Society/Culture Why I blame Islam for the fact it's raining today.... part 2

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Reminder: This isn't the Israel/Hamas thread. Go to the Israel/Hamas thread if you want to talk about that. Thanks.

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It shouldn't. We're not a muslim country in any way shape or form and we shouldn't feel bad for trying to keep it that way
We are a country that protects religious freedoms. What grounds are there to oppose a mosque just because you don't like the religion?
Funny how people protest Qatar getting the world cup, LIV golf, Saudi boxing etc to score their virtue points but then also want the same religion here as a way to score more virtue points.
People don't or should not oppose those things just because they are muslim countries, it's more those specific countries have issues with human rights.
We are a country that protects religious freedoms. What grounds are there to oppose a mosque just because you don't like the religion?

People don't or should not oppose those things just because they are muslim countries, it's more those specific countries have issues with human rights.
Human rights issues largely based on or born out of belief from...?

No religion here should be growing. Numbers should be dropping on all religions and we shouldn't be building new churches/mosques or anything. Use what we have and let the bullshit sky fairy nonsense slowly die out
It must have been annoying having your issues with it taken over by far right people. It's happening even with our stadium and high performance issue in Tasmania :eekv1:
Some nasty things being said at the council meetings.

But opposing a mosque even legitimately would feel kind of bad even without people yelling racist stuff making everyone opposing it look bad.

I think a lot of the concerns the locals had originally were legitimate.
Its kind of a semi-rural area. The issues was the visual of the original structure not fitting in, and the traffic from those coming from outside the area. I'd have objected similarly if the structure had been a large church or an imposing Buddhist temple, or a sports stadium.

I think the concerns were more legitimate than the residents of Tecoma ( for example ) trying to block McDonalds.
Human rights issues largely based on or born out of belief from...?

No religion here should be growing. Numbers should be dropping on all religions and we shouldn't be building new churches/mosques or anything. Use what we have and let the bullshit sky fairy nonsense slowly die out
The same thoughts could absolutely be applied towards upgrades to a football stadium...
Yeah for sure, sport is awful and definitely isnt needed in society /s
The word you're looking for - as opposed to 'needed' - is necessary. Sport isn't necessary for the function of society, but it behaves extremely similarly to religion as far as social cohesion goes; people gravitate to a particular set of beliefs, culture and shared history, and they find their own value in that thing. Some people use their connections formed as part of the in group to make money, others find community, belonging and a sense of purpose.

We're social creatures, Burge. We seek out each other through need, and both religion and sport are a byproduct of that drive.

A soccer fan could say absolutely what you've just said above concerning the mosque of the prospective footy ground in Tasmania. Are their words as legitimate as yours?
It shouldn't. We're not a muslim country in any way shape or form and we shouldn't feel bad for trying to keep it that way

Funny how people protest Qatar getting the world cup, LIV golf, Saudi boxing etc to score their virtue points but then also want the same religion here as a way to score more virtue points.

So long as you're consistently opposed to building any religious buildings.

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Hitler was baptised. As such, he was a christian.

Anyways, it’s all past tense. He’s dead now.

That's stupid reverse logic.
Whether he was a christian or not was incidental and doesn't mean he can be associated with Amish.
He wasn't doing anything in the name of Christianity.
Its like saying all Austrians are like Hitler or all people with a moustache are like Hitler.

I was baptised ( i think ), but i don't give a crap.

Hitler was baptised catholic by his parents. ( Not Lutheran ).
To me he was like many USA politicians, in that he recognised the Christianity in German society and leveraged it.
It was not his motivating force.

That's stupid reverse logic.
Whether he was a christian or not was incidental and doesn't mean he can be associated with Amish.
He wasn't doing anything in the name of Christianity.
Its like saying all Austrians are like Hitler or all people with a moustache are like Hitler.

I was baptised ( i think ), but i don't give a crap.

Hitler was baptised catholic by his parents. ( Not Lutheran ).
To me he was like many USA politicians, in that he recognised the Christianity in German society and leveraged it.
It was not his motivating force.

Hitler was also not the only nazi.
So this thread went:

Islam is arguably the least progressive religion.
What about the Amish?
A tiny sub culture religion with zero impact on 99.9% of the world is hardly worth mentioning
The Amish were Christians and so was Hitler....hardly worth mentioning you say?
That's stupid logic.
Hitler wasn't the only Nazi.


Islam is "arguably" the least progressive religion, but the arguments we are getting here are really really stupid.
So this thread went:

Islam is arguably the least progressive religion.
What about the Amish?
A tiny sub culture religion with zero impact on 99.9% of the world is hardly worth mentioning
The Amish were Christians and so was Hitler....hardly worth mentioning you say?
That's stupid logic.
Hitler wasn't the only Nazi.


Islam is "arguably" the least progressive religion, but the arguments we are getting here are really really stupid.

Rain is quite progressive, from light sprinkle to torrential downpour.
So this thread went:

Islam is arguably the least progressive religion.
What about the Amish?
A tiny sub culture religion with zero impact on 99.9% of the world is hardly worth mentioning
The Amish were Christians and so was Hitler....hardly worth mentioning you say?
That's stupid logic.
Hitler wasn't the only Nazi.


Islam is "arguably" the least progressive religion, but the arguments we are getting here are really really stupid.
This feels like a series of strawmen stacked atop each other, each after the other strawier than the last.

The initial point was made around consistency, a comparison between religions. You mightn't like where the conversation went - it's a very 'whatabout' of a direction to take an 'islam = bad' conversation, but whatever - but strawmanning is still strawmanning.

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Society/Culture Why I blame Islam for the fact it's raining today.... part 2

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