Society/Culture Why I blame Islam for the fact it's raining today.... part 2

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Reminder: This isn't the Israel/Hamas thread. Go to the Israel/Hamas thread if you want to talk about that. Thanks.

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Australian senator refuses to condemn terrorist organisation because it aligns with her religious beliefs.

What a clown. A serious threat to national security.

She has condemned hamas. Trying to maker her say it over and over again is performative nonsense.
Australian senator refuses to condemn terrorist organisation because it aligns with her religious beliefs.

What a clown. A serious threat to national security.

Are you shocked? She hates Australia.

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Australian senator refuses to condemn terrorist organisation because it aligns with her religious beliefs.

What a clown. A serious threat to national security.

Great questioning from the interviewer, but at least she acknowleged Hamas are a terrorist organisation. I don't know why it's hard for her after acknowledging they are terrorists, to at least say Hamas should be dismantled, even if she qualified that she doesn't agree with Israel being the one who should dismantle them.
David Speers interviews are performative nonsense designed to get a pre conceived headline.

Her answers were deeper than yes/no, which is probably why you are having trouble understanding them
Think you're alone on this one my friend.

Ah, the classic Ghostie. Reverting to personal insults once you've been found out.
David Speers interviews are performative nonsense designed to get a pre conceived headline.
I know you havent seen a lot of real journalism, but what an actual interviewer will do is not allow the interviewee to evade a basic line of questioning. "Does Hamas need to be dismantled?" isn't a crazy gotcha. Someone who has a lot of sympathy for Palestinians and their right to self determination but recognises Hamas are terrorists can still answer that question very easily like "Yes, but it should be up to the Palestinian people to dismantle Hamas, not Israel". She didn't even give that answer, her answer was just "the Palestinian people need to decide where to go with their own country".

Of course, his follow up question will be "What if they choose Hamas?" which is a more difficult question, which is why she evaded that altogether "What can I say.. creating this hypothetical scenario...evade evade evade" lol, terrible answer. Then when pressed further she gives "it's not up to me to decide who should be gone..". Her answer is pretty clearly "No, Hamas should not be dismantled if the Palestinian people choose Hamas". Which is a really strange position to take if you believe they are a terrorist organisation. What other terrorist organisations that continually attack other countries would be allowed to contiunue to exist?
Great questioning from the interviewer, but at least she acknowleged Hamas are a terrorist organisation. I don't know why it's hard for her after acknowledging they are terrorists, to at least say Hamas should be dismantled, even if she qualified that she doesn't agree with Israel being the one who should dismantle them.

Thought the interviewer drastically missed her point.

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The Israeli Government.
Do you think the Israeli government should be dismantled? If you answer that Israelis themselves should be the ones dismantling Israel... What if they don't, but Israelis choose to elect them again and again?
Do you think the Israeli government should be dismantled? What if Israelis choose to elect them again?
Could we swap a couple of things in for "Israeli government" and "Israelis"?
This seems pretty key to her position:

~ 17s in:
Yes, so she seems to believe if Palestinians in Gaza keep electing Hamas, then they shouldn't be dismantled, despite her acknowledging they are terrorists. Weird position, but okay. Good questions from the interviewer to get that out of her at least.
Do you think the Israeli government should be dismantled? If you answer that Israelis themselves should be the ones dismantling Israel... What if they don't, but Israelis choose to elect them again and again?

Sanction them like we did with apartheid era South Africa.
Yes, so she seems to believe if Palestinians in Gaza keep electing Hamas, then they shouldn't be dismantled, despite her acknowledging they are terrorists. Weird position, but okay. Good questions from the interviewer to get that out of her at least.

Sounds like you're missing a lot of the context in what's she's saying.

She believes Hamas is a terrorist organisation.
She believes it's up to the Palestinians (and people in that region) to make sure people can live in peace.

Sounds to me like she thinks the Palestinians should have the right to self-determination and their own state and should use those rights in their own state to ensure peace in the region.

She also repeatedly mentions that the interviewer is trying to drag her in to a bizarre hypothetical exercise that is a long way removed from reality and where we are today. It would require; Palestinian statehood, free and fair elections, Hamas to be re-elected in that new Palestinian state under free and fair election. None of which is at all close to happening right now.

Meanwhile, as she says, ~ 40,000 Palestinians are dead, with more dying every day, and the interviewer instead wants to focus on this hypothetical situation that may or may not occur. Which is great for Israel, as it keeps people focused on anything except the whole 'people being slaughtered in Gaza' thing which is pretty bad for Israel.
Sanction them like we did with apartheid era South Africa.
What if the sanctions don't result in any change in behaviour? (like Russia) What if Israel's major allies don't agree to the sanctions and keep funding what you would call their terrorist actions? At some point, if Israel keep being terrorists according to you, should the Israeli government be dismantled? Or would you just allow Israel to continue committing terrorism indefinitely?
Sounds like you're missing a lot of the context in what's she's saying.

She believes Hamas is a terrorist organisation.
She believes it's up to the Palestinians (and people in that region) to make sure people can live in peace.

Sounds to me like she thinks the Palestinians should have the right to self-determination and their own state and should use those rights in their own state to ensure peace in the region.
You're missing his follow up. "What if the Palestinians have all that and choose Hamas". Her position seems to be that it shouldn't be dismantled in that case. She even says "who will dismantle it? It's up the people in the region..." (meaning the Palestinians). So she seems to be saying given that scenario, Hamas shouldn't be dismantled. If she isn't meaning that, then her answers are terrible because thats the only conclusion you can get from what she is actually saying.
What if the sanctions don't result in any change in behaviour? (like Russia) What if Israel's major allies don't agree to the sanctions and keep funding what you would call their terrorist actions? At some point, if Israel keep being terrorists according to you, should the Israeli government be dismantled? Or would you just allow Israel to continue committing terrorism?

Sanctions are the first step. Why do you keep coming up with hypotheticals? It sounds like you dont even want to try and change their behaviour.

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Society/Culture Why I blame Islam for the fact it's raining today.... part 2

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