Society/Culture When is racism really racism?

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Today, out of boredom, I was reading an article from the Daily Mississippian which appears to have drawn some controversy.

I'll shorten the article for those who can't be bothered reading it: Old Miss Greek (I think a university group?) cancelled an event due to potential racism. Apparently, there had been a breakfast prior to a forum on racism. A student threw a banana peel in the tree, which was promptly spotted by a traditionally African-American sorority. This was perceived to be racist, as bananas are obviously associated with apes. Following this, a white male student admitted pretty quickly that it was him, and he threw it into the tree as he couldn't find a bin nearby.

His apology reads as: “I want to sincerely apologize for the events that took place this past weekend,” Swanson said in a statement to The DM on Tuesday night. “Although unintentional, there is no excuse for the pain that was caused to members of our community.

I would think that should be enough to quell the concerns as it sounds like he was pretty transparent. However, one of the complainants countered with the following:
McNeil said that if the banana peel incident was an accident, people need to consider the effects of their actions versus their intent.

“You see how much fear and how much anger you insight in black people just from an unintentional image,” she said.

To me, this seems pretty excessive. I agree that racism is a huge issue in society, and one that we should be trying to prevent. But is this being too precious? I tend to agree that we should also avoid something that offends people eg. the Adam Goodes booing. Another similar issue is the use of black face in Australia, while we might not have the same black face history, it is obviously insulting to certain groups.

But sometimes perceived racism is not racist at all. For example, the word niggardly has drawn controversy in the United States for obvious negative connotations. However, the word itself has nothing to do with race, it simply means stingy, and has done so since the middle ages.

I sometimes worry that certain sections of society are going too far to find offence. I think that we collectively find it hard to draw a line where bigotry is concerned. I guess racism is ultimately subjective. But when people lose jobs, lose opportunities and face public ridicule over something where there was no racial undertones, I think we have gone too far.

Now, to avoid debate on what I'm scared this thread is going to devolve into, let's all assume that the boy threw the banana into the tree because he had nowhere else to put it. Given this, do you think he should be publicly sorry for offence he caused? Or do you think he's ethically correct in assuming no blame?
Old miss is one of the main confederate supporting unis and had a pretty abismal record with segregation. When the first black american student joined in the 60s 100s of us marshall and national guards were used to protect black students alot were injured and multiple other peopled died. They dont have a great history with racism

Just trust the ABC to let you know when racism occurs, its only done by white christians and it hardly never occurs to jewish people.

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Kind of off topic but it would be handy for some Aboriginal wisdom to be explored and respected in order to save they planet.
What wisdom would that be? Reduce the population to a tenth (at best) such that enough people can be sustained by a simple hunter-gather lifestyle?
Who's telling you to do that, and where can I read about this?
Well,being a person of olive skin and dark eyes,I've had my fair share of unwarranted unkind remarks,particularly as a child and a lot of it directed by adults at the time,generally when kicking their kids arse at the assorted sports I played!
"All white people are racist".
I find this statement hilarious,I'm happy in my coconutness!
Well,being a person of olive skin and dark eyes,I've had my fair share of unwarranted unkind remarks,particularly as a child and a lot of it directed by adults at the time,generally when kicking their kids arse at the assorted sports I played!
"All white people are racist".
I find this statement hilarious,I'm happy in my coconutness!

So... any comments about how you should sell everything you own?
Another perfect example of how ridiculous this "everything is offensive" society is becoming:

An acclaimed British conductor has been fired from a prestigious American music festival after a seemingly innocent joke he made to a black friend was labelled racist.

Matthew Halls was removed as artistic director of the Oregon Bach Festival following an incident in which he imitated a southern American accent while talking to his longstanding friend, the African-American classical singer Reginald Mobley.

Yes, imitating a Southern accent in the presence of a black man (in this case, a close friend) is now enough to get you fired. This is what happens when people think it's their duty to get offended on behalf of other people who aren't offended.

