Covid-19 Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Part 4 - Ivermectin doesn't work either.

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Continued in Part 5:

Yes cause a workout stops the virus hey? my client who is in ICU works out every day (i don't workout at all), and he's now in ICU for a fit bloke. On top of that even me being asymptomatic, i have elevated levels of D-dimer which increases the chances of blood clot. Thanks to the vaccine i have taken it isn't off the charts.
You work for Pfizer?
I know someone in their late 90s who smokes a pack a day, must mean cigarettes are fine.
Nope, seen heaps of vaccinated vs non vaccinated people here, non vaccinated people are definitely hit harder, amongst family and friends including organ damage.
You first need to convince yourself that you possess the skill of thinking - assemble chaotic data, sort and classify it, examine the relationships it might reveal, view it from diverse angles, entertain and dismiss the reflexive assumptions that spring to mind, and then perhaps cautiously discover an emerging pattern supportive of a functional explanation that can explain a myriad of covid anomalies. Nothing of this is evident. The heaps, you attest to have seen, is alone sufficient to render your opinion with all the gravitas of tourist-selfie.

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You first need to convince yourself that you possess the skill of thinking - assemble chaotic data, sort and classify it, examine the relationships it might reveal, view it from diverse angles, entertain and dismiss the reflexive assumptions that spring to mind, and then perhaps cautiously discover an emerging pattern supportive of a functional explanation that can explain a myriad of covid anomalies. Nothing of this is evident. The heaps, you attest to have seen, is alone sufficient to render your opinion with all the gravitas of tourist-selfie.

As if any of these things will do anything to convince you? Plenty of scientific papers have been posted here and you have dismissed them all as 'just a flu'. Maybe you have now admitted the obvious that it's not just a flu, but now the denial has moved to something else? It's almost summer here in Europe and we still have hundreds of deaths here, every single day in almost every country.

What i said is from my observation from my experience. I never said it's scientific, so keep your panties on. Almost everyone i know has had covid here in the past year (and this has never happened before even in the worst flu season in 2015, nowhere near close) or so and since vaccination, things have eased a lot. People who have taken vaccines are having very mild cases compared to people who haven't. People who have taken the vaccines like myself. Why do you think countries with the highest % of vaccinations is having the lowest number of deaths? like the UK? while it remains high in lesser vaccinated countries like Spain, Italy, France, Hungary, Poland etc?

Here's a paper and it's a very early analysis but encouraging signs, look forward to your tinfoil hat analysis.
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Yes they do. It’s subconscious. You represent yourself with an old man for a decade everyone thinks your an old man. It’s just our intuitive reaction. Humans didn’t evolve in the time of avatars and photos. our subconscious don’t know the difference.
Can attest to this!😂
I am happy for you - I feel the same after a work-out, a walk on the beach, a salad, and a good night sleep. Of course none of it will prevent me catching a virus but it reduces the probability by 70-90% of it being debilitating depending on my age, health and peace of mind. FWIW
I feel awesome after all of that too and a vaccination.
Basically I’m not selfish.
I am happy for you - I feel the same after a work-out, a walk on the beach, a salad, and a good night sleep. Of course none of it will prevent me catching a virus but it reduces the probability by 70-90% of it being debilitating depending on my age, health and peace of mind. FWIW

Great to see you around the traps yebs; still stinkin it up with your ridiculous takes.

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Citizens should have free passage to return home.

The quarantine system and snail’s pace vaccination are the issues, not citizens returning home.

Don’t disagree but context is the country needs to be protected and when Joe Public knows our quarantine system leaks (imagine what the government actually know) what is happening here in Victoria within a week or two of flights resuming is pretty poor.
The fact that i am barely feeling it and my conspiracy theory loving client is in ICU? FWIW i have mild hypertension and he is fit. Vaccines don't guarantee you won't get covid or you won't die from it, it but it reduces the probability by 70-90% depending the vaccine you get.

Being fit does not mean being healthy. You need to be fit and healthy. Quite common for gym junkey like people to have poor immune systems due to lack of vitamins ie. vitamin d and also to not actually take proper care of there health beyond there muscle mass.

