Society/Culture When is racism really racism?

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I don't buy 'respect for the land' argument. That presupposes terra nullius, that the indigenous were at one with the land, essentially part of the flora and fauna. In reality it was anything but - their arrival led to the demise of the Australian megafauna (same as humans everywhere) and their burning of vegetation let to fire tolerant plants dominating the landscape. They are all too like us.

Reliance on family might be good, but that is disappearing in all cultures all over the world. Why should I care about its demise any more than its disappearance in Western culture?
How about prolonging the survival of king browns?
So you hate Anzac Day as well. What a surprise, I'm guessing it's the same with Australia Day, Easter, Christmas, queens birthday and Father's Day?

Go back and re-read what I said. I said and I quote, "they [the aboriginals] can mourn the dead and the oppressed of years gone by, just as we [Australians, including the aboriginals] mourn the dead for fallen WWI soldiers." Let me translate this for you: What I'm saying is that there's nothing wrong with aboriginal people remembering the past and mourning the dead from those who died in the Frontier Wars and the massacres, just like there's nothing wrong with mourning the fallen WWI soldiers (also known as Anzacs). In other words, nothing wrong with "lest we forget"... including aboriginal history.

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Husbandry of resources in a scarce world would be a good one

Would could a culture that lived at a subsistence level of around one million people teach the sophisticated methods of production we have now, which supports 7 billion people.
Go back and re-read what I said. I said and I quote, "they [the aboriginals] can mourn the dead and the oppressed of years gone by, just as we [Australians, including the aboriginals] mourn the dead for fallen WWI soldiers." Let me translate this for you: What I'm saying is that there's nothing wrong with aboriginal people remembering the past and mourning the dead from those who died in the Frontier Wars and the massacres, just like there's nothing wrong with mourning the fallen WWI soldiers (also known as Anzacs). In other words, nothing wrong with "lest we forget"... including aboriginal history.
So what's your point?

Would could a culture that lived at a subsistence level of around one million people teach the sophisticated methods of production we have now, which supports 7 billion people.

Good question, and I will get back to you on this when I have an answer. I know someone who knows a lot more about aboriginal culture than I do, I will ask them. It might have more to do with their willingness to share, whether as many economic systems in the modern world are geared towards dog eat dog, and while that creates the greatest incentive to be productive, I fear our desire to chase money might lead humanity off a cliff, namely the rate at which oil and gas companies recklessly continue to pollute the world. In before, "Leftie scum global warming is a conspiracy!1!1!"

So what's your point?

That anyone who tells aboriginals to forget the past is a dickhead and a hypocrite. As for the moving on part, ultimately that is up to them but the more they're told to do that, the more they will rebel because the same people doing that benefited from the system that ****ed their people over. It's true that me and you and many others today didn't do anything, but we have benefited from what happened in the past because this country was turned into one of the best in the world, but unfortunately there was a price to pay for that and it's sad the aboriginals weren't just left alone from the start, but it is what it is.
Good question, and I will get back to you on this when I have an answer. I know someone who knows a lot more about aboriginal culture than I do, I will ask them. It might have more to do with their willingness to share, whether as many economic systems in the modern world are geared towards dog eat dog, and while that creates the greatest incentive to be productive, I fear our desire to chase money might lead humanity off a cliff, namely the rate at which oil and gas companies recklessly continue to pollute the world. In before, "Leftie scum global warming is a conspiracy!1!1!"

That anyone who tells aboriginals to forget the past is a dickhead and a hypocrite. As for the moving on part, ultimately that is up to them but the more they're told to do that, the more they will rebel because the same people doing that benefited from the system that ****** their people over. It's true that me and you and many others today didn't do anything, but we have benefited from what happened in the past because this country was turned into one of the best in the world, but unfortunately there was a price to pay for that and it's sad the aboriginals weren't just left alone from the start, but it is what it is.
So only whites can be racist?
So only whites can be racist?

No, but here's a little hint for you (although you said yourself chip on the shoulder so I think you understand). The aboriginals that hate white people don't think they're superior to white people, they hate them because of what white people have done to them and what still goes on (child safety removing children who in some cases were not abused or neglected, paperless arrests, deaths in police custody, more likely to be followed in the shops and pulled over by the cops etc) not because they think they're superior to white people.

The only superiority shit I see is coming from white people. You can look up any youtube video of some black people behaving badly and you'll see comments about how they're low IQ monkeys that should be sterilised etc. There really are a plethora of white ****heads out there who think black people are lesser than human and live off the accomplishments of their ancestors, things they never accomplished on their own, and it's that ignorance and false sense of superiority that pisses me off more than a bunch of angry aboriginals with sometimes misdirected rage. So look, I'm sorry you've had bad experiences, I doubt you deserved it, but even if you think nothing bad's going on today, bad shit was happening to the aboriginals as late as the 1970s. It will be a long time before this "chip on their shoulder" you have previously mentioned will go away I'm afraid. People act as if all the bad shit happened 200 years ago and then magically it just stopped a long time ago. Not true, 50 years isn't that long ago.
In other words, what I'm saying is that while anyone can be racist, I'm not really sure anyone considers white people to be primitive or sub-human. Anyone with even a basic education knows that it's always been brown and black people that have been compared to monkeys. There is nothing anyone could say to you or do to you to make you feel like you're biologically inferior.
In other words, what I'm saying is that while anyone can be racist, I'm not really sure anyone considers white people to be primitive or sub-human. Anyone with even a basic education knows that it's always been brown and black people that have been compared to monkeys. There is nothing anyone could say to you or do to you to make you feel like you're biologically inferior.
So what you are saying is white people are superior as anyone with an education, supplied by white people, knows people of colour are as you put, subhuman. What percentage of the population is white? It sounds to me as if you are envious of white culture compared to such other cultures, not including educated Asian culture
So what you are saying is white people are superior as anyone with an education, supplied by white people, knows people of colour are as you put, subhuman. What percentage of the population is white? It sounds to me as if you are envious of white culture compared to such other cultures, not including educated Asian culture

