Preview 2010 Brownlow Medal

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Look, to take something positive out of this farce, I hope he comes out in the Grand Final with some extra motivation out of this. We know what he's capable of, what he can push himself through, maybe this can take him to another level.


We know most people hate Collingwood.

Umpires are people.

At least their predjudices are now transparent for all footy judges to see, so maybe they'll have to be more careful not to let them show too much on saturday.

Plus, they'll be criticised or having their favourites, so now they may need to be a little tougher on their chosen ones..and we all know who their most favoured son of all is, don't we?

So that's another positive.
Agree this is a joke, not sure what more Swanny could have done this year. Judd is simply the umpires favourite, and l think he gets half his votes basically on his name. Anyway Swanny won the award more prestigous than the Brownlow, and that's the MVP award, voted by his fellow players.

I think Judd would be embarrassed to win the Brownlow this year.

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Swan looks really annoyed, dear god hes going to go berserk this saturday.
RECORDS will be broken people!
On a side note along with the laughable farce that is the vote count, the 10 network are ruining this as a tv spectacle. Non stop ads and time wasting stuff about Carlton. They don't matter this year, move the **** on.
We'll see how biased they are from here on in.. swan was easily bog v geelong and st kilda...lets see what they do..the bastards
Not bothering to watch the TV (hey, Shameless is on!) but I gather these delays in updates are due to ridiculous waffle? What's the freakin' holdup? The night could finish up 1 hour earlier if they cut the crap.

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