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  1. zugfrig78

    Choosing a skipper

    i have read on posts that naming a forward as skipper is not advisable does that still ring true i have buddy, he rarely fails and even when he does he goes ok and all mids fail at some stage too.
  2. zugfrig78

    GAMEDAY LIVE (AFL Website)

    ie7 but like i said never a prob last year
  3. zugfrig78

    Choosing a skipper

    Hi mate, well this system has taken a few years and some patients to perfect but it works well for us now, thw only catch is you have to know all the players in your league, i actuall use the supercoach scores but run a different league away from there site, basically we have 10 teams and we...
  4. zugfrig78

    Choosing a skipper

    I run a private leauge on a private site with 9 mates and we hold our own draft ect so nobody has the same players ect ect anyway our draft is complete and i'd like some feedback on who i should choose as captain given in our leage you need to announce it now for the entire year (cant change...
  5. zugfrig78

    GAMEDAY LIVE (AFL Website)

    What's the go with AFL Gameday live? Have people been able to access the full version? I used it all last year and now I try and use it in the NAB cup and I get this error saying i either have javascript turned off or i dont have the latest flash player, neither of which is true i am fully up...
  6. zugfrig78

    NAB Cup SC scores

    Yeah whats the go with AFL Gameday live? Have people been able to access the full version i used it all last year and now i try and use it in the NAB cup and i get this error saying i either have javascript turned off or i dont have the latest flash player, neither of which is true i am fully...
  7. zugfrig78

    Old finals systems

    Can anyone remember how the old final six system structure used to be??????????? i run a private dreamteam league and '09 sees us expanding in clubs. currently we have a final five, that system (& the 8) i can recite game for game but cant for the life of me remember the layout of the final 6...
  8. zugfrig78

    How much will Geelong beat the Eagles by in Rd22?

    you know what its like when superpowers come up agains dud, they usually just do whats required and win by 4 or 5 goals.
  9. zugfrig78

    What is the best streak?

    efc 99-01 wouldnt have lost to many
  10. zugfrig78

    Dean Cox - fair play or dog act?

    havent seen it but im sure the tv did grab it and no doubt it will be shown, but your right doesnt sound to sportsman like
  11. zugfrig78

    All Australian Team 08

    Re: could richo possibly become an all australian this year? na he has fallen away now might miss out
  12. zugfrig78

    Are Port Power the biggest front-runners in history ?

    pretty sure the dons have come back from some big deficits yet we have blown some leads as well, lol
  13. zugfrig78

    AFL Dream Team 2008

    mathew lloyd or ryan o'keefe
  14. zugfrig78

    AFL Dream Team 2008

    buddy or mcleod?????????????
  15. zugfrig78

    AFL Dream Team 2008

    im my private salary cap free league i have been offered Barry Hall and tarkyn lockyer for my buddy franklin and tyson stenglien what do you think
  16. zugfrig78

    AFL Dream Team 2008

    Hey guy i play a private league where we hold a draft and pick 15 players per position and choose a team every week from our list of 48. (no salary) by holding a draft no two coaches have two players the same My 15 backs are Anthony, John Barry, Leo Bowden, Joel Dempster, Sean Dodd, Steven...
  17. zugfrig78

    Herald Sun SuperCoach 2008

    Hey guy i play a private league where we hold a draft and pick 15 players per position and choose a team every week from our list of 48. (no salary) by holding a draft no two coaches have two players the same My 15 backs are Anthony, John Barry, Leo Bowden, Joel Dempster, Sean Dodd...
  18. zugfrig78

    AFL Dream Team 2008

    i still think a punt on one of the 3 big name injured 07 forward is a worthy risk. thompson and bradshaw are very cheep while willimas is a little more expensive. higher priced again but lower than usuall with plenty of good rumors is b hall. he killed me last year but the lower $$$ has me...
  19. zugfrig78

    relatively cheap mids

    personally i would steer clear of coughlan coming off two knee reco's as he will take a good half a season under match conditions to get up to speed, but thats just my opinion
  20. zugfrig78

    AFL Dream Team 2008

    so is the general concenses good or bad for kruzer. i know he is so young by my thoughts were that acland is a bit of a dud and deluca is not much chop and if the blue struggle early and drop the first 3 or 4 he will find himself in the side and if they continue to lose he will contiune to play...
  21. zugfrig78

    Herald Sun SuperCoach 2008

    sorry guys put this one up earlier but had to go and and could find any comments Any thoughts on flag chance with this lot BACKS Shaw H McLeod A Fletcher D Hunter A Goddard B Riggio M Pears T Selwood S Silvester MIDS Stevens N Lappin N Ablett G Cornes C Cross D Kerr D Dejerrika N Dalzeil...
  22. zugfrig78

    AFL Dream Team 2008

    sorry guys put this one up earlier but had to go and and could find any comments Any thoughts on flag chance with this lot BACKS Shaw H McLeod A Fletcher D Hunter A Goddard B Riggio M Pears T Selwood S Silvester MIDS Stevens N Lappin N Ablett G Cornes C Cross D Kerr D Dejerrika N...
  23. zugfrig78

    Herald Sun SuperCoach 2008

    Any thoughts on flag chance with this lot BACKS Shaw H McLeod A Fletcher D Hunter A Goddard B Riggio M Pears T Selwood S Silvester MIDS Stevens N Lappin N Ablett G Cornes C Cross D Kerr D Dejerrika N Dalzeil B Barham J FWDS Thompson N Bradshaw D Hall B Lucas S Brown Na Chapman P Tippet...
  24. zugfrig78

    AFL Dream Team 2008

    Any thoughts on flag chance with this lot BACKS Shaw H McLeod A Fletcher D Hunter A Goddard B Riggio M Pears T Selwood S Silvester MIDS Stevens N Lappin N Ablett G Cornes C Cross D Kerr D Dejerrika N Dalzeil B Barham J FWDS Thompson N Bradshaw D Hall...
  25. zugfrig78

    AFL Dream Team 2008

    sorry should mention i am in a private league so i am lucky in that the salary cap doesnt apply but i do (by the rules) need 3 rucks on the list and once they are picked thats it for '08 no trades available
  26. zugfrig78

    AFL Dream Team 2008

    sort version of my question Given that in my opinion there are only 5 or 6 gun rucks (cox, ottenns, everitt, white and brogan) only 2 of them ave over 90 in SC and only 4 over 83 what would people suggest in drafting in the cases of (A) not being lucky enough in getting one of the first 5...
  27. zugfrig78

    AFL Dream Team 2008

    Hi im new to this forum but was after some advise in a few areas. I play both DT and SC but the last swason myself and 9 others played a private league in which we made a few little changes to things we didnt like. The main change was that we didnt like that on any given week say 6 of your...