"“I’m from the deep south and Matthew often makes fun of the southern accent just as I often make fun of his British accent,” said Mobley. “Race was not an issue. He was imitating a southern accent, not putting on a black accent, and there was nothing racist or malicious about it.”

EDIT: Seems another poster above has already mentioned this article.
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Are you really this daft?
Or see above post by Jobe!!

Hahaha, classic case of hypocrisy. Here we have an example of someone who I bet my bottom dollar has a whinge about how the left are mean to people who don't agree with them. I ask a simple question and you ask me if I'm daft. You said and I quote, "relinquishing everything I've worked for to a coloured poor person". I asked you who told you that and all you could come back with is, "I've had my fair share of unwarranted unkind remarks,particularly as a child and a lot of it directed by adults at the time,generally when kicking their kids arse at the assorted sports I played!
"All white people are racist"."

In other words, although you've probably had some stupid shit said to you, no one has asked you to "relinquish everything" you've ever worked for.

This is called being full of shit.
Hahaha, classic case of hypocrisy. Here we have an example of someone who I bet my bottom dollar has a whinge about how the left are mean to people who don't agree with them. I ask a simple question and you ask me if I'm daft. You said and I quote, "relinquishing everything I've worked for to a coloured poor person". I asked you who told you that and all you could come back with is, "I've had my fair share of unwarranted unkind remarks,particularly as a child and a lot of it directed by adults at the time,generally when kicking their kids arse at the assorted sports I played!
"All white people are racist"."

In other words, although you've probably had some stupid shit said to you, no one has asked you to "relinquish everything" you've ever worked for.

This is called being full of shit.
Did you watch the video earlier in the thread?
Maybe I need to add the rolleyes smilie for people like you?
Normally I don't,because I like to leave it up to the reader to decide,sometimes my sarcasm comes off as bigotry,the sky isn't falling!
Did you watch the video earlier in the thread?
Maybe I need to add the rolleyes smilie for people like you?
Normally I don't,because I like to leave it up to the reader to decide,sometimes my sarcasm comes off as bigotry,the sky isn't falling!

Can never be too sure. I think your lack of space between words separated by a comma threw me off, made me think you really were stupid or deluded enough to believe that you're being asked to give up what you've earned for a minority. Can never be too sure, this country is crawling with all sorts of crazy people who deny man made global warming, love trickle down economics, think vaccines give you autism, think dole bludgers are an epidemic, consider Tony Abbott to be a "good bloke" and are scared of brown people on boats.
Can never be too sure, this country is crawling with all sorts of crazy people who deny man made global warming, love trickle down economics, think vaccines give you autism, think dole bludgers are an epidemic, consider Tony Abbott to be a "good bloke" and are scared of brown people on boats.

lol. What is the plural for fanbois?


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Today, out of boredom, I was reading an article from the Daily Mississippian which appears to have drawn some controversy.

I'll shorten the article for those who can't be bothered reading it: Old Miss Greek (I think a university group?) cancelled an event due to potential racism. Apparently, there had been a breakfast prior to a forum on racism. A student threw a banana peel in the tree, which was promptly spotted by a traditionally African-American sorority. This was perceived to be racist, as bananas are obviously associated with apes. Following this, a white male student admitted pretty quickly that it was him, and he threw it into the tree as he couldn't find a bin nearby.

His apology reads as: “I want to sincerely apologize for the events that took place this past weekend,” Swanson said in a statement to The DM on Tuesday night. “Although unintentional, there is no excuse for the pain that was caused to members of our community.

I would think that should be enough to quell the concerns as it sounds like he was pretty transparent. However, one of the complainants countered with the following:
McNeil said that if the banana peel incident was an accident, people need to consider the effects of their actions versus their intent.

“You see how much fear and how much anger you insight in black people just from an unintentional image,” she said.

