Why do people hate Collingwood?

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drew_j said:

Nuf said.
hard to come back after that.
game over, you win.
The answer to the original question can now be found. Just look at all the feral Collingwood fans spruiking around now that Didak has been cleared. Just another example of the Collingwood fans making every other fan hate their club.

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Waverley73 said:
The answer to the original question can now be found. Just look at all the feral Collingwood fans spruiking around now that Didak has been cleared. Just another example of the Collingwood fans making every other fan hate their club.
pretty sure its in response to comments of other supporters.
Waverley73 said:
No. It's because you guys reckon your club is better than the other 15. You don't realise this is why we can't stand you lot, so I'm not going to try to explain it to you.
i dont really care who likes who to tell you the truth. but i will ask my kids if it's still discussed in the schoolyard though.
dont know which i'd rather though, to be hated or pitied for being a mediocre, underachieving inbred bunch of girls.
andypie said:
i dont really care who likes who to tell you the truth. but i will ask my kids if it's still discussed in the schoolyard though.
dont know which i'd rather though, to be hated or pitied for being a mediocre, underachieving inbred bunch of girls.
Geez mate, you've resorted to petty insults so much earlier than you normally would. Whats up? You still a bit toey after the Didak news?
Waverley73 said:
Geez mate, you've resorted to petty insults so much earlier than you normally would. Whats up? You still a bit toey after the Didak news?
surpised yes.
happy very.
but the petty insults, come on. that is nothing compared to the insults i as a pies supporter cop. i consider, no, i know that i am a fair, reasonable, intelligent football supporter. but it is i and people like me who are branded filth, scum and the like in here constantly. so please spare me the rhetoric.
One of the funny things in AFL football. Why do people hate the pies? The answer is quite simple. People get sucked into stereotypes like Joffa and the cheersquad.

When people say they hate Collingwood for the 'supporters', unfortunately its a load of crap. Everything you hear about every supporter in the league is a stereotype. Not all Melbourne supporters drive landdrovers and go to the snow all the time, not all Essendon supporters think their superior to the rest of the world. Not all Saint Kilda supporters are young children. Not all Carlton supporters are scum. Not all South Australians are ******s.

AND... not all Collingwood supporters are the scum we all believe they are. Stereotypes unfortunately rule this earth. People are born watching their dad hate the black and white, what do you expect them to do? Of course they are going to follow the trend.

One thing that really ****es me off, is how people can seriously hate Eddie McGuire so much? The guy is generally a really good bloke, who's passionate about his footy, and his footy club, he's helped out other clubs, and YES he does appear (or did) on many shows, but can you blame the guy for providing for his family in the best way possible? We all want to make money, thats all he's trying to do.

I'd like to see a legitimate reason to why people hate Eddie, they don't know him.
And all you idiots who hate collingwood because they supposably get a better draw.. is that their fault, if there is someone you should be hating for that, its the AFL. Not that we even get a better draw, you guys are all just sooks!

We played Sydney in Sydney, Adelaide in Adelaide, Port in Adelaide, West Coast in Perth and apparently we have the easiest draw of all time.

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Waverley73 said:
No. It's because you guys reckon your club is better than the other 15. You don't realise this is why we can't stand you lot, so I'm not going to try to explain it to you.

So you don't think Geelong are better than everyone else??

What a supporter you are.


S. Pete
Oh When the Saints said:
1. Arrogant
2. Rich
3. Favoured by the AFL with:
(a) The draw (18 in Melb, play the bottom 5 sides twice etc)
(b) Television coverage
(c) The tribunal (i.e. Didak getting off)
4. Conflict of interest with smug boss Eddie McGuire and Ch. 9
5. Feral supporters

I reckon I could get to a hundred, but will that do ??

Oh, well allow me to retort.

1 - look through these forums and you'll find hundreds of examples from just about all clubs, usually the week after a win
2 - this is completely the opposite of the general perception of Collingwoods demographic. maybe you should do some more research...I think thats what your post was missing
3(a) - done to death so many times, but the AFL is responsible for the draw, many Melbourne clubs are responsible for asking for home games against the Pies, and as for playing the bottom 5 twice, it doesnt work out that way very often...when the draw was set, they werent the bottom 5 then. And without checking my facts (dangerous I know), its not like we have a good record against the Blues or Bombers in recent years. And will you be complaining that the Pies have too hard a draw if clubs like Essendon and Carlton are going really well in the future? Didnt think so.
3(b) - Well, popular clubs tend to attract demand in terms of media coverage. I heard Ed on the radio yesterday saying that we were going to set an attendance record this year...no wonder we're on FTA often. And for the record, our attendance is still relatively strong in our poor years. (we've had a few of late...do some research)
3(c) - Maybe if you open the other eye you will see that there have been many, many incidents this year that have created debate, most clubs being included. The Didak incident, on looking through the relevant categories, can easily be argued that he gets off.
4 - A problem soon to be rectified. But I think your anger is more to do with your hatred of Ed, not considering the good he has done for the AFL in general, and not just Collingwood.
5 - Every club has a percentage of these. Yours included.
HorseHead said:
Despite this sort of laughable, ill-informed drivel...

