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  1. The Gentleman

    Tim Watson: Essendon punishment already decided - AFL: no its not (7/8)

    I don't care what the punishment they get as long as Hird gets the sack. His face should be blurred every time his on TV, his house should be raided and Essendon's VFL team should be checked by ASADA. You never know. You can't trust that club.
  2. The Gentleman

    Hird to Face 12 Month Ban

    How can anyone like Hird. Wait, I mean *Hird
  3. The Gentleman

    Hird to Face 12 Month Ban

  4. The Gentleman

    Hird to Face 12 Month Ban

    Hird is complete scum
  5. The Gentleman

    Society & Culture How to deal with the departure of a family member

    What I've got from this thread so far from other posters: Your brother is a druggy, your weak and it's too hot today.
  6. The Gentleman

    Pooing in a 330ml bottle

    I'm a big unit so when I tried it I squashed the bottle.
  7. The Gentleman

    FTA-TV Big Brother 2012

    The bit before they do the treadmill run, if u pause rewind u can sorta see Josh in the corner bending over, I'm surprised they even showed it, they could've easily cut it out, pretty funny though.
  8. The Gentleman

    FTA-TV Big Brother 2012

    Did anyone see it??? Josh did a poo in the corner, they hardly shown it but u can get a glimpse if u pause and rewind on the foxtel remote.
  9. The Gentleman

    FTA-TV Big Brother 2012

    Yep heard that too, don't think they will show it though.
  10. The Gentleman

    Club disillusionment and the switch

    The reason why is because Collingwood is now shit, so u lost faith. I had similar feelings in 2009 after the hawks won the '08 flag. That's because the hawks were shit in 09, u lost faith. Your just like Stanton and Goddard, front runners, u love it when your playing good, u hate it when...
  11. The Gentleman

    Let me back in North.

    I started reading this and at first I thought u were a sook, but it's clear to me now, I could have killed u, I'm very sorry, i think we can agree that we both are great posters.
  12. The Gentleman

    Let me back in North.

    No, don't even mention us in the same sentence together.
  13. The Gentleman

    Let me back in North.

    Ohhh, and here I was thinking we were friends.
  14. The Gentleman

    Let me back in North.

    Thanks mate, yes i do Wock
  15. The Gentleman

    Let me back in North.

    Must be a Carlton Flog, sorry I didn't want us to win by 53 points I would of accepted 234 points, Sucker
  16. The Gentleman

    Let me back in North.

    Thanks heaps, love your work, if u ever get banned, I'll plead your case ;)
  17. The Gentleman

    Let me back in North.

    I'm still a Blue and White supporter and always will be, but now I'm just a bay 13 north poster.
  18. The Gentleman

    Let me back in North.

    After we lost to Hawthorn by 100+ I wrote a post on our game day thread saying, "after we fold I'm following Atley whatever team Atley plays for I'm following". There was worser post on there than that, I think everyone at that time was a bit too touchy, i thought it was funny when I wrote...
  19. The Gentleman

    Let me back in North.

    Yep good thinking, hmmmm any chance we could send viruses to the north board, then they'll let me back in, hahahahahammmmmhahshahsgs so evil so evil.
  20. The Gentleman

    Let me back in North.

    Would u be my lawyer?? Go on the North Board and make a thread titled "let The Gentleman back in", everyone will agree, therefor bringing my return on the board.
  21. The Gentleman

    Let me back in North.

    How many likes am I gonna have to give u, every post is just so good, I'm amazed at your knowledge, u should be a mod.
  22. The Gentleman

    Let me back in North.

    Yeah shut up carlton supporters, just cause North won't let me back in doesn't mean I like your shit club, 53 points still ringing in my ear ohhhhh how i like those 53 points, Harper goal and the crowd goes wild.
  23. The Gentleman

    Let me back in North.

    This is how I see it too, I think I had too much brain for the hole board, so much brain left right and centre and they couldn't take it, hmmmm just last week I got Botox on my brain to make my brain look pretty.
  24. The Gentleman

    Let me back in North.

    Btw as if Hurley isn't the fattest player in the AFL.
  25. The Gentleman

    Let me back in North.

    U shouldn't be looking at other people post history, hmmmm anyway I can block that, might not help me in this case.
  26. The Gentleman

    Let me back in North.

    I'm a heaps good poster, IMO I'm the best there is, it's a sad day for the AFL.
  27. The Gentleman

    Let me back in North.

    the north Melbourne board closed the door on me, so let me in, open up, I said I was sorry, sorry your such jerks, just kidding, now u gonna let me in, Ziebell deserved 4 ok no he didn't should be playing this week, Boak's shit don't trade for him, ok his alright, he can captain, our VFL, just...
  28. The Gentleman

    News Rucci: Travis Boak may or may not renew contract at Port Adelaide (Part 2)

    Your right Footyhead, North Melbourne posters are heaps cool but their a bit touchy, there not letting me back in, Let me in North, let me in, I said I was sorry, anyway lucky I have a insider Still there. {wink wink}
  29. The Gentleman

    Hurley the fattest player since Lance whitnall.

    Thanks for the confirmation, did u see his man boob, not man boobs, 1 was in shape.
  30. The Gentleman

    Hurley the fattest player since Lance whitnall.

    Last night Hurley showed his true colors, his been hiding his fat in Essendon's normal guernsey, but last night he showed us his massive beer gut, he didn't get subbed off cause he hurt his hamstring, he just felt like Ham.