Society/Culture Woke. Can you tell real from parody? - Part 2 -

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But also in your mind, not at the expense of Olympic athletes eating a good dinner?

Odd priorities you have there.


Why should the Olympics (and the French Government, and the private Catering companies) be excluded from giving a toss about climate change?

Should we just fly everyone over in private jets, have all food be in single use plastic wrappers, and just dump all the trash from the 15 million people visiting Paris in the Seine?

No, it should not take priority.

Priority should be given to combating climate change. It should be among the top priority of all governments, private companies/ corporations and individuals the world over.

It's madness you're prioritizing 'sport' over 'the end of the world'.
I think you are mischaracterising the issue. No one is asking the athletes to be excluded from doing what everyone else does in regards to combatting climate change. They are asking for them to be treated the same as everyone else.

No society on earth has pressured its people to go vegan and sleep on cardboard beds for the sake of climate change. So why should the athletes be forced to? Why do the athletes need to live up to considerably higher climate standards then everyone else?

It feels to me a bit dystopian when all the fans in the stands are eating meat/diary and sleeping in comfortable beds and with air conditioning while the athletes they have come to watch arent able to do so themselves. And if the athletes complain then we get angry at them for not caring about the climate?? Really? Is that not hypocritical?
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I feel you're not quite grasping the point some of us are making here.

Climate change is real and worth combatting.

The Olympics isn't really the place to be combatting climate change through diet. Athletes have specific dietary needs, and those needs should take precedence over the want of French Olympic/government authorities who are trying to have the appearance of doing something while actually doing very little.

If climate change is that important, canceling the games altogether would make a far bigger difference.

Whether you agree or disagree with the value of the Olympics, others feel they're important enough to let more pollutants into the atmosphere through the increased use of airplanes to transport athletes and their teams to France. Since they've gone to that effort, surely the little bit more of climate change resulting from providing athletes with their food of choice should also be an option.

It's virtue signalling from the French, nothing more.

I think you are mischaracterising the issue. No one is asking the athletes to be excluded from doing what everyone else does in regards to combatting climate change. They are asking for them to be treated the same as everyone else.

No society on earth has pressured its people to go vegan and sleep on cardboard beds for the sake of climate change. So why should the athletes be forced to? Why do the athletes need to live up to considerably higher climate standards then everyone else?

It feels a bit dystopian when all the fans in the stands are eating meat/diary and sleeping in comfortable beds and with air conditioning while the athletes they have come to watch arent able to do so themselves. And if the athletes complain they we get angry at them for not caring about the climate. It gives off hunger games/gladiator vibes.

They're not being forced to do anything. That's where your argument falls down.

The provided option by the organising committee is the village, but athletes don't have to stay in the village.

And the climate-saving initiatives provided by the village are intended to motivate other industries and individuals to consider the same options to make their own contribution to solving the problem of climate change. This happens all the time. We only complain about it when some vested interest has created a propaganda arm to convince us its some shadowy "agenda".
He cant, because its not true.

I've posted the set menu (showing vegan and non vegan options for every meal) and that's before we get to the fact that there is a meat grill available at all times, along with a cheese selection 24/7.

It may be the case that athletes are turning to the grill and avoiding the set menu, and the meat at the grill is then running out.

But that's more of a question of poor logistics trying to cater for thousands of people with vastly different dietary requirements than 'WOKE AGENDA GONE MAD!!!!!".
Yeah soz, did see your menu post after I posted.


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I think you are mischaracterising the issue. No one is asking the athletes to be excluded from doing what everyone else does in regards to combatting climate change. They are asking for them to be treated the same as everyone else.

And they are being treated like everyone else.

The catering for the event is for both athletes and punters.

No society on earth has pressured its people to go vegan and sleep on cardboard beds for the sake of climate change.

They should.

And as for 'cardboard beds':


The athletes are not sleeping directly on cardboard FFS. There is a mattress. Whether the frame is made out of cardboard, steel, aluminum, wood or whatever is irrelevant as long as the beds actually support the athlete and the mattress.

It feels to me a bit dystopian when all the fans in the stands are eating meat/diary and sleeping in comfortable beds and with air conditioning while the athletes they have come to watch arent able to do so themselves. And if the athletes complain then we get angry at them for not caring about the climate?? Really? Is that not hypocritical?

1. The athletes are eating meat/ dairy. Every pre set meal comes with a non vegan option, and there is a meat grill and cheese table running 24/7.
2. The catering for punters is subject to the same regulations as the athletes:
I think you are mischaracterising the issue. No one is asking the athletes to be excluded from doing what everyone else does in regards to combatting climate change. They are asking for them to be treated the same as everyone else.

