Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 19: Law and Odour

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Totally agree
Echo chambers have become really bad online since social media has become so prevalent.

Big footy and places like Australia Reddit are left to far left and anything else will get shouted down.
You don't understand what leftism is. Hint: it's not moderate conservatives like Biden who worship big corporations.
This is the front page of the June New Republic magazine that has caused a lot of angst in the US and claims from Trump supporters that it helped to incite the assassination attempt on Trump.

Can the front cover of a magazine and a series of scholarly articles really incite assassination? What about a comedy show on the other side of the planet? Where should the line be drawn between what is and is not respectable when it comes to harsh political commentary, criticism and satire? Does context matter any more?

And does the drawing of that thick line risk an even greater threat to democracy?


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You don't understand what leftism is. Hint: it's not moderate conservatives like Biden who worship big corporations.

Thought Leftism was one of the greatest techno albums of all time. Not sure why the trumpists have an issue with it. Holds up.
This is the front page of the June New Republic magazine that has caused a lot of angst in the US and claims from Trump supporters that it helped to incite the assassination attempt on Trump.

Can the front cover of a magazine and a series of scholarly articles really incite assassination? Where should the line be drawn between what is and is not respectable when it comes to harsh political commentary, criticism and satire?

And does the drawing of that line risk an even greater threat to democracy?

Hitler also laid bare his intentions in Mein Kampf. Has Trump ever published a book/manifesto?
Not sure you can compare a shit stain to the theories of Jung. Maybe I have my micro dosing chemistry off

For example on BF, of your 35K posts how often have you posted / had replied “In the weight of your superior argument I can see that I was wrong and you are right, kudos to you” or words to that effect? 20% of posts? 10% of posts? 1% of posts? Never?

I don’t see it happening often.

And in an ever changing world, a pool of such diverse opinions surely be that stagnant?
As someone who still has an Uluru sized chip on his shoulder about round 1 1991, I enjoyed that game almost as much our flags
At the time there was thinking that a behemoth had been made with Crows effectively being a state team
Yet the following week, they hosted Carlton at home and were beaten and ended up finishing the year in 9th
For example on BF, of your 35K posts how often have you posted / had replied “In the weight of your superior argument I can see that I was wrong and you are right, kudos to you” or words to that effect? 20% of posts? 10% of posts? 1% of posts? Never?

I don’t see it happening often.

And in an ever changing world, a pool of such diverse opinions surely be that stagnant?
I can hand on heart say that I have been influenced by others arguments to sway my opinion.
Admittedly this may be more on accepting for example that Gryan Miers is an ok player, than politics
As someone who still has an Uluru sized chip on his shoulder about round 1 1991, I enjoyed that game almost as much our flags

Yeah fair enough. Surprisingly the crows fans on the day were cracking sports. Very magnanimous. Lots of respect for them.

Apart from that Valhuus guy that sharted the bed. What a pussy.

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At the time there was thinking that a behemoth had been made with Crows effectively being a state team
Yet the following week, they hosted Carlton at home and were beaten and ended up finishing the year in 9th
Which team will be the martyr when they play Tasmania in Tasmania the first round
I have a strong feeling that MAGAS missed history class at school.
They know. Their foul claims indicate that they lack a ‘good heart’, which is what is at the root of a cohesive community.

It is not the admirable aspect of human nature. We see it on BF, with terms such as ‘yellow maggots’ and ‘Carlscum’ bandied about. Totally inexcusable.
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At the time there was thinking that a behemoth had been made with Crows effectively being a state team
Yet the following week, they hosted Carlton at home and were beaten and ended up finishing the year in 9th
I was one of the handful of Hawthorn fans at Footy Park that night, the only good thing about it was Dermie accidentally trying to decapitate McDermott.
For example on BF, of your 35K posts how often have you posted / had replied “In the weight of your superior argument I can see that I was wrong and you are right, kudos to you” or words to that effect? 20% of posts? 10% of posts? 1% of posts? Never?

I don’t see it happening often.

And in an ever changing world, a pool of such diverse opinions surely be that stagnant?

35k posts? Jesus I need to get a life
So the so called reputable MSM ran with and reported the shooter had donated money to a left wing cause, but now it comes out it was a completely different person?

And we wonder why people have issues trusting the MSM.
I remember reading quite early in the aftermath that the donation came from a different person, but since then have heard and read in main stream media that it came from the shooter. I was scratching my head, wondering which report was true. It means we can't take anything we hear or read seriously. No wonder I'm such a cynic.
Seems like the 930 odd page Project 2025 is his manifesto
Its the manifesto of his base and those that work for him.

Trump has no ideology beyond proping up his own wealth and power. He is an extreme narcisist. Himself is all that matters too him. He has simply hitched a ride on the Maga bandwagon as a means to gaining power and wealth.
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