Autopsy 2024 Rd 11 Blues eclipse Suns with roof closed

Who played well for the Blues in Rd 11 vs the Suns?

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Voss wants clarification on umpiring decisions never seen him question them before but did today.

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I don’t like bashing umpires… They were pretty bad today…

At 3/4 time we had 4 free kicks, of which 2 were for OOB…

Last night they payed multiple 50s for knocking the ball out of players hands, happened multiple times today and nothing.
Learnt a few things today: Williams as a forward is a tick; Fog makes both Hollands significantly better; Fog, Kemp, Gov, Walsh, Saad, and the Hollands makes us much, much faster across the ground; Kemp is now best 22, even when Marchbank is fit; Charlie still isn't right, but he's learning resiliance; one ruck, thanks; still overreliant on Cripps/Walsh, need the other mids to do more.

Carn the Blues!
I'll dispute that to a degree. While still not as good as it should be, generally cleaner ball handling made us much quicker today. It gives you more time to put speed on the ball.
David King early in the third quarter - you cannot continue to kick high and deep in Mac Andrew’s area.

Late in the last quarter Carlton tactics very smart dragging Mac Andrew deep and asking him the question.

Never wrong is our Kingy

It was a tad frustrating watching repeated kicks in to Andrew.
I'll dispute that to a degree. While still not as good as it should be, generally cleaner ball handling made us much quicker today. It gives you more time to put speed on the ball.
Each of the listed players in that section are arguably faster by foot than their counterparts on the list. While I don't disagree that we looked to transition the ball a lot faster today and as a consequence looked a lot faster, we freed up each other by hand and broke clear a lot better, and we were able to beat them back to their half significantly better than we have for 5ish games.

GC aren't slow, nor do they really move the ball slowly. We managed to ensure they didn't get any easy ones via outnumbers; they kept kicking arsy goals from one on twos to shorten the margin.

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Got home at just after 5 now going out for dinner,perfect time slot.

Dare I say it back to the 80’s game time on a Saturday.

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It’s awesome, I’ll be back in Bendigo by 7pm instead of the usual 2am after a night game
Happy to see Vossy be a bit more innovative with the magnets today, it worked. Fantastic game from Williams today, really rapt for him. Some here have been calling for a trial up forward, and despite being placed there last week, showed he’s got the goods to make an impact. Love Fog back in the side as well, have missed him the past few weeks up there.

TDK and Crippas games were immense. Cripps has really been able to improve his movement around the ground and feels more a complete player this year to me. TDK maybe works better without Pitto in, not sure, but definitely silenced some today.

Hollands bros, Kemp, Cowan, Kennedy, Newman all fantastic as well.
I just wish we had more killer instinct in us to bury teams when we are all over them. The possession differential was huge but just didn’t have the extra polish to punish them as we should have. The delivery I50 was a bit better today and our forward line functioned a bit more efficiently but still much room for improvement. Switching the ball to the other side of the ground and opening space to move forward was done well by the boys in the first half.

Big game Thursday. Hope we find something from deep within to win at a ground we don’t have much luck at.
Yeah, I’m in the no Pitto camp too
We’ve looked much better & more mobile without Pitto

We were so dominant - we need to learn to get more easy goals & not just kick it to CC and H all the time!

But, I’m very happy with this win.

All of the sudden, 7-4 doesn’t look too shabby :)
His game today was better than Motlop's who played at a lower level.

Looked more comfortable beside Fog and Williams. Will get another week until Mots finds some form.
If we are serious, he won't play afl in our team again.
Fog showed exactly what small forwards do. Fanta is not even close!
The Good
  • Coaching group finally put their thinking caps on.
  • Williams kicking four.
  • Best game I've seen from Cowan so far. He'll be terrific for us once he gets 30-50 games under his belt. ATM the moment he's the sleeper to watch as he continues to develop.
  • Seeing Ollie running past for the handball receives.
  • Probably the best I've seen us tackle since the GWS game.
  • More of an even team performance across the board.
  • Ball handling was a little cleaner.
  • Curnow looks infinitely better presenting up at the ball carrier.
  • We won.
  • No injuries of note.
The Bad
  • Still got out-tackled by the opposition
  • Not enough pressure in the front half by our forwards
  • Taking our chances in front of goal is still pretty meh.
The Ugly
  • Despite having 130 more possessions than the opposition we didn't manage to get the ball inside 50 any more times than they did.
  • Once again we failed to put a team to the sword despite having a 40+ point lead in the last quarter.
Kennedy dropped for <insert random name> is bloody ordinary and I am sick and tired of having to read the agenderised rubbish.

Highlight of the game for me was absolute SILENCE from Carlton supporters when Suns kicked a goal - absolutely loved it.

He was great today and has been really good all year, consistently gets in to enough space to deliver inside 50, usually with a good, fast paced kick, has also consistently hit the scoreboard.

Not going anywhere