My advice is don’t walk 2 hours a day, lose 10kg and say “now I’m healthy”. A lot more to it then that. Diet, regular blood tests , vitamin intake are the things that matter the most
Crankyhawk Snake_Baker

How long do you think the immunity (anti-bodies) lasts from the vaccines? Another question is that whether it will be possible to get a Pfizer vaccine a few months down the line even if i had the AZ one?

I have read stuff online but it seems like the opinion is divided, interested to know your thoughts.
How long's a piece of string?
Being fit does not mean being healthy. You need to be fit and healthy. Quite common for gym junkey like people to have poor immune systems due to lack of vitamins ie. vitamin d and also to not actually take proper care of there health beyond there muscle mass.

My advice is don’t walk 2 hours a day, lose 10kg and say “now I’m healthy”. A lot more to it then that. Diet, regular blood tests , vitamin intake are the things that matter the most

Yes, i already do that, atleast once a year, sometimes twice. My client does the same too. This is why wrote earlier in the thread my D-dimia levels were fine 3 months ago, every year in jan/feb i get tested.

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As if any of these things will do anything to convince you? Plenty of scientific papers have been posted here and you have dismissed them all as 'just a flu'. Maybe you have now admitted the obvious that it's not just a flu, but now the denial has moved to something else? It's almost summer here in Europe and we still have hundreds of deaths here, every single day in almost every country.

What i said is from my observation from my experience. I never said it's scientific, so keep your panties on. Almost everyone i know has had covid here in the past year (and this has never happened before even in the worst flu season in 2015, nowhere near close) or so and since vaccination, things have eased a lot. People who have taken vaccines are having very mild cases compared to people who haven't. People who have taken the vaccines like myself. Why do you think countries with the highest % of vaccinations is having the lowest number of deaths? like the UK? while it remains high in lesser vaccinated countries like Spain, Italy, France, Hungary, Poland etc?

Here's a paper and it's a very early analysis but encouraging signs, look forward to your tinfoil hat analysis.
Perhaps Yebiga can put his theory to the test by spending 6 weeks in India

Id contribute to his trip
As if any of these things will do anything to convince you? Plenty of scientific papers have been posted here and you have dismissed them all as 'just a flu'. Maybe you have now admitted the obvious that it's not just a flu, but now the denial has moved to something else? It's almost summer here in Europe and we still have hundreds of deaths here, every single day in almost every country.

What i said is from my observation from my experience. I never said it's scientific, so keep your panties on. Almost everyone i know has had covid here in the past year (and this has never happened before even in the worst flu season in 2015, nowhere near close) or so and since vaccination, things have eased a lot. People who have taken vaccines are having very mild cases compared to people who haven't. People who have taken the vaccines like myself. Why do you think countries with the highest % of vaccinations is having the lowest number of deaths? like the UK? while it remains high in lesser vaccinated countries like Spain, Italy, France, Hungary, Poland etc?

Here's a paper and it's a very early analysis but encouraging signs, look forward to your tinfoil hat analysis.

Below is an example of an attempt to think - to reveal a functional pattern that explains the phenomena around covid - what it is not is an iteration of pop-wisdom reiterated in chorus across our media platforms around the world. It is an attempt and serves as an example of thought. It need not be 100% right but it intuitively reveals something functional potentially very useful.

This thinking precedes science but became for a time its foundation - today science has lost its way and operates more like a religion insisting on established creeds and questions are not paths to improving understanding but heresies. Our medical officers are no more than monks


Speaking of disease, simply put, the pandemic told us an ugly truth: we are a nation of overweight and obese people and it's getting worse. At the end of 2020, 42.4% of all Americans were obese. If being obese wasn’t psychologically and physiologically hard enough, the pandemic made clear that it was also an acute killer. Of all hospitalized patients with COVID-19, 78% were overweight or obese. Further, the mortality rate for this cohort was 20%. Chained probabilities mean that if you are overweight/obese and you are hospitalized with the next variant of covid you have a (78% * 20%) = 15.6% chance of dying. And each new year, and with every new variant, you have a new 15.6% chance of dying. At some point, it's impossible to outrun these odds.

