What would a Dutton Liberal leadership mean for the Liberals and the country?

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Surprise, surprise. The same bellends who parroted that brain dead slogan 'if you don't know vote no', in supporting the coalition's opposition to the Voice Referendum, are happily supporting this vacuous brain fart around nuclear reactors without any sense of irony.

As the former editor of the Monthly magazine Nick Feik has rightly put it...

'Any journalist who treats Dutton's nuclear announcement as serious policy should quit. It's uncosted; has no credible timeline; no detail about who will build it; what sort of reactors; where the waste will go ; no financial plan; no business case; just...NOTHING'

Sadly we all know which media outlets will be only too eager to line up behind it.
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If people are wetting their pants about the dangers of nuclear being nearby despite all the real world evidence showing it’s overwhelmingly safe, then they can always move.

Most Australians aren’t that stupid though.

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Top energy security policy right there.
All the wind turbines are made in China. I don’t hear this nonsensical staff brought up when discussing wind.
And I’m sure hydro would have overseas investors.

Anyone who keeps rabbit ring on about foreign ownership clearly does not understand how investing in publicly listed companies works.
For the record, according to its Wikipedia page, the Fukushima accident killed exactly one person through radiation, and 1700 were killed as a result of attempts to save them from radiation.

I think it could be quite safe as long as we don't get Soviets to run them.
All the wind turbines are made in China. I don’t hear this nonsensical staff brought up when discussing wind.
Wind turbines being highly sensitive and difficult to replicate, and notoriously liable to catastrophic failure, giving millions of people cancer over the following decades.
WA is already sick to death of the Libs telling them how things should be.

I'm sure they are thrilled that the Libs are now telling them they are getting nuclear.

Political suicide.
I mean the Libs had a slight swing back to them before this.

however, that swing may go the other way now.

Cheney in Curtin has just secured her seat off this. The doctors wives in the golden triangle of WA will swing hard away now
As of this afternoon all Liberal state oppositions have either opposed the plan or given non committal whiny washy responses. Not a single one has expressed solid support for the plan.

It disappeared off the news.com.au website despite being the lead story this morning, the Australian is carrying Bowen’s attack on the plan as it’s lead story. The Daily Mail of all places is carrying an article from PVO dismissing the plan (albeit he reckons for political reasons) and Clennell from Sky called him out for lack of cost details.

This may be the most dead on arrival policy I’ve ever seen. The media have forgotten about it and so will the Liberals by tomorrow.

Interesting that one of the major points of opposition to the plan is an old Liberal chestnut, how house prices will drop in the selected areas 😂
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For the record, according to its Wikipedia page, the Fukushima accident killed exactly one person through radiation, and 1700 were killed as a result of attempts to save them from radiation.

I think it could be quite safe as long as we don't get Soviets to run them.
And only 30 people died from the blast at Chernobyl.

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Have I gone back in a Time Machine to the 1950s or something?

Who bloody cares?
Back in the 1950's when Menzies ruled, Australia rode on the sheep's back and you did it all for Queen and Country ?

When the DLP/ Labor split assigned to Labor to 27 years in the political wilderness and the Liberals could get before the people a referendum that the Communist Party could be banned?

You never grew beyond 1959.

The Jervis Bay Nuclear Power plant was commissioned by the Liberals under Gorton but cancelled by McMahon.

Will the same apply to Spud's successors?
Wind turbines being highly sensitive and difficult to replicate, and notoriously liable to catastrophic failure, giving millions of people cancer over the following decades.
Well they are not 'notoriously liable to catastrophic failure' given there have only been 3 incidents in the last 60 years - 2 of which happened almost 40 years ago. And given the hundreds that have been running safely and without incident for decades then its reasonable to say they are very, very safe.

Its just ill-informed scare-mongering. Whilst there was a lot of unknowns about nuclear post World War 2 up until about 1990, this isn't the case these days.
Either way, one half of this debate clearly demonstrates the political risk Peter Dutton is taking by advocating a policy so vulnerable to an effective scare campaign.
If he sticks to his guns, he will be ok.
I don't think even people bringing this up believe it themselves. And if they do, then I'm not sure how they get out of bed in the morning.
As of this afternoon all Liberal state oppositions have either opposed the plan or given non committal whiny washy responses. Not a single one has expressed solid support for the plan.

It disappeared off the news.com.au website despite being the lead story this morning, the Australian is carrying Bowen’s attack on the plan as it’s lead story. The Daily Mail of all places is carrying an article from PVO dismissing the plan (albeit he reckons for political reasons) and Clennell from Sky called him out for lack of cost details.

This may be the most dead on arrival policy I’ve ever seen. The media have forgotten about it and so will the Liberals by tomorrow.

Interesting that one of the major points of opposition to the plan is an old Liberal chestnut, how house prices will drop in the selected areas 😂

Err, there was a major police incident in Melbourne with the bomb squad involved. Should that go on page 2 or maybe the sports section?
If he sticks to his guns, he will be ok.
I don't think even people bringing this up believe it themselves. And if they do, then I'm not sure how they get out of bed in the morning.

He has little choice but to stick to those guns now. He has clearly branded himself as a man of conviction, so I don't see much wriggle room here. But the cooperation of site owners and state governments does present an escape route if things get really politically dicey.
Well they are not 'notoriously liable to catastrophic failure' given there have only been 3 incidents in the last 60 years

I hardly ever lose a limb, with just three lost throughout my life. Winning!
£46 Billion pound to build the Hinkley Point C nuclear plant in England. That's in a country with 9 nuclear reactors already operating. It's also running well over time as well.

How are we as a country with no nuclear plants of note going to build one in 10 years if the LNP win the election?
Either way, one half of this debate clearly demonstrates the political risk Peter Dutton is taking by advocating a policy so vulnerable to an effective scare campaign.
There is no policy. There is a press release.
Either way, one half of this debate clearly demonstrates the political risk Peter Dutton is taking by advocating a policy so vulnerable to an effective scare campaign.
its 30+ years away and will cost billions more than the alternative

who needs a scare campaign its not a real solution

the scare campaign would be your mob threatening to block renewables projects if they get back into power to try and influence what is happening when they aren't in power
Well folks, here's your choice:

If you want the cheapest possible uninterrupted supply of electricity that uses Australia's own, natural resources as its foundation - vote Coalition.

If you want expensive, unreliable, environmentally-destructive electricity that gifts Australia's energy security to The "Peoples" Republic of China - vote Albanese Labor, Bandt Greens or Holmes a Court Teal.

The future is in your hands.
I gotta say Dutton has become a world champion at spending money.

Undisclosed $ Billions on border security
He was defence minister when AUKUS was announced - another $400-500 Billion
Now Nuclear power - undisclosed again but probably the best part of $1 Trillion

What happened to the party of debt and deficit?

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