List Mgmt. 2023 List Management thread

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Mod notice after Mr Bob did a lot of annoying work in moving days of posts out of here. As we are heading into offseason, this thread is for 2023 list management only. Getting upset on previous trades can be taken to the vent thread. Lets keep this thread on track in the part of the year it's actually relevant
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Hmmm I see your line of thinking and it’s a unique set of circumstances this year.
Are we sure they have enough points this year to do that though?
Still think we would need to throw something in though.
Swapping our F1 for pick 5 would be fine by me. If we could get Mckercher I’d be thrilled. Or even Nick Watson. It will be at least pick 7 on the night though as Walter will be bid on, plus north will surely be given Band 1 compo for McKay?
There's a lot of assumptions to make it happen but if they lose Flanders (which I think they will), then they should have plenty of points. If we assume Twomey's rankings are accurate, they'll need 4000 points but Read and Rogers will go later because that's just how these things work (and Read as a ruck wont go top 10, I'd guarantee it). They have 4.5k points already.

For mine, the MOST value they can get is
A) Trade pick 5 for a pick as high next year as possible
B) Trade Flanders for a pick in the teens - this will cover like 60% of a Walters bid (as dumb as it is)
C) Trade one of their 2nds into next year and wait to see how the draft goes. Have a trade set up to trade it back in once the first two NGA kids are bid on.

The only other option that makes sense is to break up 5 into both the Dogs picks this year but I dont think that's the best way to get value as it's basically the same as using pick 5 on Walter's

We wouldnt be getting McKercher but I wouldnt be surprised if one of Watson (size) or Curtain (go-home) slid out to 7 and I'd be fine with Duursma or O'Sullivan as well
He's got class. There have been a couple of times that an opposition player has got injured and he's been there to make sure they're okay. Did it as a rookie, too.
I didn't even realise this was the Fremantle board ... I thought this was another thread about Collingwood.

Ruscoe is a great defender who'll be an asset for any club he's at. He's fun, he's got energy and the boys love him. As I said before, you're getting someone who'll look out for his teammates but also those around him. I forget who, but there was a player who'd been concussed or otherwise badly injured and Ruscoe was down on the ground, signalling for medical attention whilst comforting him. I've seen him do it more than once, too. On Reddit, I write out a weekly update for our VFL squad and Ruscoe's one of the blokes I rate. If he leaves, it'll be sad to see him go but I can't blame him. With Frampton and Murphy, Ruscoe is almost forgotten but he's too good for the VFL. He showed on ANZAC Day where his strengths are.

He's close with Luke Jackson and trained over pre-season with him so there's some chemistry. He'll cost a third, if that, and I'd make that trade any day of the week.
There's a lot of assumptions to make it happen but if they lose Flanders (which I think they will), then they should have plenty of points. If we assume Twomey's rankings are accurate, they'll need 4000 points but Read and Rogers will go later because that's just how these things work (and Read as a ruck wont go top 10, I'd guarantee it). They have 4.5k points already.

For mine, the MOST value they can get is
A) Trade pick 5 for a pick as high next year as possible
B) Trade Flanders for a pick in the teens - this will cover like 60% of a Walters bid (as dumb as it is)
C) Trade one of their 2nds into next year and wait to see how the draft goes. Have a trade set up to trade it back in once the first two NGA kids are bid on.

The only other option that makes sense is to break up 5 into both the Dogs picks this year but I dont think that's the best way to get value as it's basically the same as using pick 5 on Walter's

We wouldnt be getting McKercher but I wouldnt be surprised if one of Watson (size) or Curtain (go-home) slid out to 7 and I'd be fine with Duursma or O'Sullivan as well
Do they really have 9 list spots open to take all those points into the draft though, or do they have some other AFL concessions I am unaware of?
Watson is a garden gnome, Duursma is from vic metro so doubt he wants to move here, Caddy is a maybe but I think he lacks pace.

Watson tore WA apart, kicked 5 goals almost in a half.
Might be small, but he's got quality.
Caleb Daniel is even smaller, and he's a flag winner.
Our best player is Serong, he's quite small.
Its all bullshit, quality is quality
Do they really have 9 list spots open to take all those points into the draft though, or do they have some other AFL concessions I am unaware of?
The 4th round picks are irrelevant for points basically, can write them off and move to next year / do tiny upgrades to their thirds. They can get to 6 list spots easy enough. Take in three actual spots for the NGAs, move two more to the rookie list and delist one or two (very fringe players) with the aim to redraft in the actual draft.
Brodie getting back to his form last year would be like getting a new gun recruit for free. We've desperately missed that form he had.
Going by that logic I'd be disappointed not to have 10-12 'gun recruits' next season.

