Rumour 2024 Rumours and Speculation Part 3

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No idea as I missed what happened.

If posters don't keep getting personal with others, then they shouldn't have problems being banned... like we got again last night when someone went off the rails at most who got into a conversation with them.
Last night was yet another example of why people shouldn't drink and post.
Last night was yet another example of why people shouldn't drink and post.
No doubt you can tell when certain posters are under the influence of something.

There are those who are happy when they are drunk & others who just want to pick a fight.

Those who know the get angry when drunk, should lay off posting... & probably should not drink heaps.

I enjoy a drink most days, but don't feel the need to get drunk... but if I do, I'm a happy drunk.
No doubt you can tell when certain posters are under the influence of something.

There are those who are happy when they are drunk & others who just want to pick a fight.

Those who know the get angry when drunk, should lay off posting... & probably should not drink heaps.

I enjoy a drink most days, but don't feel the need to get drunk... but if I do, I'm a happy drunk.
My findings are that alcohol enhances your feelings. So if you are depressed, you feel more depressed, if you are angry then you feel more angry and if you are happy, you feel more happy. The problem I have is that I mostly choose to be happy, therefore drinking makes me happier. It is healthy to be happy, but not healthy to drink too much :D

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I think, yes, a comedian should be allowed to make jokes about anything.
But then the question is, why do you want to make jokes about rape?
Comedy should be free in order to punch up, not punch down. Make jokes about the powerful, not victims. that's the point of that particular freedom. To satirise those in charge, not make fun of easy targets.
I saw a discussion among a bunch of comedians recently about that very point (punching up and not down) - and they called bullshit to that old formula.
I think making jokes around someone being sexually assaulted is on a whole different level to laughing about the hand you’ve been dealt. Don’t you think? And maybe I shouldn’t even ask that question, because there is never, EVER, anything funny about being sexually assaulted. Period.
Really? REALLY?

Sexual Assault is horrific... but going through life not being able to feed yourself? Or communicate effectively? Or live any semblance of a normal life?

Im not going to get into an argument about what's better or worse Jenny, but there's a difference between something being funny, and being able to laugh at something that's not funny.
No doubt you can tell when certain posters are under the influence of something.

There are those who are happy when they are drunk & others who just want to pick a fight.

Those who know the get angry when drunk, should lay off posting... & probably should not drink heaps.

I enjoy a drink most days, but don't feel the need to get drunk... but if I do, I'm a happy drunk.

Had a friend who is an angry drunk. He was fine drinking in small groups in private but one day we were at the casino and he was looking to start fights because he thought people were staring at him. Killed the fun of the night because we had to keep calming him down.

But there are definitely some posters with jekyll and hyde personalities due to a variety of reasons. Probably shouldnt assume drugs or alcohol though. Some people have incredibly shit family situations, could have been a tremendously bad dad and they came on at the end of the tether and took their anger out. I have done it. I came on here once, tore into another poster for what really was not a bad comment, and apologized.
I saw a discussion among a bunch of comedians recently about that very point (punching up and not down) - and they called bullshit to that old formula.

Anyone should be able to joke about anything that is funny. Funny is subjective though and imo no topic is off limits. Unless its at the expense of victims. But dark comedy is a thing because it allows us to laugh at ourselves. And that helps our wellbeing.
My findings are that alcohol enhances your feelings. So if you are depressed, you feel more depressed, if you are angry then you feel more angry and if you are happy, you feel more happy. The problem I have is that I mostly choose to be happy, therefore drinking makes me happier. It is healthy to be happy, but not healthy to drink too much :D
I'll drink to that...🤪
Can you point to a post on here where someone has found it funny?
It’s not that they find it funny so much as they use it to get a cheap laugh. Or worse, to say “people get offended over the slightest thing these days”. For me, the “at least Diddy used lube” line was the one that broke me. “At least Diddy used lube”… when he r*ped those women, or that young boy…. Others laughed. It’s all a big joke, apparently. The player dressed as the rapist that got off on a technicality was portrayed simulating sex with a blowup doll was seen to be funny too. Because he was “found innocent”? Was he simulating raping the doll? For the record, he wasn’t found innocent. He got off on a technicality. You think the woman he r*ped thinks it’s funny? Do you think ANYONE (male or female) who have been r*ped finds it funny? All I ask is just think before you make light of these situations, ask yourselves what if this were my wife, daughter or mother? What if your son was the victim? Would they find it funny? Another thing I’d like you all to do, is ask your mothers or your partners if they’ve ever experience sexual assault attempts (or worse) in their lifetime. Guarantee you’d be horrified at the responses.

