It isnt hard to understand.
Australian fans have themselves to blame for this.
After the ball tampering episode, there was a total over reaction and embarrassing exercise in hand wringing.
CA bent over to outraged fan's demands and excessively banned Warner and Smith for 12 months. Sentences generally reserved for drug cheats and criminals. I can still see the twitter feed now full of idiots with no idea.
We were even lectured by an ex Goldman Sachs employee about morals. Yes, Goldman Sachs. A company who sucks money out of any orifice it can gets hand into and was neck deep in causing the GFC.
Smith was a capable captain, Warner, while a bit wild, was a capable deputy.
Paine is also capable. But the dynamics of the way we play cricket have changed forever. Any banter or sledging, or players letting off steam is now examined forensically and other players continue to let rip ad nauseum.
Any loss and fans wanna sack half the team and the coaches. As if that has ever changed anything.
We are still playing with one hand behind our back. More concerned with image then winning the game.
You sooks are to blame.
oh ok