Most of rest have played a lot of footy but some have been as well down as Brodie.
We shouldn't be trading our F1, I don't trust JLo and we are not guaranteed to get better assistants next year. Besides, we don't have any needs in the top 5 draft this year but I suppose we could split the pick.
I don't see as much of a problem with trading a future first when you're getting a top five pick in the door.

I feel like Gold Coast will be looking to downgrade pick 5 rather than swap it out of 2023 altogether. That trade actually leaves Gold Coast with less points for 2023.
I don't see as much of a problem with trading a future first when you're getting a top five pick in the door.

I feel like Gold Coast will be looking to downgrade pick 5 rather than swap it out of 2023 altogether. That trade actually leaves Gold Coast with less points for 2023.
I have done quite a bit of reading and watching on the top ten projected players in the current draft, there are some absolute guns in the draft but I don't see any fitting our needs. We don't need midfielders, KPFs or ruckman which all dominate the top 10.

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I have done quite a bit of reading and watching on the top ten projected players in the current draft, there are some absolute guns in the draft but I don't see any fitting our needs. We don't need midfielders, KPFs or ruckman which all dominate the top 10.
There’s MAYBE one ruck that goes top 10 and after that you’ve basically named the players that always go top 10
There’s MAYBE one ruck that goes top 10 and after that you’ve basically named the players that always go top 10
Yeah that's my point, no standout forwards this year in the top 10. We need a Rochelle type player to justify trading for pick 5.

Basically we fkd up our drafting, we should already have a few on our list. Mids are a dime a dozen as you say but elite forward talent is hard to find.
Controversial post:

I would trade Ras for a suitable pick & genuinely wouldn’t be surprised if Freo were shopping him to WCE, as some here have alluded to.

Hear me out.

It’s not because I don’t rate him, I just think we’re flushed with many quality mid prospects and not enough A grade talent elsewhere around the ground.

We’ve essentially got Brayshaw, Serong & Johnson as locks for the next 10 years. Fyfe & JOM for a few more. Brodie, who I believe can recapture last years form. And then others such as Young, Chapman & NOD who may end up as inside mids. This also doesn’t take into account any quality mid prospects from future drafts.

From a list management standpoint, if we could turn Ras into a quality small forward, I would do so in a heartbeat.

Keen to hear thoughts.
Personally I have midfielders as quite a fair way up the list of list management needs... It's not no.1 but the need for extra depth is clearly there imo.

Outside our best 25 or so we really have **** all in that area. Fyfe is also 32 and playing as much forward now.
I don't see as much of a problem with trading a future first when you're getting a top five pick in the door.

I feel like Gold Coast will be looking to downgrade pick 5 rather than swap it out of 2023 altogether. That trade actually leaves Gold Coast with less points for 2023.
On Twomeys ratings, they need 4k points, they have 4.5k currently. Lets say they trade Flanders for something like pick 14 in value while trading out pick 5, that’s a net difference 700 points which leaves them 200 short which is very easy to make up.

They should be able to trade Flanders and trade out pick 5 and have no points deficit if they are smart about it
On Twomeys ratings, they need 4k points, they have 4.5k currently. Lets say they trade Flanders for something like pick 14 in value while trading out pick 5, that’s a net difference 700 points which leaves them 200 short which is very easy to make up.

They should be able to trade Flanders and trade out pick 5 and have no points deficit if they are smart about it
Could easily take 14 to the draft and let another team smuggle in later picks with a higher points value for them
Personally I have midfielders as quite a fair way up the list of list management needs... It's not no.1 but the need for extra depth is clearly there imo.

Outside our best 25 or so we really have **** all in that area. Fyfe is also 32 and playing as much forward now.
We don't just need mids, we need a left footed midfielder
Just watched the latest interview with JL. When asked about Liam Henry's future at the club he responded that "the ball is in his court". The tone of the response didn't fill me with a lot of confidence, but still hoping.
Watson tore WA apart, kicked 5 goals almost in a half.
Might be small, but he's got quality.
Caleb Daniel is even smaller, and he's a flag winner.
Our best player is Serong, he's quite small.
Its all bullshit, quality is quality

This is like the bat signal for Alfonz. He’ll be here any minute
It's really obvious listening to JL that Henry not signing is because of spending time at Peel. The actual ****? Where do you get that sort of entitlement from playing like he did prior to about 7 weeks ago?

Does he have a monstrous ego?
He was given so many games this year where all he would do was turnover the ball. Make him sit down and watch those games and try to argue that he didn’t deserve to be dropped.
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