List Mgmt. 2023 Trade & List Management discussion

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Who tries to do their own tattoo! Hilarious. What a pelican. I wouldn't touch the guy. He is good for contrasted ball - lots of 2metre throws. But, I wonder if his best footy is behind him already. On a stupid salary.

Dees clearly want Harley Reid. If Oliver goes it will be to North Melbourne I reckon.
Who tries to do their own tattoo! Hilarious. What a pelican. I wouldn't touch the guy. He is good for contrasted ball - lots of 2metre throws. But, I wonder if his best footy is behind him already. On a stupid salary.

Dees clearly want Harley Reid. If Oliver goes it will be to North Melbourne I reckon.

Norf finally gets their big fish?

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Danny Daly on SEN this morning.

  • Waiting on an answer from Dev within the next 24 hours. Sounds like they're sitting down with him today, so we might know more then;
  • Also sitting down with Zorko today to work out what's happening for next year. Reading between the lines, I reckon he'll get another year, but it will be on our terms in regards to how many games/if he plays etc; Wouldn't be surprised if they announce it tonight at the BnF to be honest;
  • Waiting on Doedee; Outside of him & Dev, 'unless a player pops up really late that we may have interest in', we'll be pretty quiet, with the intention to bank some points etc for Levi next year;
  • Sounds like Jed's replacement will come externally as opposed to any promotion within & that we could appoint someone there pretty quickly also.
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Not to mention that the 4 week foot infection he was out with was because he tried to tattoo himself lmao
Something tells me there’s a darker undertone to this story, especially if you read between the lines :huh:

What are the behaviours that a club like Melbourne in the premiership hunt would even consider trading Oliver after signing a seven year contract only recently?

Historicaly clubs have tolerated behaviours that society would put them behind bars for a long time. We know rapists have been held on a list because they have some goal scoring ability. Burglars and criminals, even pedophiles have been untouchables at clubs.

Oliver is to Melbourne as Black was to the Lions during the golden era. Think abou it. What sort of behaviours would we have considered trading Black?

Rumor (Unverified) emanating from Melbourne that Oliver has just about fractured their culture. Culture killer.

Yeah lets trade an integral culture player like Rayner for Oliver. Yeah well he was a Lions supporter. Yeap that's a good reason. Are you serious?

Would not touch with a shyte smeared rag.

Someone on another site said they had heard rumours that he gave himself a foot tattoo and it got infected and that caused a huge rift with the playing group lol.

While I sincerely doubt its true... god that would be hilarious if it was. Can't imagine anyone with huge paycheck and an athlete thinking it would be a great idea to tattoo themselves on the foot mid season lol

Edit* just saw the tattoo was already mentioned* still think it's hilariously stupid if true
Someone on another site said they had heard rumours that he gave himself a foot tattoo and it got infected and that caused a huge rift with the playing group lol.

While I sincerely doubt its true... god that would be hilarious if it was. Can't imagine anyone with huge paycheck and an athlete thinking it would be a great idea to tattoo themselves on the foot mid season lol

Edit* just saw the tattoo was already mentioned* still think it's hilariously stupid if true
Something tells me there’s a darker undertone to this story, especially if you read between the lines :huh:

I doubt it, if that was the case they wouldn’t be trying to shop him around, because if that ever came out it would be possibly the worst PR imaginable.

I think he’s just a f*ckwit
I doubt it, if that was the case they wouldn’t be trying to shop him around, because if that ever came out it would be possibly the worst PR imaginable.

I think he’s just a f*ckwit
Maybe that’s right, after all who the hell tattoos their own foot without additional influences like drugs or alcohol.

The other alternative could have been he was suffering with mental health issues while in rehabilitation long-term this year from his injuries.

Either way, personally don’t want him at the club no matter how good he is especially given how much it would cost, financially and draft/trade capital wise.

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Maybe that’s right, after all who the hell tattoos their own foot without additional influences like drugs or alcohol.

The other alternative could have been he was suffering with mental health issues while in rehabilitation long-term this year from his injuries.

Either way, personally wouldn’t want him at the club especially given how much it would cost, financially and draft/trade capital wise.

Apparently he did have a calf injury but not a multi month long calf injury, despite it being used as the excuse. I think he's just a flog.
The use of "frustration" to describe the feeling amongst amongst his mates is telling. Not a word you'd throw in there if Oliver was dealing with mental illness unless his behaviour was exacerbating it.

At the same time, why would the word “concern” be in play if was just poor rehabilitation by the bloke.

Reckon there could be more to the story and I don’t think it’s just rehabilitative nature, something else in the background has occurred that the club isn’t telling everyone, which they shouldn’t mention anyhow.
Given that none of us know Clayton or really know what is going on at Melbourne, it is in my opinion totally inappropriate for posters to be referring to him as a "f*ckwt" or "flog" or in other such derogatory terms. He deserves better than that anonymous keyboard warrior stuff.
Dog Hacking GIF
Given that none of us know Clayton or really know what is going on at Melbourne, it is in my opinion totally inappropriate for posters to be referring to him as a "f*ckwt" or "flog" or in other such derogatory terms. He deserves better than that anonymous keyboard warrior stuff.

You’re right, there’s probably a completely innocent explanation for why a club in the premiership window is shopping around their best player on a multi-year contract that he only just signed; months after being asked to move in with his captain.
Given that none of us know Clayton or really know what is going on at Melbourne, it is in my opinion totally inappropriate for posters to be referring to him as a "f*ckwt" or "flog" or in other such derogatory terms. He deserves better than that anonymous keyboard warrior stuff.

(1) this is bigfooty; (2) you're making a lot of assumptions in your post :wink:

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