To me, this seems pretty excessive. I agree that racism is a huge issue in society, and one that we should be trying to prevent. But is this being too precious? I tend to agree that we should also avoid something that offends people eg. the Adam Goodes booing. Another similar issue is the use of black face in Australia, while we might not have the same black face history, it is obviously insulting to certain groups.

But sometimes perceived racism is not racist at all. For example, the word niggardly has drawn controversy in the United States for obvious negative connotations. However, the word itself has nothing to do with race, it simply means stingy, and has done so since the middle ages.

I sometimes worry that certain sections of society are going too far to find offence. I think that we collectively find it hard to draw a line where bigotry is concerned. I guess racism is ultimately subjective. But when people lose jobs, lose opportunities and face public ridicule over something where there was no racial undertones, I think we have gone too far.

Now, to avoid debate on what I'm scared this thread is going to devolve into, let's all assume that the boy threw the banana into the tree because he had nowhere else to put it. Given this, do you think he should be publicly sorry for offence he caused? Or do you think he's ethically correct in assuming no blame?
If accurate, that is ridiculous.
Only when the person being labelled racist is white. We all know whites can only be racist

Let's face it, though, in Australia, it's rare for a white person to experience racism on a regular basis. You talk to non-whites and you can bet your ass to a barnyard that a dirty look or a hostile or condescending remark is not an unusual thing for them to experience. So.. I think the whole "what about racism against white people" is a shitty false equivalence argument.
Let's face it, though, in Australia, it's rare for a white person to experience racism on a regular basis. You talk to non-whites and you can bet your ass to a barnyard that a dirty look or a hostile or condescending remark is not an unusual thing for them to experience. So.. I think the whole "what about racism against white people" is a shitty false equivalence argument.
Obviously don't live in rural WA do you
That's correct.

Alright, so let me guess, you live somewhere where there's a higher percentage of aboriginal people, and on more than a few occasions you've been called a white dog or something like that, right?
Are you implying that a bigger proportion of a race will increase the prospect of racism? So you just pretty much say that I experience racism towards myself because there is a larger populace here, yet say racism towards whites is completely non existent. How's Zimbabwe?
Are you implying that a bigger proportion of a race will increase the prospect of racism? So you just pretty much say that I experience racism towards myself because there is a larger populace here, yet say racism towards whites is completely non existent. How's Zimbabwe?

Never said it was non existent, just that it's less of a problem for people in Australia than it is for Zimbabwe.
Back peddling

Uh, no. I said and I quote, "Let's face it, though, in Australia, it's rare for a white person to experience racism on a regular basis." You said, "yet say racism towards whites is completely non existent." I did NOT say that, I said it's rare for white people in Australia to experience racism. Might be more common in rural WA as you pointed out, but compared to what non-whites face it's **** all.
Uh, no. I said and I quote, "Let's face it, though, in Australia, it's rare for a white person to experience racism on a regular basis." You said, "yet say racism towards whites is completely non existent." I did NOT say that, I said it's rare for white people in Australia to experience racism. Might be more common in rural WA as you pointed out, but compared to what non-whites face it's **** all.
So f all basically means zilch, meaning my original post of only white people can be racist is what you believe
So f all basically means zilch, meaning my original post of only white people can be racist is what you believe

I said "compared to non-whites it's **** all". It's a figure of speech, you're twisting my words to make them say what you want them to say. The sheer fact I said "It's RARE" for white people to experience racism actually means I acknowledge that they do. **** all != zilch, it means bugger all compared to what non-whites experience. Most white people don't experience racism on a regular basis here in Australia.
I said "compared to non-whites it's **** all". It's a figure of speech, you're twisting my words to make them say what you want them to say. The sheer fact I said "It's RARE" for white people to experience racism actually means I acknowledge that they do. **** all != zilch, it means bugger all compared to what non-whites experience. Most white people don't experience racism on a regular basis here in Australia.
But they do

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Society/Culture When is racism really racism?

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