No society on earth has pressured its people to go vegan and sleep on cardboard beds for the sake of climate change. So why should the athletes be forced to? Why do the athletes need to live up to considerably higher climate standards then everyone else?

It feels to me a bit dystopian when all the fans in the stands are eating meat/diary and sleeping in comfortable beds and with air conditioning while the athletes they have come to watch arent able to do so themselves. And if the athletes complain then we get angry at them for not caring about the climate?? Really? Is that not hypocritical?
No other society has been given free accommodation and free food for two weeks to pursue their passions either.

The Olympics would be a carbon intensive project, including thousands of athletes flying across the world to compete, so ensuring they mitigate some of that intensity is perfectly fair.
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I feel you're not quite grasping the point some of us are making here.

Climate change is real and worth combatting.

The Olympics isn't really the place to be combatting climate change through diet. Athletes have specific dietary needs, and those needs should take precedence over the want of French Olympic/government authorities who are trying to have the appearance of doing something while actually doing very little.

If climate change is that important, canceling the games altogether would make a far bigger difference.

Whether you agree or disagree with the value of the Olympics, others feel they're important enough to let more pollutants into the atmosphere through the increased use of airplanes to transport athletes and their teams to France. Since they've gone to that effort, surely the little bit more of climate change resulting from providing athletes with their food of choice should also be an option.

It's virtue signalling from the French, nothing more.

It's more than virtue signalling - it's promoting different eating habits for the betterment of the environment. What better place to promote it than the Olympics.

Loving the faux outrage.


Going into the 2024 Games, Paris organizers were committed to hosting a climate-conscious menu, aiming to emphasize local, seasonal, and plant-based foods to reduce the carbon footprint compared to previous Olympics. According to Sodexo Live, while plant-based options account for over 60% of the available food for sale at Olympic venues, they only make up to about 30% of the meals in the Olympic Village, even after the recent supply adjustments.

Organizers also anticipated that athletes would prioritize nutrition over food experimentation. “They need a lot of proteins,” Philipp Würz, who is responsible for food and beverages at the Games, told The Washington Post. “You can’t just say, okay, you go 60 or 100 percent vegetarian. It’s just not possible.”

As always, there is the actual truth, and then there is whatever Rupert Murdoch wants you to think is true.
I'm not, but more than happy to have vegan meals promoted. Just ridiculous to be making a fuss about it.
Vegan would drive me nuts but I have strongly considered vegetarian but moreso for animal welfare.

I have previously given up eating chicken and pork for a few months.

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I'm not vegan, but if I went away for a catered work function and they placed a priority on vegan meals, I wouldn't be screaming 'POLITICAL CORRECTNESS GONE MAD!!!1!!' either.
The 24 hour barbecue and cheese table would probably be enough to satisfy you.
Those who paid up for the units, including the France team, are sleeping comfortably but with the capital sweltering under a heatwave, Bernadette Szocs, a Romanian table tennis player, said she and her teammates had resorted to keeping their terrace doors open all night in hope of some relief from the heat. “There is no air conditioning, just this fan and it is not enough,” she said. “Somehow we were lucky that it was not so hot outside so we didn’t need it so much but it is now hot and you can feel it is too hot in the room.
“[The fan] is not powerful enough and when it is pointing at you it is good but after it is turning you don’t feel it. We are sleeping with the door open in the night. The rooms are small and we are two persons.”
A spokesperson for Paris 2024 said athletes were being advised to drink lots of fluids, open windows at night and keep the blinds closed during the day

No other society has been given free accommodation and free food for two weeks to pursue their passions either.

The Olympics would be a carbon intensive project, including thousands of athletes flying across the world to compete, so ensuring they mitigate some of that intensity is perfectly fair.
Think they are invited as guests. Not tresspassers asking for free accomodation.

And no the olympics is not carbon intensive. Steel making is carbon intensive. Farming livestock is carbon intensive. Building homes is carbon intensive. Transport is carbon intensive. Services industries have relatively low carbon intensity. And olympics is a service industry. The transport costs and their associated emissions are an absolute tiny fraction of the revenue making from the olympics making it have a very low in carbon intensity.
Think they are invited as guests. Not tresspassers asking for free accomodation.

