Player Watch #29: Will Phillips - tags N.Daicos vs Collingwood - subbed off at 3/4 time??

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Absolute rubbish re Sheezel. His running capacity is the one thing holding him back from being an A Grade midfielder.
His running capacity is that far from "elite" its not funny.

He is one of the only players that is up around that 13.5km covered per game every game. Describing his tank as elite was probably a bit of a stretch but he does decent numbers. They’ll only improve as he matures.
So home after a detour to a dodgy but excellent kebab stand. Wilphil wasnt injured? We are tanking.

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As a tagger he gets more ball, kicks a goal and plays better than when he gets free rein.
Makes no sense at all, but I love what I saw of Will today. Persist with Will as our tagger
Likely just needs structure, his hands were clean as a whistle today, as was his decision making.

You trade out blokes like this to the peril of your list.
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As a tagger he gets more ball, kicks a goal and plays better than when he gets free rein.
Makes no sense at all, but I love what I saw of Will today. Persist with Will as our tagger
Sometimes following someone else with better instincts for the ball can do wonders for players that get a little lost on the field. He builds his tank over the off-season and I think we have a real option for a shut-down tagger that is clean and efficient with his disposal when he does get it.
I have written in this thread about Phillips and other posters will know how critical I’ve been. I’ve been very hard on our 2020 pick 3.

But I will call it as I see it. The job Phillips did on Nick Daicos, one of the top ten players in the league, who mind you gets umpire treatment like few others, was simply outstanding. Should not have been subbed. Sub one of our other forwards like Ford or Taylor (who also played well) and we win the match.

Well done Phillips. Amazing game today. That goal he kicked I celebrated harder than any in years. I’ve been a hard critic on you. You may just prove me dead dead wrong and I hope you do. Rooting for you buddy.
Not against reinventing him as a tagger. At this point we don’t really have too much to lose, as at the rate he’d be going, he was headed to either the scrape heap or plucked from an oppo club for chump change anyway.

Remember Ben Jacobs career was headed down the same page not so long ago and he essentially got a 2nd career as one of the AFL’s best taggers.
Offensive mids looks pretty secure in the hands of LDU, Wardlaw and Sheezel. Could use us a specialist tagger/shutdown player in there.
I’m choosing to believe Clarko that Will was fatigued.
Hopefully, Will gets confidence from his 3/4 qtr performance that he can compete against the best and he just needs to keep putting in the hard yards.

Play him for the rest of the year and let’s see how it plays out.
He's not a tagger. Daicos had 4 shots at goal and 29. A tagger shuts a player out for the game, follow him forward or back. Will's not capable of that.
Naicos had 19 by 3/4 time, then got another 10 when will was off. He also got 6 of Collingwoods total 24 free kicks (25%), and almost 1/2 as many free kicks as the entire north Melbourne team (in fact he got twice as many free kicks in the second half as north got total in the second half)

Willphil was very good considering.

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I have written in this thread about Phillips and other posters will know how critical I’ve been. I’ve been very hard on our 2020 pick 3.

But I will call it as I see it. The job Phillips did on Nick Daicos, one of the top ten players in the league, who mind you gets umpire treatment like few others, was simply outstanding. Should not have been subbed. Sub one of our other forwards like Ford or Taylor (who also played well) and we win the match.

Well done Phillips. Amazing game today. That goal he kicked I celebrated harder than any in years. I’ve been a hard critic on you. You may just prove me dead dead wrong and I hope you do. Rooting for you buddy.
💯 agree. I call it as I see it. No hate for any Shinboner. Today I see more in Phillips than I have previously.
Bryn Teakle should have been subbed off…., with 15min to go, not at 3/4 time. Stephensons pressure is not to the required standard
Naicos had 19 by 3/4 time, then got another 10 when will was off. He also got 6 of Collingwoods total 24 free kicks (25%), and almost 1/2 as many free kicks as the entire north Melbourne team (in fact he got twice as many free kicks in the second half as north got total in the second half)

Willphil was very good considering.

