Multicultural Round - Why?

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if nothing else I learnt Freo ruckman Zac Clarke's dad is african american...therefore the hops. And Greg Broughton part maori....
Yawn. Every day is White Men's Day. The only people who don't think so are white men.

It's well worth stopping from time to time to specially recognise the contribution made by minorities (and groups who are large in number but don't get the recognition or reward they should). If you're in the dominant group you can't understand what it means to have someone like you given credit and highlighted as a positive force and someone whose example you can follow.

Classic case of white middle class guilt. This is the new Australia. And thus to answer the original question, why inane, token PC concepts like "Multicultural Round" and "Green Round" are invented.
So you havent got a response then. The theocratic subjugation of hundreds of millions of women continues...defended and celebrated by so-called "progressives".

What a disgrace

You still don't get it.

I hold no hope for you.

Consider joining One Nation.

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Classic case of white middle class guilt. This is the new Australia. And thus to answer the original question, why inane, token PC concepts like "Multicultural Round" and "Green Round" are invented.

Who says he or she's the white middle class?

And even if they are, isn't recognition of people of different cultures a noble thing today? Racism and intolerance are not exclusively 18th century concepts.
Once again the loopy left "out" themselves to the rest of the board. A couple of turns on the old organ handle and the monkeys dance and screech to the tune. Multiculturalism is a government policy. Being able to eat a kebab and walk past people in turbans is not "multiculturalism". Those things are the result of normal immigration, which I don't think anyone on here is against. Multiculturalism is a government policy which encourages and funds immigrant groups to continue living the same life as they were in their country of origin here in Australia (as closely as possible). It also preaches that all cultures are of equal value and relevance. This is not true. As someone has already mentioned, Australia is a liberal democratic society. Some of the people coming to live here come from cultures which do not share the ideals that we do as part of a liberal democracy. For example - democracy, individual rights for all, secularism, the rule of law etc, etc, etc. "Multiculturalism" reinforces to these particular people that their views are valid and freely encouraged as part of their "culture". What's more, taxpayer money gets thrown at them to support reinforcing this "culture". This is bad. Multiculturalism has been a spectacular failure worldwide, almost as big a disaster as Marxism was. If people want examples (you've got to be kidding, right?) look at Britain, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, about people give examples of where multiculturalism has succeeded? Much shorter list. Possibly consisting of zero. Personally, I'm all for immigration as diversity can bring strength, but everyone has to be pulling in the same direction. Australia has previously had policies of integration and assimilation, which account for the success of the vast majority of our immigrants. So you can still eat your kebab, ring up ABC talkback and tell Pravda how wonderful your ethnic neighbours are because that's normal immigration. With or without the policy of "multiculturalism". So please shut up about supporting "multiculturalism" because you like to eat kebabs.
Being able to eat a kebab and walk past people in turbans is not "multiculturalism".

Damn, had a kebab for lunch today and thought I might've got some points back.

Bloody ordinary, it was. You'd think a place calling itself Ali Baba's would know how to make a decent kebab!

Personally, I'm all for immigration as diversity can bring strength, but everyone has to be pulling in the same direction. Australia has previously had policies of integration and assimilation, which account for the success of the vast majority of our immigrants.

Well said. These days I reckon there's no strong, discernible culture to assimilate with, so people are clinging more to the ways of their homeland. And I don't blame this solely on multiculturalism or the immigrants themselves.

A work colleague recently returned from a holiday in the US and reckoned the thing that stood out was how polite Americans are compared to us, despite their struggling economy. Reckons Australians have lost much of the the carefree, friendly outlook we used to be renowned for.
Damn, had a kebab for lunch today and thought I might've got some points back.

Bloody ordinary, it was. You'd think a place calling itself Ali Baba's would know how to make a decent kebab!

Speaking of ordinary....Souvlaki Hut - WORST souvlakis ever. Most disappointing.
What is Australian culture?

There's a few defining features that all modern liberal democracies have in common:

A recognition of the equality of men and women, and a belief that women are free to live their lives independently.
A recognition of secularism and a belief that religion should be contained to the private sphere.
A belief that a persons sexuality is their own business and that gay and lesbian people have a right to live their lives free of intimidation and harassment
A belief in freedom of speech and expression.

