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  1. B

    Our new ruckman - Shae McNamara

    I am so glad that he isn't a Swan. Come on. A Swan? Is that really a football team? ;) I am very glad he is on Australia's team! As far as basketball goes, he did have some offers on the table to return to Europe. He much perferred to play footy! And, as far as the basketball stats...
  2. B

    70,000 NFL Green Bay Packer Fans see Shae McNamara in action!

    I have to find my camera to computer adaptor. ;) I know I have it somewhere! OH, Shae's next US interview is on Tuesday... well, America's Tuesday on Channel 6 news. So, hopefully, you can search, Fox Channel 6 News Milwaukee, and hopefully they will have it online that day, which is...
  3. B

    What young player do you want to see be given a massive opportunity this year

    Yeah, I would too. Shae feels it is his job to lose (which is a great attitude - in my opinion). I think there will be some great buzz when he plays. I know he got intervied in the States before he left by a sports newscaster, which should be airing probably at the end of January.
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    70,000 NFL Green Bay Packer Fans see Shae McNamara in action!

    Hi, I am so sorry I haven't had time to support my nephew on the boards, BUT, I can say that Shae came home for Christmas vacation in the States. Yes, it is COLD here. Anyway, Shae was invited by me and the Green Bay Packers to particapate in the half time show during the Seatle Seahawks vs...
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    Shae McNamara a Swan?

    Hi, So sorry that I haven't been online for a long time. In the jewelry business and Christmas is my season. Anyway, was able to hang out with Shae, and he told me that he knew some people on the Swans, and the Swans dropped the ball on him. :) I am so glad he isn't a Swan. That team...
  6. B

    Which players are you most looking forward to watching in 2010?

    Shae McNamara - Collingwood. Go US Shae! US Shae!
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    American Shae McNamara trying to make the Magpie Team!

    Hi, Yep, I am learning who are the "cat and dog" teams. But, I can tell you when ever the Bears and Packers play, they always seem to "spoil" the others year if that team is doing good. In fact, when the Bears hired their coach Smith, his goal that year was to be the Packers. Not the...
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    Your American Pie! Now Official

    Hi, Already told a Carlton supporter that you really don't want to see Shae on the team when they play against each other. Then I said it was ok to cheer U! S! Shae! U! S! Shae! I like that chant, by the way.
  9. B

    American Shae McNamara trying to make the Magpie Team!

    Well, I do admit that your sport is crazy! But, so is Shae. I would love to argue that the NFL is the true man's sport, but I think I would loose.
  10. B

    American Shae McNamara trying to make the Magpie Team!

    I don't think your team really wants to meet up with the Pies with McNamara on the team. From the videos coming in, it looks like Shae is doing quite fine. It is ok to cheer U! S! SHAE! U! S! SHAE! :) (I heard Carlton and Collingwood are like the Bears and Packers in the NFL).
  11. B

    Your American Pie! Now Official

    Hi, Yeah! No, the band has plenty of room. There really wasn't anything to show off on Shae in the begining, now there is. Now you can see what I see. And, keep in mind that he is a Pie now, and I am hoping Pies stick together. Bret
  12. B

    American Shae McNamara trying to make the Magpie Team!

    My wife says Shae is Normal! ;) There is absolutely nothing wrong with him. I tried to tell her that the comment probably is because Shae didn't grow up with the sport. Thanks for all the wonderful support. Can't wait until I tell him... Shae. Bret
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    Thanks for the support. My wife likes this message. :)

    Thanks for the support. My wife likes this message. :)
  14. B

    Finally Official. You have an American Pie!

    Windows 7. Can't Microsoft get anything right? Oh, wait, user input must have been wrong. My bad on the spelling.
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    Your American Pie! Now Official

    Well, I have NO idea why or how he learned about Footy. Of course, I just found out that my home city, has a Footy team that won it all! The Milwaukee Bombers. I am learning myself. I do know that when I talked to Shae, he said he loved the idea that your sport embrasses all the sports he...
  16. B

    Finally Official. You have an American Pie!

    No need to appologize. Just trying to drum up some excitement. I just found out that my city has a Austrian football team that won it all. The Milwaukee Bombers. Go figure.
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    Your American Pie! Now Official

    Hi, Finally! Bret
  18. B

    Finally Official. You have an American Pie!

    Hi, It is official. You finally have an American playing your game. :)
  19. B

    Which team is "Austrlia's Team?"

    Hi, I am an American, and right now, it is Football season. In America, the Green Bay Packers are called America's team. Yes, some will argue that the lowly Dallas Cowboys are America's team, but the Packers have been around since the beginning, and they have a TON of titles, that is why the...
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    American Shae McNamara trying to make the Magpie Team!

    Hi, Well, you mates might have a true American Pie playing footy for you. I know that footy gets very little attention in the states, as I am from there. I am hoping he makes the team, and if he does, I think that would be great on helping promote your sport in America, and as the uncle of...
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    Our new ruckman - Shae McNamara

    Ok, he has school records in the conference and his high school for high jump. - Marquette High School in Milwaukee (Actually asking my sister now). He did a year of track and field something, but didn't hold any records at Marist College, New York. Sorry about the confusion. Got to get back...
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    Future Magpies Watch '09

    Baseball is so out of whack. Don't get me started. ;) How some teams can spend $200 million in a year, and some teams can spend $50 million a year, kind of tends to the bigger payrolls winning more.
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    Pre-Season Training Starts Today

    Is the Herald Sun the paper for the Pies or who is the newspaper I want to read when getting my Pie fill?
  24. B

    Yes, for all of his life. He is a great kid. Just to give you an example, when he was in 1st...

    Yes, for all of his life. He is a great kid. Just to give you an example, when he was in 1st grade, the teacher was asking the kids random questions, and Shae's was, "How would you feel if you found $10." Shae's answer was "Sad" The teacher was kind of baffled, "Why sad?" Shae responded...
  25. B

    NON-Afl listed players Capable of playing AFL?

    Hi, Not sure if he counts, but what about Shae McNamara? He never played footy before, and he is from America. The Magpies are sure looking to give him a try at ruckman. Bret
  26. B

    USA team in AFL?

    Well, if Shae makes the team, I would think more people in America will see what the hype is all about. Then Americans will say, "Hey, that isn't rugby!" What is Australian football? Then the curious will watch.
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    Our new ruckman - Shae McNamara

    Hi, "There is no try. Do or do not." A wise old guy once said. I truly do not know who Shae would have to beat off the team to make the team. I can tell you that he is a team player and will put his confidence in the coaching staff. If the coaches can train, Shae will learn. Shae, like...
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    What to do?

    What happened since the party? Are you guys still working together / talking to each other? I would stick it out and see where it goes. If you really care for her, be her friend. But, if she really doesn't like you, it might cause tension at work, which would be very tough. Let us know how...
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    Future Magpies Watch '09

    Isn't that sad? When did sports become all about the money? In the states, many hometeams lose great players due to greed. Grant it, that if the player draws the crowd, he should be paid more, but sigh.
  30. B

    Pick 30

    Shae McNamara. Are ruckman's that hard to find? I am trying to understand your draft and free agents. Anyone have a link to a quick rundown on how it works? In the NFL, worse teams pick first, best teams pick last. Free agents can go where ever they want.