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  1. wing it

    The Jumper Thread

    I have no problem with it :cool:
  2. wing it

    Banter RDT 152 - Name for Sale

    That's as tight as a performance gets. And at the 2 minute mark Bowie is signalling his sound guy to amp up the backup singers. Duuuude!! RIP.
  3. wing it

    Opinion Bring back the goal square kick ins

    Kicking out from the goalsquare is pointless and anachronistic? I wouldn't have thought so.
  4. wing it

    Rumour WereDocker 6 - Holodeck of Horrors - Eagles victorious. No, really.

    Thanks to Zerg for running this one. I'd also like to thank BigFooty, our sponsors and major commercial partners, all the fans watching at home, but most of all my teammates. Let's have a f***in' good night!
  5. wing it

    Rumour WereDocker 6 - Holodeck of Horrors - Eagles victorious. No, really.

    I shouldn't have messed about lastnight. I'm trying to set the record straight.
  6. wing it

    Rumour WereDocker 6 - Holodeck of Horrors - Eagles victorious. No, really.

    It ain't me. Check my posting history, particularly at the start of the game when I pushed the seer plan. If it isn't Hickey tonight, I don't think it is you either. Which will leave us with one other option.
  7. wing it

    Rumour WereDocker 6 - Holodeck of Horrors - Eagles victorious. No, really.

    But letting yourself be lynched would have been detrimental to the village. If you're a villager.
  8. wing it

    Rumour WereDocker 6 - Holodeck of Horrors - Eagles victorious. No, really.

    You said you didn't vote because you were expecting to be whacked.
  9. wing it

    Rumour WereDocker 6 - Holodeck of Horrors - Eagles victorious. No, really.

    I done f***ed up lastnight. Sorry. Vote Hickey
  10. wing it

    Rumour WereDocker 6 - Holodeck of Horrors - Eagles victorious. No, really.

    Also, my reasoning was that if Hickey was the Freagle, he would have instantly switched votes to save himself. By being absent I just assumed he was a pissed off villager who had chucked the toys out of the cot.
  11. wing it

    Rumour WereDocker 6 - Holodeck of Horrors - Eagles victorious. No, really.

    I was uncertain. That's why I changed to Hynes. Then when you went after Darling I followed your lead, since you are the only confirmed villager and I can trust your vote is honest. If you didn't want to lose Darling then why on Earth did you vote for her??
  12. wing it

    Rumour WereDocker 6 - Holodeck of Horrors - Eagles victorious. No, really.

    I've pegged him as a disgruntled, disinterested villager. A Freagle would surely have voted for survival. Surely?
  13. wing it

    Rumour WereDocker 6 - Holodeck of Horrors - Eagles victorious. No, really.

    Switch again: Darling
  14. wing it

    Rumour WereDocker 6 - Holodeck of Horrors - Eagles victorious. No, really.

    CM9000 hasn't voted to save himself...
  15. wing it

    Rumour WereDocker 6 - Holodeck of Horrors - Eagles victorious. No, really.

    The cutoff is 7pm right?
  16. wing it

    Rumour WereDocker 6 - Holodeck of Horrors - Eagles victorious. No, really.

    Call me a coward but I'm basically abstaining. Uncertain on Hickey now. Want to see how my switch shakes things out.
  17. wing it

    Rumour WereDocker 6 - Holodeck of Horrors - Eagles victorious. No, really.

    Switch vote to David Hynes
  18. wing it

    Rumour WereDocker 6 - Holodeck of Horrors - Eagles victorious. No, really.

    Put me down for Hickey please.
  19. wing it

    Rumour WereDocker 6 - Holodeck of Horrors - Eagles victorious. No, really.

    BTW, my spidey senses were horrifically out of tune last game, so...
  20. wing it

    Rumour WereDocker 6 - Holodeck of Horrors - Eagles victorious. No, really.

    Thanks for the vote of confidence MWPP. I don't think it's you or Daz either. So my list of 3 matches yours. Ash has gone with the "Life is too busy to focus on this game right now" play, which has become a staple of this game it would seem. In each instance in the last round it turned out to...
  21. wing it

    Rumour WereDocker 6 - Holodeck of Horrors - Eagles victorious. No, really.

    We all know your voting is 'clean' and you are perceptive enough to notice my intentions as a villager, so I am happy to follow your lead while I can. Vote: Jack Redden.
  22. wing it

    Rumour WereDocker 6 - Holodeck of Horrors - Eagles victorious. No, really.

    So do we ask Squashface to reveal what he saw lastnight, or is it best to keep it under wraps if it's a villager? I think he should reveal. The benefits outweigh the downside of giving the freagles an easy kill.
  23. wing it

    Rumour WereDocker 6 - Holodeck of Horrors - Eagles victorious. No, really.

    I don't think so. We've almost certainly nailed a freagle straight up. As long as the doctor saves Squashy each night (or the Freagles don't bother voting Squashy because they think the doc will save him), we're a decent chance. The main sticking point now is how best to mitigate the...
  24. wing it

    Rumour WereDocker 6 - Holodeck of Horrors - Eagles victorious. No, really.

    How does it leave us better off if we rely on the vigilante to do it for us?
  25. wing it

    Rumour WereDocker 6 - Holodeck of Horrors - Eagles victorious. No, really.

    Awesome. To reiterate Daz and MWPP, Doctor, please do your thing and save Brant Colledge tonight. Vote: Craig Turley
  26. wing it

    Rumour WereDocker 6 - Holodeck of Horrors - Eagles victorious. No, really.

    Yeah it doesn't really matter if the whole group is onboard or not. It's all up to the seer and the doctor agreeing. But the seer will need faith that the doctor (who won't be declaring themselves) is playing his/her role. Having said that, the freagles will unlikely be targeting the seer...