is a completely separate debate to evolution, FFS even the catholic church believes in evolution and ****** version of but they believe in it.

You need life for life to evolve though surely?
Anyone ever watch the BBC doco Conspiracy Road trip from a few years back? In one of the episodes they invite a group of New Earth Creationists on a road trip in America to meet scientists that will try to change their minds.

Anyway there is a some very bizaare discussions that take place. Here is one regarding Evolution and DNA(42:26):

Scientist: What are your ideas on Human evolution?
Moron: So we have Adam and Eve initially, then their children are Cain and Abel. From there, they then had Children.
Scientist: So Cain and Abel have a child?
Moron 2: Cain and Abel are 2 dudes they can't have a kid.
Presenter: The point is you're saying DNA has changed that much in 6500 years ago that it was genetically viable to have it off with your sister?
Moron 3: The bible says it right here that when it was the time of Moses, God forbid brothers and sisters to marry
....Some disagreement amongst themselves...
Moron 3: As we're heading downhill genetically, God drew a line in the sand and said: "Your genes are too close you should stop ****ing your sister". :rolleyes:

Also at 16:10, a biologist ask the creationists a question they have no answer for- Where did the Whales go on the ark?

Now for the most part, I have no problems with people with religious beliefs, but why do some of them insist on taking the bible so damn literally? The whole doco is worth watching just for the lulz.
See I struggle to believe anyone has any idea what shape or form the world was in billions of years ago. People can't agree on 100 years of climate variation!
There's plenty of evidence from geological records. You need only do some research on the Internet to find it.
Anyone ever watch the BBC doco Conspiracy Road trip from a few years back? In one of the episodes they invite a group of New Earth Creationists on a road trip in America to meet scientists that will try to change their minds.

Anyway there is a some very bizaare discussions that take place. Here is one regarding Evolution and DNA(42:26):

Scientist: What are your ideas on Human evolution?
Moron: So we have Adam and Eve initially, then their children are Cain and Abel. From there, they then had Children.
Scientist: So Cain and Abel have a child?
Moron 2: Cain and Abel are 2 dudes they can't have a kid.
Presenter: The point is you're saying DNA has changed that much in 6500 years ago that it was genetically viable to have it off with your sister?
Moron 3: The bible says it right here that when it was the time of Moses, God forbid brothers and sisters to marry
....Some disagreement amongst themselves...
Moron 3: As we're heading downhill genetically, God drew a line in the sand and said: "Your genes are too close you should stop ******* your sister". :rolleyes:

Also at 16:10, a biologist ask the creationists a question they have no answer for- Where did the Whales go on the ark?

Now for the most part, I have no problems with people with religious beliefs, but why do some of them insist on taking the bible so damn literally? The whole doco is worth watching just for the lulz.

So out of the whole Bible their argument was stuffed by Chapter 4 of the first book.

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What do people think of Creationism?

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