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  1. Hugh Jorgen

    The Seven Wonders of AFL

    Biff, you've got the measure of the thread more than most. I suppose I was thinking more of AFL shrines. Seven sacred places to visit. Rather than individuals or even teams. I just threw Wayne Carey in there as a bit of a joke.
  2. Hugh Jorgen

    The Seven Wonders of AFL

    There must be at least 7. But I can only think of 4. 1. The MCG. 2. The Sherrin Factory. 3. Live Telecasts. 4. Wayne Carey. 5. ? 6. ? 7. ?
  3. Hugh Jorgen

    Best Username on Big Footy

    It sounds good.
  4. Hugh Jorgen

    Best Username on Big Footy

    I like oogac. It's syntactically meaningless, but phonetically rich.
  5. Hugh Jorgen

    Best Username on Big Footy

    What are you insinuating?
  6. Hugh Jorgen

    Collingwood Conspiracy Theory

    Of course!! Above the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazahkstan. It all makes sense. I bet Borat is involved in this too. That explains why sales of Seely Orthopedic beds are higher in Geelong than anywhere else in the country. Another piece of the puzzle falls into place. That's just plain...
  7. Hugh Jorgen

    How many minutes of good footy do geelong have to play to beat hawthorn ?

    Charlie don't surf.
  8. Hugh Jorgen

    Collingwood Conspiracy Theory

    This photo (taken at Kardinia Park) seems to confirm my theory.
  9. Hugh Jorgen

    Collingwood Conspiracy Theory

    My fellow Cat-lovers. Following our surprising and humiliating defeat on Friday night at the hands of Collingwood, I have engaged in a lengthy (and, at times, alcohol sodden) process of analysis, to try and reconcile what was previously unthinkable. I have come to the only logical...
  10. Hugh Jorgen

    Bushie lays prostrate and at the mercy of the forum

    Re: bushie lays prostate and at the mercy of the forum I agree. You can't just change teams. It's not on.
  11. Hugh Jorgen

    Bay 13 Footy Cards

    If that was me, I just shat my head off laughing. That is so funny Oogac.
  12. Hugh Jorgen

    OK Bay - what am I?

    Of the names suggested so far, my vote goes to Governor Frontbottom. I think you need to maintain a link with the old name. A subtle change: Doris the Tealady? Doris Stokes Doris Day Doris Does Dallas Or you could keep the theme, but change the name: Ida Buttrose Ida Rose...
  13. Hugh Jorgen

    Bay 13 Lawry Oates Award

    You read it here first on Bay 13.
  14. Hugh Jorgen

    How many minutes of good footy do geelong have to play to beat hawthorn ?

    THAT'S HIM!! I saw him in the Otway Ranges near Winchelsea. MMMkay?
  15. Hugh Jorgen

    How many minutes of good footy do geelong have to play to beat hawthorn ?

    Biff, this is great stuff. The imagery is scary. But I think you dishonour Col Kurtz and elevate GC26 unmeritoriously by the comparison. GC26 is more your Chef character. He's wound too tight for Vietnam. Come to think of it, he's wound too tight for Geelong.
  16. Hugh Jorgen

    April 2008 POTENT MIND Finalists

    I win then. But I thought this was a vote for most potent mind.
  17. Hugh Jorgen

    Bay 13 Lawry Oates Award

    That's Lawry Oakes. If he was on the Scott expedition, he wouldn't have died of starvation, that's for sure.
  18. Hugh Jorgen

    Bay 13 Lawry Oates Award

    I’m sure that some of you will be familiar with the exploits of Captain Robert Falcon Scott and his ill-fated expedition to the South Pole in the summer of 1912. On the return journey, the men were frost-bitten, starving and exhausted. One of their number, Captain Lawrence Oates, was lame...
  19. Hugh Jorgen

    Almost famous

    I think that my opening statement in this thread has been proven correct by the 100 posts by Tigerboyz which prove beyond doubt that he IS a nobody. Not one lame claim to be within 6 degrees of separation from a footballer. That's pretty telling Tigger old boy. Do they see you coming and...
  20. Hugh Jorgen

    Almost famous

    I don't think you are being up front with us about how famous you really are. It was not a video you shared with Sam Newman, but a Caroline Wilson blow up doll.
  21. Hugh Jorgen

    Almost famous

    Wow. You're not almost famous. You ARE famous. Will we be seeing you on the red carpet at this year's Brownlow?
  22. Hugh Jorgen

    Almost famous

    Too right!! But I think I've hit on something. Everyone's got a story to tell.
  23. Hugh Jorgen

    Almost famous

    You're practically family! Well done, exit. Exit, stage right.
  24. Hugh Jorgen

    Almost famous

    Although I have only joined this forum recently, and haven’t had much time to assess the intrinsic value of the volumes of drivel that are posted here, I can’t help but harbour a suspicion that you are not all complete nobodies (except maybe for Tigerboyz) out there in Bay 13-land. Could it...
  25. Hugh Jorgen

    Is it just me....

    It's just you.
  26. Hugh Jorgen

    Rome vs the Barbarians - Victoria vs South Australia

    Where does it state in the rules that you can be banned for being too intelligent?
  27. Hugh Jorgen

    Post pictures of what each poster looks like

    Rodger Pedactor.
  28. Hugh Jorgen

    Geelong and Hawthorn CANNOT Win the Flag!......

    FWIW, I agree.
  29. Hugh Jorgen

    Post pictures of what each poster looks like

    Biffinator and friend.
  30. Hugh Jorgen

    Rome vs the Barbarians - Victoria vs South Australia

    Nutter, there is no point wasting your time trying to convert Biff. A blinkered arrogant Melbournian like him will never acknowledge the virtues of Adelaide. You love it here, I love here - it's actually a better place without him. Go home Biff! Go and play with your anatomically incorrect...