We have a responsibility to recognize this as the epidemic that it is and start to address it in scaleable ways. The most difficult thing to fix, but where tremendous value will come from, is improvements to our domestic food supply. American’s have become addicted to cheap food high in sugar, preservatives and other additives. It’s not clear that there is a sustainable food supply that can be created at the same price point but this is where we need to invest engineering, science and government resources. It is possible to imagine a domestic food supply that is rich in nutrients, free of pesticides and engineered to taste good that can satiate the American palate. If we don’t, and the next pandemic doesn’t kill us, then over the next few decades, the chronic care of America’s obese population will.
Is this the straw that finally breaks the camels back re HQ in Australia?
Hardly - its too late really. By the time a functioning HQ is set up, there should be more vaccinations (in theory).

Scomo missed the boat by about 12 months - this should have been the highest priority a year ago but he squibbed it.
Below is an example of an attempt to think - to reveal a functional pattern that explains the phenomena around covid - what it is not is an iteration of pop-wisdom reiterated in chorus across our media platforms around the world. It is an attempt and serves as an example of thought. It need not be 100% right but it intuitively reveals something functional potentially very useful.

This thinking precedes science but became for a time its foundation - today science has lost its way and operates more like a religion insisting on established creeds and questions are not paths to improving understanding but heresies. Our medical officers are no more than monks


Speaking of disease, simply put, the pandemic told us an ugly truth: we are a nation of overweight and obese people and it's getting worse. At the end of 2020, 42.4% of all Americans were obese. If being obese wasn’t psychologically and physiologically hard enough, the pandemic made clear that it was also an acute killer. Of all hospitalized patients with COVID-19, 78% were overweight or obese. Further, the mortality rate for this cohort was 20%. Chained probabilities mean that if you are overweight/obese and you are hospitalized with the next variant of covid you have a (78% * 20%) = 15.6% chance of dying. And each new year, and with every new variant, you have a new 15.6% chance of dying. At some point, it's impossible to outrun these odds.

We have a responsibility to recognize this as the epidemic that it is and start to address it in scaleable ways. The most difficult thing to fix, but where tremendous value will come from, is improvements to our domestic food supply. American’s have become addicted to cheap food high in sugar, preservatives and other additives. It’s not clear that there is a sustainable food supply that can be created at the same price point but this is where we need to invest engineering, science and government resources. It is possible to imagine a domestic food supply that is rich in nutrients, free of pesticides and engineered to taste good that can satiate the American palate. If we don’t, and the next pandemic doesn’t kill us, then over the next few decades, the chronic care of America’s obese population will.
Certainly a lot of truth there
Good nights sleep, salad and gym. yebiga gives mankind some hope.

I hope all of you slept well last night.
the most pernicious issue with the pandemic was how rife it was with a lack of information, disinformation and misinformation. The often conflicting and inconclusive statements from our institutions: CDC, WHO, POTUS, FDA disappointed many. Wear a mask. Don’t wear a mask. Clean surfaces regularly. Surfaces don’t pass COVID-19. Ingest bleach. Don’t ingest bleach. Don’t take this vaccine because it causes clots. Actually, that’s not true, take it.

As all of this conflicting information was put into the world on the same level playing field, average people were left to scratch their heads in confusion, paralyzed with fear or invent their own conspiracy theories to explain it to themselves.

In fact, all of this mis/disinformation had a very sinister result. Instead of making the issue simpler to understand, we started a dangerous new trend of making science about interpretation vs facts.Every day of the pandemic, we saw various ways of interpreting data, facts, cohorts and theories to maximize clicks and confusion and minimize rational decision making. Even worse, we stopped iterating, we stopped changing our minds through data and instead we allowed bad decisions to fester because saving face became more important than good decisions. This is a dangerous trend which will undoubtedly spill into many other organizations we rely on unless we do something.
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