People from Cultures that hold these values have thrived- both in Australia and overseas. People in Cultures that don't, have encountered problem after problem and have found themselves marginialised and alienated.
There's a few defining features that all modern liberal democracies have in common:

A recognition of the equality of men and women, and a belief that women are free to live their lives independently.
A recognition of secularism and a belief that religion should be contained to the private sphere.
A belief that a persons sexuality is their own business and that gay and lesbian people have a right to live their lives free of intimidation and harassment
A belief in freedom of speech and expression.

People from Cultures that hold these values have thrived- both in Australia and overseas. People in Cultures that don't, have encountered problem after problem and have found themselves marginialised and alienated.


The sad thing is, the penny won't drop for them. I tried outlining what 'multiculturalism' is bloody 4 pages and it just glides blissfully over their heads.. These morons will no doubt retreat from the debate with a post like 'well if it doesn't hurt anyone than why not?!?!'..
Once again the loopy left "out" themselves to the rest of the board. A couple of turns on the old organ handle and the monkeys dance and screech to the tune. Multiculturalism is a government policy. Being able to eat a kebab and walk past people in turbans is not "multiculturalism". Those things are the result of normal immigration, which I don't think anyone on here is against. Multiculturalism is a government policy which encourages and funds immigrant groups to continue living the same life as they were in their country of origin here in Australia (as closely as possible). It also preaches that all cultures are of equal value and relevance. This is not true. As someone has already mentioned, Australia is a liberal democratic society. Some of the people coming to live here come from cultures which do not share the ideals that we do as part of a liberal democracy. For example - democracy, individual rights for all, secularism, the rule of law etc, etc, etc. "Multiculturalism" reinforces to these particular people that their views are valid and freely encouraged as part of their "culture". What's more, taxpayer money gets thrown at them to support reinforcing this "culture". This is bad. Multiculturalism has been a spectacular failure worldwide, almost as big a disaster as Marxism was. If people want examples (you've got to be kidding, right?) look at Britain, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, about people give examples of where multiculturalism has succeeded? Much shorter list. Possibly consisting of zero. Personally, I'm all for immigration as diversity can bring strength, but everyone has to be pulling in the same direction. Australia has previously had policies of integration and assimilation, which account for the success of the vast majority of our immigrants. So you can still eat your kebab, ring up ABC talkback and tell Pravda how wonderful your ethnic neighbours are because that's normal immigration. With or without the policy of "multiculturalism". So please shut up about supporting "multiculturalism" because you like to eat kebabs.

**** me, I've been waiting for days for someone to inform me how "multiculturalism" has not worked.

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The sad thing is, the penny won't drop for them. I tried outlining what 'multiculturalism' is bloody 4 pages and it just glides blissfully over their heads.. These morons will no doubt retreat from the debate with a post like 'well if it doesn't hurt anyone than why not?!?!'..

Well, if it doesn't hurt anyone, why not?

The slippery slope argument is a cop-out to paranoia and fear-mongering.

If a Muslim wants to pray at the footy in a private room, by all means. If a Muslim wants to put their prayer mat in an aisle or at a fire exit, then it could hurt someone.

If a recent arrival wants to not eat pork, that's fine. If a recent arrival wants to ban everyone from eating pork, then that's not fine.

Do you see where these supposed 'bleeding hearts' are coming from now? That is the true defining feature of a liberal democracy.
Oh shit, I just realised that by sticking up for 'multiculturalism' (whatever that may mean to different people), I'm all for genital mutilation and forced marriages.

My bad.

Listen mate, I think nearly every person on this thread agrees with the same premise.. (IE. You can pray & and follow the laws of any God you want in private - This is known as a PRIVATE CULTURE) however outside of that you must follow whatever laws exist in the presiding country. A culture encompasses laws and rules, hence I (and many others) object to the term. This is a hot topic (despite u thinking only muppets would care), as others have pointed out you only need to read about whats happening in Europe, and listen to actual PM's denouncing the premise...

On top of that, nearly everyone on this thread agreed that it's a contrived concept designed to garner $$.

