Does not matter how many premierships Nankervis was involved in, he was still a below average tap ruckman.
Vlastuin, well I can't even recall him in most Richmond games, he certainly isn't someone people talk about as an elite player.
Prestia, again, his premiership totals do not matter, the fact remains he plays in the easiest position in the league to get in the AA team and he hasn't even done it once.
Rioli, well Gold Coast massively overpaid for him, and again, has never gotten an AA.
Smith is likely one of the best small defenders of the 21st century, Roberts-Thomson was critical for both our 2005 and 2012 premierships, was one of the best players on the field for both games and we likely would not have won without him. Kennelly and Malceski provided a huge amount of drive out of defence for the Swans, and were both excellent with their disposal. Ball, well he is just objectively a much better ruckman than Nankervis, Jack was very accurate by foot and very hard at it and Rampe, well I don't even need to describe how important he has been, him able in his prime to take on both tall and small forwards and usually beating them too, then providing a tonne of rebound as well.
Jesus take the blinkers off Run my man.
Anyone could equally just go through all the less obvious guys in their own team and list what they are good at or "how important" they were.
But if you can't recall Vlastuin in most Richmond games, you are not watching too carefully. He is only the team's key interceptor, strong, courageous and a terrific kick.
2024 AFL #3 for intercepts
2023 #7
2022 #5
2021 #17
2020 #5
2019 #9
2018 #7
I think we get it Run, you haven't been watching and are not in any position to comment.
What a waste of a potentially good thread.