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  1. RookieListed

    Discussion Season 26 - Hall Of Fame - Nominations

    Didnt read a word of this apart from the title - can i nominate Blacky Reason - He once won best on ground for the pick a side qooty match and was awarded the lookie risted medal for said game. - The Filth Wizard vs Millky95
  2. RookieListed

    Official Match Thread Season 23 Round 6 - East Side Hawks vs Dragons FFC @ Waverly Park

    Quick question, you know how to post an image right?
  3. RookieListed

    Official Match Thread Season 23 Round 6 - East Side Hawks vs Dragons FFC @ Waverly Park

    To be fair that would probably pass as art these days.
  4. RookieListed

    Official Match Thread Season 23 Round 6 - East Side Hawks vs Dragons FFC @ Waverly Park

    Dragons hey?, how have you guys been doing since The Filth Wizard left?
  5. RookieListed

    Official Team Thread The East Side Hawks S23 Spectacular Team Thread - Congrats EJW and TFW dual BFF's.

    Sadly getting wrecked by work, hopefully it'll calm down again soon enough.
  6. RookieListed

    SFA Video Games

    Anyone here got Xbox one/over watch?
  7. RookieListed

    Media Random Musings from the Desk of Noobz0r ptII

    BigFooty is a PronounVerbAdjective, please capilitse it properly;,.!
  8. RookieListed

    Media GIF Friday

    GifFriday is where we post gifs from things with the word Friday in their titles right?
  9. RookieListed

    Resource SFA Sign Up & Information Thread Season 23 - NEW PLAYERS APPLY INSIDE

    Please answer the following 1. Have you ever been permabanned on multiple other accounts? 2. Have you ever faked your own death? 3. Are you on fire? Do you require a fire extinguisher? 4. Do you know anyone by the name of Alex/Sam/Barney? Original questions by Thatsapaddlin
  10. RookieListed

    Resource SFA Sign Up & Information Thread Season 23 - NEW PLAYERS APPLY INSIDE

    Honestly thought when someone voted for Melter the other day they they were jokingly renaming someone else.
  11. RookieListed

    Resource SFA Sign Up & Information Thread Season 23 - NEW PLAYERS APPLY INSIDE

    Could be worse, he could be named _RU_ or R_U_
  12. RookieListed

    Media Season 23 Media Awards and Okeydoke7 Medal

    I'll vote for you next week but I'm 99% sure the others will laugh at me and not count it.
  13. RookieListed

    Official Match Thread Season 23 Round 4 - East Side Hawks v Geelong Wolves at Waverley Park

    I will not take this, everyone knows pantskyle has bright red hair like Ronald McDonald or the girl from the American Wendy's logo.
  14. RookieListed

    Official Match Thread Season 23 Round 4 - East Side Hawks v Geelong Wolves at Waverley Park

    brahj - Another #scandal for your thread - pantskyle 100% not a liker of things. :tangerine::tangerine:
  15. RookieListed

    Official Match Thread S23 Round 3: Gold City Royals vs East Side Hawks @ The Golden Throne

    Maybe it's just my view, but when I first started you were one of the guys I didn't want to cross when posting.
  16. RookieListed

    Official Match Thread S23 Round 3: Gold City Royals vs East Side Hawks @ The Golden Throne

    Compared to his past, current Nakia isn't scary. Always nice to see people thinking about me, feel free to tag me again if you need someone to talk to.
  17. RookieListed

    Media GIF Friday

    Here's one of my favourite gifs It's pretty big so it might take a while to load, but it's worth the wait.
  18. RookieListed

    Media GIF Friday

    Gifs should only ever be used if you cannot find the movie length video.
  19. RookieListed

    Official Match Thread S23 Round 3: Gold City Royals vs East Side Hawks @ The Golden Throne

    Good stuff, would of been a shame if you somehow changed from buddy to someone else.
  20. RookieListed

    Official Match Thread S23 Round 3: Gold City Royals vs East Side Hawks @ The Golden Throne

    Nah you should make it in again - have you seen the preview of the new ones?
  21. RookieListed

    Official Match Thread S23 Round 3: Gold City Royals vs East Side Hawks @ The Golden Throne

    Time to take notes on who to make into S23 stickers - except Blacky because his is already done.
  22. RookieListed

    Resource SFA Sign Up & Information Thread Season 23 - NEW PLAYERS APPLY INSIDE

    I'll give you the question mark being unfair but your team thread wasn't up when I added those, I'll add them both tonight.
  23. RookieListed

    Resource SFA Sign Up & Information Thread Season 23 - NEW PLAYERS APPLY INSIDE

    Which part? The question mark or the link to your team thread?