Firstly, I'm white, how can I be envious of a culture I'm apart of? Secondly, anyone with an education knows that people of colour are NOT subhuman. When I say black and brown people have been compared to monkeys, I mean historically. Even academia used to think they were lesser than human, and sadly there are still some lowlife ****s that think that way about them. Anyone with an education knows there's no such thing as subhuman or a subhuman race.
I think it's the environment you grow up in that has a stronger influence on how you will turn out as a person, not your genetics. The better the living conditions and more loving the family you grow up with is, the more likely it is you'll turn out okay, regardless of race. I'm more concerned about the racism against black people because I think that white supremacists use the black crime rates to justify their racism.
I think it's the environment you grow up in that has a stronger influence on how you will turn out as a person, not your genetics. The better the living conditions and more loving the family you grow up with is, the more likely it is you'll turn out okay, regardless of race. I'm more concerned about the racism against black people because I think that white supremacists use the black crime rates to justify their racism.
I think self loathing white people use black crime rates to further degrade white people, creating a cycle where black people catch on and start blaming the white people for their crimes, instead of themselves trying to break the cycle and strive for a better life.

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I think self loathing white people use black crime rates to further degrade white people, creating a cycle where black people catch on and start blaming the white people for their crimes, instead of themselves trying to break the cycle and strive for a better life.

Maybe. Not much you can do about striving for a better life if you live in a far remote community with little to no access to running water, electricity and sanitation, though. You could move, but it's not easy for people with a "spiritual" sense of connection to the land for over 65,000 years to just up and go to another part of the country. This is how they see their country:

Maybe. Not much you can do about striving for a better life if you live in a far remote community with little to no access to running water, electricity and sanitation, though. You could move, but it's not easy for people with a "spiritual" sense of connection to the land for over 65,000 years to just up and go to another part of the country. This is how they see their country:

View attachment 416937
No utilities, yet first class cartographers and surveyors.

Would could a culture that lived at a subsistence level of around one million people teach the sophisticated methods of production we have now, which supports 7 billion people.

Okay, another crack at this, basically a continuation of overpopulation and resource depletion will mean minimalism and cooperation will be the only viable option of future sustainability, and that is what the Indigenous have to offer - how to live minimalism like a boss and a stronger sense of community and sharing.
Okay, another crack at this, basically a continuation of overpopulation and resource depletion will mean minimalism and cooperation will be the only viable option of future sustainability, and that is what the Indigenous have to offer - how to live minimalism like a boss and a stronger sense of community and sharing.

Ah, yeah ok

Who wiped out the megafauna?
Ending racism was originally about freedom from discrimination and equal treatment regardless of racial background.

Now it's being appropriated by certain lobby groups (mostly out of the US) to support their conflict theory where the dominant racial group are by definition oppressors and the minorities are the oppressed.

In this context, the dominant racial group will always be perceived to be oppressors (similar to the bourgeoisie in Marxism) because its fundamental to their ideology insofar as it relates to their view of humanity's (mis)use of power. So everything gets viewed through that lens and you increasingly end up with equivocal actions being viewed with suspicion.

The problem with all conflict theories is they are predicated on conflict and, therefore in this case, racial division. They are also to some extent in opposition to the original meaning of racism (as set out in my first paragraph). That is why I see it as ultimately an unhelpful way to see life.
Ending racism was originally about freedom from discrimination and equal treatment regardless of racial background.

Now it's being appropriated by certain lobby groups (mostly out of the US) to support their conflict theory where the dominant racial group are by definition oppressors and the minorities are the oppressed.

In this context, the dominant racial group will always be perceived to be oppressors (similar to the bourgeoisie in Marxism) because its fundamental to their ideology insofar as it relates to their view of humanity's (mis)use of power. So everything gets viewed through that lens and you increasingly end up with equivocal actions being viewed with suspicion.

The problem with all conflict theories is they are predicated on conflict and, therefore in this case, racial division. They are also to some extent in opposition to the original meaning of racism (as set out in my first paragraph). That is why I see it as ultimately an unhelpful way to see life.

Well said. The nerds of today do seem to be forming unhealthy and detached internet based relationships from a young age while learning how to talk, dress and appear normal by overdosing on semi-reality media and artificial cliques.

Unfortunately for the rest of us, this form of socialization seems to be producing a small minority of technology reliant, materialistic and emotionally conflicted social parasites rather than purposeful or productive citizens/protestors.

Being represented by swathes of virgins, gays and the socially awkward has led to multiplication and addition taking a back seat to division while on a slippery slope to anfacism and subtraction.

These divisive clowns would be the human waste that joins an Isis if OS or when our community is completely Americanized and divided will set their internal grievances on meat eaters.

It's a shame that this group had sold out to such a degree that social warfare is all they offer.

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Society/Culture When is racism really racism?

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