And no the olympics is not carbon intensive. Steel making is carbon intensive. Farming livestock is carbon intensive. Building homes is carbon intensive. Transport is carbon intensive. Services industries have relatively low carbon intensity. And olympics is a service industry. The transport costs and their associated emissions are an absolute tiny fraction of the revenue making from the olympics making it have a very low in carbon intensity.

All of those things are involved in building and hosting the olympics.
Think they are invited as guests. Not tresspassers asking for free accomodation.

And no the olympics is not carbon intensive. Steel making is carbon intensive. Farming livestock is carbon intensive. Building homes is carbon intensive. Transport is carbon intensive. Services industries have relatively low carbon intensity.

What about when those service industries are selling the Steel, livestock (by way of catering, shopping centers and eateries) etc?

Also, are you saying you support the government forcing steel making, farming etc and all the big polluters (that you seem to agree are polluting the planet) to be carbon neutral?

Like; is your argument:

'The Government making a token effort to offset carbon emissions at the Olympics is not appropriate, but the Government compelling all mining, farming and manufacturing to be carbon neutral would be OK?"
I wouldn't give a shit if I was being served vegan food, as long as it tastes nice.

And also as long as there wasn't some smug asshat telling me all about how the food was vegan.

Or if they were in the room with me at the time.

Would want to know the macros though, because I imagine it would be likely I'd need to top up the protein intake.
They're not being forced to do anything. That's where your argument falls down.

The provided option by the organising committee is the village, but athletes don't have to stay in the village.

And the climate-saving initiatives provided by the village are intended to motivate other industries and individuals to consider the same options to make their own contribution to solving the problem of climate change. This happens all the time. We only complain about it when some vested interest has created a propaganda arm to convince us its some shadowy "agenda".
It's more than virtue signalling - it's promoting different eating habits for the betterment of the environment. What better place to promote it than the Olympics.
I can't think of a worse place to do so than the Olympics. The athletes spend years training, eating, being disciplined to achieve the pinnacle of success in sport only to have their efforts hamstrung by food options designed to raise awareness of climate change.

It highlights human stupidity to me. The primary goal should be to accommodate needs of the athletes rather than promote awareness of climate change. There are plenty of other ways to promote climate change awareness that don't impact sports performance.

Why not have politicians prove their worth by adopting these measures first? They'll benefit more than athletes, and they'll be able to show that they can walk the talk.
I can't think of a worse place to do so than the Olympics. The athletes spend years training, eating, being disciplined to achieve the pinnacle of success in sport only to have their efforts hamstrung by food options designed to raise awareness of climate change.

It highlights human stupidity to me. The primary goal should be to accommodate needs of the athletes rather than promote awareness of climate change. There are plenty of other ways to promote climate change awareness that don't impact sports performance.

Why not have politicians prove their worth by adopting these measures first? They'll benefit more than athletes, and they'll be able to show that they can walk the talk.

I dunno... sport is probably the biggest industry in the world that has no actual meaningful product. I dunno how it compares to other pure entertainment industries (cinema, tv, music) but I imagine it's up there.

That would seem like the perfect industry to target for demonstrating that a reduced livestock menu doesn't have to negatively impact on the Olympics. Because... after all... the Olympics are actually still great and enjoyable except for a few oddballs like yourself trying to push an anti-environmentalist agenda when no-one who matters is really complaining.

And as has been pointed out numerous times... they're not really complaining because there's STILL MEAT, there's NO OBLIGATION TO ONLY EAT VILLAGE FOOD, and VEGAN FOOD IS NOT UNNUTRITIOUS POISON it's just... you know... woke, or something? I really don't get it.
I can't think of a worse place to do so than the Olympics. The athletes spend years training, eating, being disciplined to achieve the pinnacle of success in sport only to have their efforts hamstrung by food options designed to raise awareness of climate change.

It highlights human stupidity to me. The primary goal should be to accommodate needs of the athletes rather than promote awareness of climate change. There are plenty of other ways to promote climate change awareness that don't impact sports performance.

Why not have politicians prove their worth by adopting these measures first? They'll benefit more than athletes, and they'll be able to show that they can walk the talk.
It's one of the points in the IOC mission:

  1. to encourage and support a responsible concern for environmental issues, to promote sustainable development in sport and to require that the Olympic Games are held accordingly;
And this is from their vision statement:

The IOC's vision is to build a better world through sport.

Encouraging more environmentally friendly eating habits fit very well in their vision and mission.

And all they're doing is encouraging. They upped non vegan food when for demand.
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Society/Culture Woke. Can you tell real from parody? - Part 2 -

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