...the fact is, Collingwood are hated, even today, because we were by far the most successful club in the league for the first 80-odd years of the competition. Despite the fact that we've only won three premierships since the 1930s, it took Carlton and then Essendon until the 1980s to overtake our premiership tally.

Hatred of Collingwood is deeply ingrained and has been passed down from father to son. The roots of Collingwood hatred are nothing more than envy.

People rationalise this continued hatred, even today, in all sorts of strange and amusing ways. For example, the pitiful creature below, who clearly lacks the ability to distinguish mere propaganda from reality:

Other people invoke Eddie as their reason. People hated Collingwood long before Eddie became President. Another mere rationalisation.

This is one of the few intelligent responses I've read from a non-Collingwood supporter on this issue:

Kudos to you, Bresh. :thumbsu:
You mentioned envy lol whatever The reason I hate collingwood is not because I am jealous I just think your team sucks. You have bogans for players ferals for supporters Your team is full of absolute whingers and pretenders and most of your supporters are arrogant tossers who have no idea how to shut up and get the facts right before opening there mouths. Most of you think Collingwood is bigger and better than the afl its self. When you guys lose a game. you come on here shooting your mouth's off and cause trouble for other supporters especally if they support Carlton, Essendon or Richmond Which is ****ing pathetic.

Your Mascot is a Magpie which would have to be the most cowardly bird in Australia It attacks as soon as you turn your back. Thats ok though it suits your team down to a T most of your supporters are exactly the same and so are your players Ie Chris Tarrant, Ben Johnson and Alan Didak.

You guys are still whinging about us kicking your asses in the 2002 and 2003 grandfinal and still Claiming that you guys should have won it (But the thing is its never going to change the outcome so ****ing get over it)

Oh and im sure not jealous that you guys have played in 40 GrandFinals for 14 wins and 26 losses.

Its more like Collingwood is jealous of all the other teams in the afl.
Abba Lonie said:
I really don't get it. Whenever an incident occurs, it is always magnified when it happens to Collingwood. Strange.

I don't get it either. I feel like I'm the only person who doesn't mind them (apart from Collingwood fans themselves obviously).

In Victoria there are probably historical reasons for it but I've never understood why so many people here in Adelaide hate them so much. I even hear comments such as "...the only team I hate more than Port are Collingwood". That's just crazy. Who in their right mind would say something like that?

I actually quite like Collingwood. Maybe 'like' isn't the right word. But for an opposition team, I don't mind them.
**** said:
I don't get it either. I feel like I'm the only person who doesn't mind them (apart from Collingwood fans themselves obviously).

In Victoria there are probably historical reasons for it but I've never understood why so many people here in Adelaide hate them so much. I even hear comments such as "...the only team I hate more than Port are Collingwood". That's just crazy. Who in their right mind would say something like that?

I actually quite like Collingwood. Maybe 'like' isn't the right word. But for an opposition team, I don't mind them.

I think its a carry over from the golden era of 50 yeArs ago. We had a grip on the comp like Port had in the SANFL.

Those days are long gone, but we have maintained fans through the generations, and because the support has survived so has the hatred, despite alot of GF losses as compared to wins.

With every action there is an equal reaction. Lots of support generates lots of hate. If you think about it, this is generally the formula throughout most clubs in the AFL.
Collingwood's reputation is tarnished because they continually put down the achievements of the other clubs. This goes from the feralest of ferals right up to the president. If they were a bit more gracious in defeat, they might find they get treated with a bit more respect.
de_LICA_ish18 said:
When was the last time we played in a final 1980 or 81? Seriously...

Doesn't matter. Next time we play in finals all the past failings against us will be dragged up and the yellow and black will scare you as usual. As Dan neutrally pointed out we do have a great record against you when we do get it together.
I don't hate Collingwood. Don't have a problem with their supporters and nothing wrong with their style of play. I used to hope they lost while Eddie was commentating and can't stand Joffa but that's about it.
They are the Greg Norman of the AFL. All the money in the world, always been pretty good but generally choke at the final hurdle.

Like Greg, they are arrogant whingers always making up excuses for why they lost.

Their President is a stubborn, arrogant pr1ck. Coach is a pretentious knob - needs to check into a clinic. Buckley is uglier than the elephant man. Rest of the playing list excluding Burns are cheeky, disgusting worms. It was great seeing them all bawl their eyes out in 02.

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Why do people hate Collingwood?

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