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  1. person_pitch

    The Hip Hop Thread - Part 2

    Re: The Hip Hop Thread I fell victim to a couple of the fakes, but yeah the real one is out now.
  2. person_pitch

    The Hip Hop Thread - Part 2

    Re: The Hip Hop Thread Goblin has leaked, for those that are interested.
  3. person_pitch

    2nds RD 5 VFL Pies vs North Ballarat @ Victoria Park ; Sat 30/4 at 2.00pm

    Great stuff, 10th Letter.
  4. person_pitch

    GWS struggling to pick up players.

    Why Chris Dawes and Brendan Goddard?
  5. person_pitch

    D-Day for Didaka

    Re: Vale Didaka Oh man, this is horrible news. He came across as a very good and funny guy, I always enjoyed reading his posts. Thoughts go out to his family and girlfriend.
  6. person_pitch

    CFC Official MatchDay Program released

    Yeah, I think this is really good too. Impressed with the amount of stats that you've compiled, and I like the 'recap the week' section.
  7. person_pitch

    New Radiohead album this weekend!!

    So there is some 'newspaper' handout thing Radiohead are doing: Unclear whether it includes new music or not. For Melbourne it is available on Monday at Polyester records.
  8. person_pitch

    News Dane Swan signs for 3 years

    hooray. The new colouring-in on his left arm is pretty cool too.
  9. person_pitch

    New Radiohead album this weekend!!

    Oh cool. Sounds good/ btw, I'm totally on the king-of-limbs-part-2-conspiracy-theory bandwagon now. this poster on another forum who posted when KOL was going be released before the official announcement now says that there is gonna be more. maybe just b-sides, but idk.
  10. person_pitch

    New Radiohead album this weekend!!

    yeah, I didn't like the remix either. I think that Doom can sound really good on tracks with non-gritty production, though (based mainly on the Dangerdoom album). The vocal track in the original Gazzillion Ear is particularly grimy too. I'm hoping that anything they make together will turn out...
  11. person_pitch

    New Radiohead album this weekend!!

    These are pretty alright. Did you see this mdc: Two of my favourite dudes. Could be pretty awesome if it eventuates.
  12. person_pitch

    The Hip Hop Thread - Part 2

    Re: The Hip Hop Thread Might've seen this already, but they're possibly coming to Aus this year:
  13. person_pitch

    The Hip Hop Thread - Part 2

    Re: The Hip Hop Thread Tyler's twitter is one of the best:****tyler edit: don't know how to post the link without bigfooty bleeping it out, but replace the stars with the obvious swear word
  14. person_pitch

    The Hip Hop Thread - Part 2

    Re: The Hip Hop Thread fwiw, MellowHype just signed to a label to re-release BlackenedWhite, so I don't think it's available on their tumblr anymore. The re-released version is going to be re-mastered and have a few more tracks, should be cool. I think OF's catchiest songs are mostly off BW...
  15. person_pitch


    Neon Indian's album is pretty consistent if you like his style. wCSExocMKR4 Some others that I like at times: 4sEqjB2YGhA glDNxDGo0EY Vega is the guy from Neon Indian.
  16. person_pitch

    New Radiohead album this weekend!!

    King of Limbs isn't that electronic. The main instruments on most tracks are guitar/bass and what sounds like acoustic drums. It sounds less 'songy' than In Rainbows (and their first 3 albums) because the song structures and dynamics are generally different in KOL. Also the drums are more...
  17. person_pitch

    Revival of the "What Music You Listening To?" Thread....

    Nah I just live in Melbourne. I'm really feeling this album now. Stands up to repeated listening really well. Hope they come and tour here for this one. Worst moment of my life was when they cancelled their second night in Melbourne last time they toured.
  18. person_pitch

    Revival of the "What Music You Listening To?" Thread....

    Oh wait, by HTTF I mean HTTT
  19. person_pitch

    Revival of the "What Music You Listening To?" Thread....

    Haha, yeah I saw that OF performance. Tyler cracks me up. It's a pity Earl couldn't be involved - he's been mysteriously disappeared by his grandmother apparently, after she heard his music. Possibly shipped off to some boot camp. Dude doesn't turn 18 till this time next year, so probably won't...
  20. person_pitch

    Revival of the "What Music You Listening To?" Thread....

    I'm pretty happy with the album. It's no Kid A / Amnesiac, but much more interesting than In Rainbows, I think. I like the busy drums on most tracks and the real soft textured background samples. Kinda wish they would make a dubstep album actually. Fav tracks atm are the first one, Feral...
  21. person_pitch

    The players who missed out...

    Emma Quayle article about Josh:
  22. person_pitch

    Revival of the "What Music You Listening To?" Thread....

    It's actually oztix, not moshtix. here
  23. person_pitch

    Revival of the "What Music You Listening To?" Thread....

    Something that I'd recommend for anyone to listen to is this electronic artist called CFCF. He has this style of remixing stuff so that it is slowed down, and it just sounds fantastic. Can download a mix here: His remix...
  24. person_pitch

    Revival of the "What Music You Listening To?" Thread....

    I've got it written down that the Doom tickets go on sale tomorrow. Should be able to get them from What other concerts are you guys going to see this summer? There are quite a few bands I like coming. Atm I have tix for The National, Deerhunter, Ariel Pink, and Neon Indian...
  25. person_pitch

    Revival of the "What Music You Listening To?" Thread....

    Maybe you'll like Tyler if you get to know him beeter. I'm pretty excited by them. They released 5-6 albums this year, and the ones I've listened to all seem solid throughout, they release all of their music for free, and they are so young (Earl is only 16 years old!). I think that maybe in the...
  26. person_pitch

    Revival of the "What Music You Listening To?" Thread....

    Hey mdc, can you describe your thoughts about oddfuture wolfgang.
  27. person_pitch

    Bigfooty Bloggers

    Word Press is really good if you want to start a blog. I was a blogger for about a week, and it was pretty fun, but then I felt egotistical and deleted it. My idea for the blog was that I'd write the posts addressed to this particular friend of mine, so the content would just be stuff that...
  28. person_pitch

    As at Thurs night we have picks 42, 55 & Fraser compo, 59-Should get Taz with 1 of those

    I think we all need to admit that Tarrant is actually pretty ridiculously good looking
  29. person_pitch

    Sexual assault allegations

    Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations Rah. I'm sure everything will turn out okay for everyone involved. Although if I was a football player I think I'd hit on the members of SNSD exclusively
  30. person_pitch

    Times when you successfully predicted the future

    Judd shmudd, u should predict something about Dane. Post links to ur myspace