We do not need it anymore, as according to the Autralian Beuro of Statistics , Anglo's are no longer the majority in this country anyway..

At the end of the day, you should not care less that Daniel Kerr is of Indian decent, you should see him as a gun workhorse midfielder who's as tough as nails.
For all the people fighting mysogyny by keeping a whole lot of 'darkies' out of the country, what exactly are you doing about the hyper prevelant mysogynistic standards within our own society that happen every day?


I couldn't give two shits about the AFL's 'Multicultural Round' - Everything the AFL does is shallow and meaningless - It's interesting to see how worked up some people get about it, though -
For all the people fighting mysogyny by keeping a whole lot of 'darkies' out of the country, what exactly are you doing about the hyper prevelant mysogynistic standards within our own society that happen every day?


Give this sanctimonious silliness a rest, would you?

There is no requirement for women in liberal democratic societies to cover up their "modesty "or to wear headresses
Women in western liberal societies are allowed to associate with whom they chose, sleep with whom they choose, have access to the birth control they choose, wear what they choose and pursue the career they choose.
The position of women in western liberal democracies may not be perfect, but is simply not comparable to that in Islamic theocracies - to suggest otherwise is simply adolescent contrarianism at its most pathetic.

The above goes double for gay and lesbian people. Homosexuality is a criminal offence in every single Islamic country (IIRC, Turkey may be an exception here). Of the seven nations in the world that proscribe the death penalty for homosexual conduct, all are Islamic.

But hey - ostentatiously demonstrating your own supposed tolerance and moral righteousness is far more important than these people's rights, isn't it?
For all the people fighting mysogyny by keeping a whole lot of 'darkies' out of the country, what exactly are you doing about the hyper prevelant mysogynistic standards within our own society that happen every day?

i'd say fighting one form of misogyny is better than fighting none. unless you'd prefer they didn't fight it at all? and who's to say that they aren't doing both anyway.

there's probably an irony in that, though, just like there's an irony in people needing to argue very angrily that multiculturalism works. needing to force an argument of multiculturalism against people is the simplest (and fortunately safest) example of 'opposing belief systems' you will find. the disagreement with multiculturalism has strangely upset those who preach tolerance.
Give this sanctimonious silliness a rest, would you?

There is no requirement for women in liberal democratic societies to cover up their "modesty "or to wear headresses
Women in western liberal societies are allowed to associate with whom they chose, sleep with whom they choose, have access to the birth control they choose, wear what they choose and pursue the career they choose.
The position of women in western liberal democracies may not be perfect, but is simply not comparable to that in Islamic theocracies - to suggest otherwise is simply adolescent contrarianism at its most pathetic.

The above goes double for gay and lesbian people. Homosexuality is a criminal offence in every single Islamic country (IIRC, Turkey may be an exception here). Of the seven nations in the world that proscribe the death penalty for homosexual conduct, all are Islamic.

But hey - ostentatiously demonstrating your own supposed tolerance and moral righteousness is far more important than these people's rights, isn't it?

Spare me the history lesson - I know all of those things and it what sense did I even begin to try to defend them?

But I think you should have a look at your own backyard before trying to 'defend the rights of women' from far away places.

Mysogyny in Australia is alive and well - Just because it is more subtle than some other countries, doesn't mean that it is not there. That is all I wanted to say, seeing as you were using the defence of women's rights as some kind of justification for your views. That makes you a hypocrite.
Give this sanctimonious silliness a rest, would you?

Good answer. I'm still not sure about your views on mysogyny within our society?

There is no requirement for women in liberal democratic societies to cover up their "modesty "or to wear headresses
Women in western liberal societies are allowed to associate with whom they chose, sleep with whom they choose, have access to the birth control they choose, wear what they choose and pursue the career they choose.
The position of women in western liberal democracies may not be perfect, but is simply not comparable to that in Islamic theocracies - to suggest otherwise is simply adolescent contrarianism at its most pathetic.

The above goes double for gay and lesbian people. Homosexuality is a criminal offence in every single Islamic country (IIRC, Turkey may be an exception here). Of the seven nations in the world that proscribe the death penalty for homosexual conduct, all are Islamic.

