2022 Federal Election Watch

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Part 2 can be found here

It's a documented fact that Penny Wong isn't miss innocent, but she's untouchable because of her sexuality and her race. It shouldn't give her free reign to be a conniving backstabber.

There we go. Didn’t take too long, did it Hando.

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It's a documented fact that Penny Wong isn't miss innocent, but she's untouchable because of her sexuality and her race. It shouldn't give her free reign to be a conniving backstabber.

What excrement.

Australian politics has always used race as a disadvantage. We’re only on the cusp of the first PM from a fully non Anglo Celtic background (Italian father Irish mother) 70 years after the first major non Anglo Celtic migration to the country. The chance of a non white PM in the next 70 years? Zero

And sexuality? 40% of this country a few years ago believed she doesn’t have the same rights as straight people. Her sexuality has been used as a weapon against her in politics.

I know you’re a troll but this is pretty poor trolling on your part

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It's a documented fact that Penny Wong isn't miss innocent, but she's untouchable because of her sexuality and her race. It shouldn't give her free reign to be a conniving backstabber.

What a load of horseshit.

Firstly, Penny Wong has been criticised by plenty... so she is clearly not untouchable.

Secondly, claiming that she is untouchable because of her sexuality and her race simply proves the point that you have no criticism of her that doesn't amount to racism and homophobia.
98-96 is 2 years, is it not? It's a rather simple concept.

It's fascinating how the left care so little for the lost years of schooling and socialisation of our youth, yet shed crocodile tears when a 96 years old dies before their time.

The lack of logic combined with emotive platitudes reminds me of the pro-life crowd.
I specifically mentioned 70 year olds - did you miss that?

You carry on like everyone lost a year or two when statistically speaking, in the US where it did run rampant, they calculated the average time lost to each death was 11.7 years.

That’s a total of 11 700 000 collective years lost.

source: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2006392117

That’s the thing about conservatives though, you wont change from being presented with this, you will either double down and call fake news or somesuchlike garbage - or you will run off, lick your wounds and at some later stage come back and MAKE THE EXACT SAME COUPLE OF YEARS CLAIM.

Further more the economic cost of these lives lost came to a staggering amount calculated at between 11-17 TRILLION DOLLARS.

And going back to the youth argument - i guess its the best thing youve got as economics, social welfare, respect for your elders and basic humanity seem to be against you - the vast majority of youth - outside of victoria didnt experience a lot of lockdown

As has been mentioned to you several times, the closer to covid zero each state was, the better it performed economically, socially and in lack of lockdowns.

WA - the strictest state had a total of 2 weeks of lockdowns.

Look forward to your reply pretending none of this actually exists in your own little imaginary world….
  • Criticises decision to oppose masks, keep venues open
  • But says voluntary, no-lockdown policy was correct
  • Report could hurt ruling party ahead of elections
  • Sweden's pandemic response polarised opinion


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Party in government for 0 years of Australian Federal and State political history responsible for downfall of Australia. Makes sense.
What a load of horseshit.

Firstly, Penny Wong has been criticised by plenty... so she is clearly not untouchable.

Secondly, claiming that she is untouchable because of her sexuality and her race simply proves the point that you have no criticism of her that doesn't amount to racism and homophobia.

That's simply a load of codswallop I've said time and time again that she is a bully and a conniving backstabber.
I suggest you have a cup of tea and a lie down.
I understand where you are coming from. I am very eager to see great progress being made on a number of issues but for this election and for the future of Australia, it is imperative that it is not a hung Parliament because all that will do is breath life into the present Liberal Party.

A routed Liberal Party with strong ALP majority in the Lower House will mean that the Liberal Party in it's present state is finished and if the so-called "teal independents do get 3 or 4 up, then they will probably form the new Liberal Party because let's face it, most, if not all, are what used to be described as "small l" Liberals. The far-right will not give up their gains so the brawl is on and the split huge!

Meanwhile, back in the real world, 5 electoral terms later, Australia will have been reformed into the great progressive country that we always threaten to be but are held back by the Liberal Party.

I can really envisage a day when the Greens and the ALP will be more politically aligned then they are now, forming a powerful and principled if loose coalition than the far-right, knuckdragging LNP Coalition.
Excellent post, and whilst I'm disappointed in how far right the ALP has drifted, we need the Coalition to be electorally devastated in this election, and a big Labor majority to give them breathing space for at least two or three terms. I hope that will kick off an almighty reckoning and schism in the Liberal Party.

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What's insane about listening to climate scientists and reducing the appalling wealth gap?
How are coal mines and Gina Rhinehart going to help you at all?
I cannot comprehend anyone votong for Scammo. Why do you do it? He is a lying scam artist you gave the Solomon Islands to China.
I just have listen to Eachway for 5 minutes and there's your answer.
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If you take it seat by seat there may not be much in it.

I have Labor needing five of; Robertson (NSW), Longman (Qld), Bass (Tas) Braddon (Tas), Boothby (SA) and Reid (NSW).

Seats that I considered out of reach, that may have come into play, are; Bennelong and Gilmore in NSW. Labor may need at least one to form government.

Independents will have a strong showing in Hughes, Mackellar, Wentworth (NSW), Goldstein, Kooyong, Nicholls (Vic). Greens a chance in Brisbane.

I’m on a golf trip, so will probably view Bennelong and Gilmore as the weathervane electorates to check out before heading into a nightclub from a pub.

[The telling number, that I can’t get out of my head, is Morrison’s support amongst women - 43-57.]
The women of Australia need to do us men a favour - kick Morrison out of power. Too many men still support him (unsurprising as some men lack empathy with issues like gender equality, and Morrison has spent his whole time in office sucking off the construction sector while ignoring female-dominated industries).
It's a documented fact that Penny Wong isn't miss innocent, but she's untouchable because of her sexuality and her race. It shouldn't give her free reign to be a conniving backstabber.
Documented where exactly grasshopper?
Because she's a conniving backstabber!
Even Gladys Liu has more integrity.
One doesn't place the word "integrity" in the same sentence as "Gladys Liu", one has to do better than that.
There are some very sick people here. This is not a game of football, it is about the future of Australia.
It's funny you say that, that's a significant part of what determines my political views.
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