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  1. B

    Round 18 - GWS Giants vs Collingwood

    In 1990, James "Buster" Douglas knocked out Mike Tyson in a championship bout in Tokyo. His Las Vegas odds going into the fight were 42-1. Footy upsets? It would be up there. I can recall Fitzroy defeating Adelaide (at football park) in 1994. Nothing else springs to mind.
  2. B

    What, Where went???? has the future come to this.

    Hurt my eyes too much to read beyond the first few lines, but I think the OP is saying the game used to be a better spectacle. Maybe its just my (mid 30s) age, but I tend to go along with that. I recall Dennis Commetti saying that, in his view, the game peaked in the mid 90s. I think thats a...
  3. B

    Sick of defending the MFC

    Your team brought shame and disgrace to an entire city. Your team's wretched culture destroyed the reputations, future employment prospects and, in a couple of cases, the lives of a number of young men. As a West Coast supporter, you should have the humility and grace to recognize the damage...
  4. B

    Carlton Supporters and The AFL

    Yeah, I clearly remember back in 2003 reading an article in the paper and thinking that I might have to find myself another team to follow. There was a clear indication by those in the know back then that the Blues were in serious jeoprady. During the period 2002 -07, Carlton were every bit as...
  5. B

    Carlton Supporters and The AFL

    Its not Carlton's fault that North Melbourne are about as popular as Julia Gillard. They've been among the worst supported clubs in the comp for as long as I can remember. Even during the Carey/Pagan golden era, they struggled to put bums on seats.
  6. B

    Chris Judd - The Crime and the Punishment - 4 Weeks

    It was a clear elbow to the groin area. Disgraceful defense by west coast too, claiming that Thomas is a serial stager and was just play acting after being elbowed in the balls. Piss poor action by Judd though. 3 -5 weeks.
  7. B

    Ben Cousins wants a coaching role.

    Well, yeah, but what you have to understand is that football clubs are not rehab organisations that exist for Cousins's benefit. They are multi-million dollar operations which are focused on football and thus are extremely unlikely to look kindly on having to devote time and money to deal with...
  8. B

    Ben Cousins wants a coaching role.

    No one can say for certainty that he'll never go back to the Eagles.... However, he's burned an awful lot of bridges at that place. And senior management are very keen to put the whole "drugs & bikies" era behind them.
  9. B

    Time to go Izzy

    When you're paid more than Gary Ablett, Chris Judd, Buddy Franklin, Dane Swan etc. you are going to cop an outsize amount of attention and criticism, whether you like it or not, whether its fair or not.
  10. B

    Time to go Izzy

    Hunt was and is the substantially superior footy player to Folau. It was evident from about the middle of last year that he had the skills to at least be a decent journeyman player who could honestly compete for a place on the list of most AFL clubs. Folau, on the other hand, has shown no sign...
  11. B

    Time to go Izzy

    But that presupposes top athletes can switch from one code to another with the proper amount of training and dedication. Even an athlete as phenomenonly gifted as Michael Jordan struggled to adjust to minor league baseball. Hunt had at least some experience playing AFL, and that probably gave...
  12. B

    Ben Cousins wants a coaching role.

    He might not be a "bad" person, but a quick look at the slimy individuals who he willingly chose to associate with over the past decade - even before the gear took over his life - reveals he is someone with extremely poor judgment. And while I think people deserve second chances, I'm not sure...
  13. B

    Coaches: "reduce number of matches"

    Agreed. There comes a point where it is no longer viable to have beyond a certain no. of teams in the comp as there is simply insufficient revenue to sustain the costs each team incurs (the NBL have found this out the hard way on a couple of occasions now).
  14. B

    Grand Final ticket prices rise to $390

    Its silly to compare the Superbowl to the GF, given the different magnitudes of the two sports. $350k p.a is about the absolute minimum that anyone who makes an NFL list (thats list..not gameday squad, list) can earn, with stars earning much more than that (Terrell Owens is estimated to have...
  15. B

    Club Developed Salary Cap?

    What he said - plus, assuming the Dockers do poach Cloke, they will be paying a premium for him which will: 1. Affect their ability to recruit and retain other talent, thus impacting on their onfield performance 2. Constitute a risk as they will only have him for a couple of peak years, before...
  16. B

    Who is holding Carlton back more?

    Lol , I did remember eagles and Carlton being closer the end of the season than they were. (red face) I am certain th Blues would have put up a better effort than be Eagles pathetic showing in the prelim final
  17. B

    Channel 7 spoil broadcast by giving away result

    No, sandy Roberts, drew morphett etc were always vastly superior to the appalling BT and his non stop "comedy"
  18. B

    Who is holding Carlton back more?

    The talent IS obviously there- they missed top 4 by a hairs breadth last year, while running the premier to literally the last second and handing your team two humiliating thrashings. I'm not sure what's wrong...but Ratten said at the start of the season that top 4 was a pass mark. So by his...
  19. B

    Channel 7 spoil broadcast by giving away result

    I categorically refuse to give Rupert Murdoch any money. Im also ideologically opposed in general to paying to watch TV with ads on it. Given the brainless crap they screen, they should be paying ME to watch!
  20. B

    Multicultural Round - Why?

    Give this sanctimonious silliness a rest, would you? There is no requirement for women in liberal democratic societies to cover up their "modesty "or to wear headresses Women in western liberal societies are allowed to associate with whom they chose, sleep with whom they choose, have access...
  21. B

    What is the worst team in AFL history?

    Yep, I was there at the game- right behind the goals - and can confirm that SOS spent the entire game hanging onto Modra like a bride holding on to her groom. As a one eyed Blues fan, even I thought the umpiring was disgraceful and that Fremantle were the measurably better side on the night. It...
  22. B

    What is the worst team in AFL history?

    Don't get too smug. Carlton had never finished last AT ALL by the end of the 2001 season (in which they made it to the qualifying final and should really have gone on to the prelim) - look what happened after that.
  23. B

    What is the worst team in AFL history?

    Did you know those elderly people who were ALWAYS behind the goal? I've never actually been to the SCG, but whenever Swans matches were broadcast here in WA back then ( bizarrely, channel 7 would always broadcast Sydney matches in the early - mid 90s, despite the fact they were a poor side and...
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    Multicultural Round - Why?

    There's a few defining features that all modern liberal democracies have in common: A recognition of the equality of men and women, and a belief that women are free to live their lives independently. A recognition of secularism and a belief that religion should be contained to the private...
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    Multicultural Round - Why?

    So you havent got a response then. The theocratic subjugation of hundreds of millions of women continues...defended and celebrated by so-called "progressives". What a disgrace
  26. B

    What is the worst team in AFL history?

    The Lions final game of 1996 was scheduled against Fremantle at Subiaco. When it became apparent half way through the season that they wouldn't make it to 1997, Fitzroy requested that the fixture be swapped with their second last game (against Richmond at the MCG), so that they could play...
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    What is the worst team in AFL history?

    Yes, as I recall, morale was horrible at the Roys - particularly since they harboured hopes of continuing into 1997 ...until it became completely unfeasile, and they realised halfway through the season that it was over. I remember Mike Sheehan remarking after their terrible loss against...
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    Multicultural Round - Why?

    Mind telling me where the nonsense is? The author described a cultural practice that is expressly misogynist and reinforces female subjugation.
  29. B

    The Swans v Giants "Rivalry".

    Just replying to your comment to express regret that I can't give it a "like" vote more than once. :thumbsu::thumbsu: Your quote I've highlighted is the best analysis yet of this contemptible franchise experiment.