Blahblahblah, IIRC this topic was about multiculturalism in Australia

But hey - ostentatiously demonstrating your own supposed tolerance and moral righteousness is far more important than these people's rights, isn't it?

'tis touching to see see you take time away from the Young Liberals' knees ups to fight for the rights of women and gays, but it sounds just a li'l ****in' sanctimonious to me

**** me, I've been waiting for days for someone to inform me how "multiculturalism" has not worked.

Yep, knew I'd screwed up there. Let me re-phrase that.

**** me, I've been waiting for days for someone to inform me, with a reasoned, fact-based argument, as to how "multiculturalism" has not worked.

I've got shit to do in the real world, but I cain't wait for the responses.

The platform's yours, you budding aristotles.

Well f*** me defenders of 'multiculturalism' ARE being lumped in with practices overseas.

This is why you cannot have a civil discussion on our migrant intake - because invariably the bigots hijack the debate with 'but they mutilate female genitals in the Arab world' and other such talk.

Yes, they are bigots.
Blahblahblah, IIRC this topic was about multiculturalism in Australia

'tis touching to see see you take time away from the Young Liberals' knees ups to fight for the rights of women and gays, but it sounds just a li'l ****in' sanctimonious to me

Yep, knew I'd screwed up there. Let me re-phrase that.

**** me, I've been waiting for days for someone to inform me, with a reasoned, fact-based argument, as to how "multiculturalism" has not worked.

I've got shit to do in the real world, but I cain't wait for the responses.

The platform's yours, you budding aristotles.


You've literally contributed nothing, just childish name calling..

And you want failed multiculturalism?

France has 751 "No Go" zones. The French government has labeled these areas "sensitive urban zones" that are dangerous for whites and non-Muslims to enter.

Is that enough for you?
Once again the loopy left "out" themselves to the rest of the board. A couple of turns on the old organ handle and the monkeys dance and screech to the tune. Multiculturalism is a government policy. Being able to eat a kebab and walk past people in turbans is not "multiculturalism". Those things are the result of normal immigration, which I don't think anyone on here is against. Multiculturalism is a government policy which encourages and funds immigrant groups to continue living the same life as they were in their country of origin here in Australia (as closely as possible). It also preaches that all cultures are of equal value and relevance. This is not true. As someone has already mentioned, Australia is a liberal democratic society. Some of the people coming to live here come from cultures which do not share the ideals that we do as part of a liberal democracy. For example - democracy, individual rights for all, secularism, the rule of law etc, etc, etc. "Multiculturalism" reinforces to these particular people that their views are valid and freely encouraged as part of their "culture". What's more, taxpayer money gets thrown at them to support reinforcing this "culture". This is bad. Multiculturalism has been a spectacular failure worldwide, almost as big a disaster as Marxism was. If people want examples (you've got to be kidding, right?) look at Britain, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, about people give examples of where multiculturalism has succeeded? Much shorter list. Possibly consisting of zero. Personally, I'm all for immigration as diversity can bring strength, but everyone has to be pulling in the same direction. Australia has previously had policies of integration and assimilation, which account for the success of the vast majority of our immigrants. So you can still eat your kebab, ring up ABC talkback and tell Pravda how wonderful your ethnic neighbours are because that's normal immigration. With or without the policy of "multiculturalism". So please shut up about supporting "multiculturalism" because you like to eat kebabs.
Um, that is not the definition of multiculturalism. Like, at all.

Multiculturalism: the doctrine that several different cultures (rather than one national culture) can coexist peacefully and equitably in a single country.

Please note that there is no reference to government policy or encouraging and funding immigrant groups to continue living the same life as they were in their country of origin in Australia.
Um, that is not the definition of multiculturalism. Like, at all.

Multiculturalism: the doctrine that several different cultures (rather than one national culture) can coexist peacefully and equitably in a single country.

Please note that there is no reference to government policy or encouraging and funding immigrant groups to continue living the same life as they were in their country of origin in Australia.

A culture has its own rules/laws.. Hence co-existence being UN-tennable because one nation cannot practice different sets of laws.

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Multicultural Round - Why?

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