Daicos only had 11 touches to half time. I'm reading in game reports how he broke the tag in the second half. With 6 gifts, it seems he had a little help breaking the tag.
💯 agree. I call it as I see it. No hate for any Shinboner. Today I see more in Phillips than I have previously.
Bryn Teakle should have been subbed off…., with 15min to go, not at 3/4 time. Stephensons pressure is not to the required standard
A lot pf stephensons attributes are not acceptable, how does a bloke come on fresh as a daisy and cant make the distance with a 35m set shot? Compare jy last week with 2 majors late in the game with 50m of carry?
Daicos only had 11 touches to half time. I'm reading in game reports how he broke the tag in the second half. With 6 gifts, it seems he had a little help breaking the tag.

Not all the six frees were gifts but at least two of them were pure charity. I can’t be bothered to rewatch it. Too infuriating.
Likely just needs structure, his hands were clean as a whistle today, as was his decision making.

You trade our blokes like this to the peril of your list.
If its work rate/ fitness holding him back having him tag/ follow some the best in the business seems a good way to show him the level he needs to reach.
Phillips will take a heaps out of today's match and agree, he's a keeper (which ive said all a long).
I’m choosing to believe Clarko that Will was fatigued.

Half our bloody team looked 'fatigued' in the 4th.

Doesn't make it right to sub off the guy doing a job on the oppositions best player.
Half our bloody team looked 'fatigued' in the 4th.

Doesn't make it right to sub off the guy doing a job on the oppositions best player.

I agree, I would’ve went with him at least to start the last and see what happened.
I just hope he takes something away from his performance and that is he can compete with the best and just keep putting in the hard yards.
Not all the six frees were gifts but at least two of them were pure charity. I can’t be bothered to rewatch it. Too infuriating.
There were some shockers, but the one im still left wondering about the most was a high against McDonald i think it was. It was a strange one because the high contact seemed to be Daicos hitting his head into Luke's chest who was coming forward straight (full chested) and granted had some of his own momentum. I was in two minds if it was or wasn't a free at the time and im still not sure - although im leaning towards technically there but usually paid as play on.
A lot pf stephensons attributes are not acceptable, how does a bloke come on fresh as a daisy and cant make the distance with a 35m set shot? Compare jy last week with 2 majors late in the game with 50m of carry?

He confused his ambition with his ability. 35 metres is too far out for him to snap across his body. Should have been a drop punt.
When do you reckon NM players will stop running out of legs? 2035? It's been happening for a decade and yet we refuse to address it.
Youth is not an excuse. Although the club would disagree. Sheezel & Wardlaw - GUN players - still unable to run out a game of AFL football. At what stage will that change? If ever.
10-20 games for Harry and 20 - 30 for Warlord.
You got to hand it to Phillips. He tagged well. Running ain’t his strong suit but he stuck fat and did the job on Daicos. Also he kicked a nice goal and contributed inside when it was his turn. Clarko made a blue subbing him at the end of the 3rd. :stern look
There were some shockers, but the one im still left wondering about the most was a high against McDonald i think it was. It was a strange one because the high contact seemed to be Daicos hitting his head into Luke's chest who was coming forward straight (full chested) and granted had some of his own momentum. I was in two minds if it was or wasn't a free at the time and im still not sure - although im leaning towards technically there but usually paid as play on.

I remember that one.

I said to my mate, clumsy by McDonald. He, a non north supporter, said no way that has to be play on.

I can accept when fifty fifty calls go against you sometimes because it’s a matter of discretion - pushes in the back, arm chopping, high contact vs leading with the head. I hate when the umpires seem to forget the rules - running I’ve the mark like the Scott incident. I was nearly apoplectic when Jiath threw the ball and luckily one umpire had to bring it back because they’d physically done the holding the ball signal
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