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Im not sensoring anybody and you simply need to stop suggesting that’s what is happening. You are wrong. I’m just asking that people think before they post. Nobody should be joking about sexual assault or abuse, period. If you can’t make a joke without making light of these situations, you seriously need to get a new script writer. It’s got nothing to do with public figures… it’s about attempting humour around the acts of sexual assault/abuse, because that’s what is happening here. I couldn’t give a fig if it was P Diddy or John Smith from Elizabeth. As for “emotional consistency”… that’s the thing about trauma, you’ve got no control over what triggers it or when it gets triggered. All I’m asking is for people to think before they joke about these types of subjects. If you continue to do so, that says so much more about you. End of conversation.
You didn't "ask people to think" initially, you demanded the mods remove any reference of him that's what caused some like hodgy to explain how unrealistic and limiting that was to suggest

Asking probably also wouldn't involve calling the board misogynistic, and those that disagree with you "lacking empathy" and "to have a look at themselves" either, it would involve giving your perspective and allowing others to make their own decisions

Your point on trauma i accept as it can be repressed and emotions can fluctuate so my mistake there. I see you've found new people to try and force your opinion on so I'll let ya be! 😃
It’s not that they find it funny so much as they use it to get a cheap laugh. Or worse, to say “people get offended over the slightest thing these days”. For me, the “at least Diddy used lube” line was the one that broke me. “At least Diddy used lube”… when he r*ped those women, or that young boy…. Others laughed. It’s all a big joke, apparently. The player dressed as the rapist that got off on a technicality was portrayed simulating sex with a blowup doll was seen to be funny too. Because he was “found innocent”? Was he simulating raping the doll? For the record, he wasn’t found innocent. He got off on a technicality. You think the woman he r*ped thinks it’s funny? Do you think ANYONE (male or female) who have been r*ped finds it funny? All I ask is just think before you make light of these situations, ask yourselves what if this were my wife, daughter or mother? What if your son was the victim? Would they find it funny? Another thing I’d like you all to do, is ask your mothers or your partners if they’ve ever experience sexual assault attempts (or worse) in their lifetime. Guarantee you’d be horrified at the responses.

The Diddy line is a play on one of Australia, even the worlds most famous sayings when one is of the belief they are being screwed by a high price. i.e. 'at least the servo could take me to dinner and a movie before ****ing me', 'the servo didnt even bother putting on lube before having their way with me' However, I didnt see the context but I can guess that the way you wrote it, it was a play along one of these lines. Tell me, did the person who wrote say, **** the victims, they got what they deserved, Diddy used lube? of course they didnt.

The Diddy used lube is merely an extension of that line of joke. It has literally nothing to do with the victims or reducing them to nothing. Diddy is in jail, his guilt isnt even in question. The victims win at every turn. So there is no moral dilemma here. You are clasping at straws.

Your stance on Hayne is tremendously flawed. One, it revolves around your belief he is guilty regardless of facts. Two, that you actually dont know what the **** the GWS players skit was about besides the costumes and vague details, perhaps he was making fun of Hayne? did you think of that. Hayne also spent several years in jail with these chargers. So regardless of your stance he got some punishment.

How about you direct your anger at the AFL for actually diminishing victims rights in public with sexual assault by not suspending De Goey who committed this multitimes even on camera.
Rumours and speculation into an argument about comedy? Count me in. In fact, I did a PhD on this very topic. It's actually a very simple thing that has been made over-complicated by the invention of 'feelings' by middle-aged people.

Jokes can, and should, be freely used on ANY topic.

The receiver of the joke has two choices - laugh or don't laugh. There is only ONE reason for outrage - thats if the joke was specifically directed to you (or your family) and you want to beat the shit out of the person saying it. But you can still laugh at the joke if it's funny. You aren't beating them up because it isn't funny, you are beating them up because the joke was pure disrespect.

But being disabled or a victim doesn't give you the above right. Jokes about a general topic or category are not a personal attack on you. You may well consider them to be dark humour but dark humour has always had its place.

People who become outaged over jokes are just immature (with a healthy dose of narcissm). The world isn't about you, the joke doesn't make you or your situation better or worse and it doesn't mean you are being belittled or anything- it means someone found something funny to take the piss out of.

That's right, people who find jokes offensive are making a choice and they need to grow the **** up.

Oh yeah.
Funny how Sanders gets banned but this shit has been going on for nearly 5 days now, regurgitating the same points ad nauseam.

This has been a dead set shit show for days

Shit show is right.

The garrulous take over the boards spewing agenda freely without a second thought.
Perhaps they should find a soap box rather than clog this forum.
Seriously effing boring.

I don’t block anyone with a different opinion beacause that’s the way you can learn.
But the constant ramblers pushing their opinion on social issues should take it
somewhere else. Forum killers.

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Rumour 2024 Rumours and Speculation Part 3

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