Flying High
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- #476
tony 's mob have captured a rare group shot of returning club legend JoshWoodenSpoon painting tony , Electronic_Renaissance , Broken and Millky95 on the red carpet
Hey tony , who are you sitting with and what did you order tonight?
I am sitting with my boys. I didn't look at the menu but I ordered Pizza and Pasta and expect to get it. I also told them no wine for our table after last season's disaster.
Do you and your mob have a pre-Mateflon routine ?
We go around the room taking bribes and collecting bets.
How have you found your year?
My season was ok, but I am disappointed we missed out on finals again. I will be doubling our bribes to the faceless men next season to get us a spot in the finals.
Who is your tip to win the BnF ?
It could be any number of people this season, but I think its out of Broken, Millky95 or Moose.
Hey Electronic_Renaissance . Congratulations on a promising debut season - you seem to be set for a successful career ahead. How would you rate your year, and the Bears' year?
Thank you, it is nice to hear I have done well from my team mates and especially my captain. I think I have done pretty well for a rookie but there is plenty of room for improvement. I'm only just getting started. It is disappointing that the Bears missed the finals but I think we have had a great year off-field.
Who are you sitting with tonight, and who dressed you?
I'm am sitting with my buddy Cap as everyone would expect. He scrubs up pretty well and his plus one is just stunning.
Um, I dressed myself. Was I supposed to get someone else to dress me?
Is pizza on the menu (with or without cutlery) ?
Of course!! I can look out at all my team mates currently enjoying tony 's famous pizza. It's good to see everyone using cutlery, no need to worry about greasy hands when the next course arrives!
Who is your tip to win the BnF ?
Hmm, tough one. Probably Muddiemoose , are we having chocolate mousse for dessert?
What's in store for you over the offseason, and next season?
I have state of origin coming up, playing for the mighty Black Swans. A very formidable team on paper. I'm sure we'll do well.
I will be training the house down as I prepare for next season. I may also have a few little surprises in store. I will also enjoy getting to know and playing with my new team mates Supersuns , Mister M and Party Gull .
Good evening Broken . It's been a privilege to post/play alongside you. How would you rate your season, and our season as a whole?
Woeful, and the outcome of our season was sadly no surprise.
Who are you sitting with tonight, and what did you order to drink?
The answer to both is a White Russian.
Who do you tip as tonight's Mateflon winner, and more importantly, Roulette winner?
Whoever does the votes is a good chance to win. As for roulette, it pays to follow tony and his connections.
Hey Millky95 , who are you sitting with tonight, and who dressed you?
Hello MWPP. I am with new recruits Supersuns and Mister M giving them their first taste of Bear's hospitality. We are dressed by "PennState Threads"
Overall, how have you found this season, both onfield and offield?
On field wasn't great. Felt like we were always there or thereabouts but couldn't make it.
Off-field was a good years for the Bears. Looking at going strength to strength next season
Who is your tip to win the BnF?
Whilst Muddie had it on for on-field Cap's posting numbers will get him over the line
Hey JoshWoodenSpoon . Who are you sitting with tonight , and who dressed you?
I'm sitting by myself, and I'm in full Dada tracksuit. Two unrelated conditions.
Overall, how have you found your first season back?
Bangin'. Bearz rule. Love the spirit about the place and amped for next season.
And who is your tip to win the Mateflon?
It's as open a race as I can remember, and I can nearly remember the last one!