Play Nice Admin, Finance, Members, Ratings, Crowds, Policies - Please refer to each sports own boards

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55k was the figure for the Brisbane v Essendon game last night on 7mate in Brisbane - which makes it the second week in the row the lions have outrated the swans in their respective cities.

That's an impressive rating. Geez, Brisbane just need to be a tiny bit more consistent and competitive to start improving its numbers all round.

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Just on those GWS/GC ratings, I have always thought that GWS is different to the GC, the GC has always had decent support for footy, WS has had small pockets but nowhere near the level that the GC has across the board, that is why i have always thought it must be built from the ground up.

When we say it is a 20 year project, we say it hoping that it happens much much sooner, but in all likelihood it will be a generational project.

I think yesterday plenty of 3 game members didn't bother, they want to see GWS play the big traditional clubs, by the end of the season i think we will see a marked improvement in crowds, Sydney is fickle.

The key for me is kids playing the game, there is no doubt that has picked up substantially in WS over the past 5 years.

Nearly 2,000 people per game, is a hell of alot when you only average 16,000.

Be interesting to know what it is in Sydney, likely it is substantially more IMO.

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thats an aggregate crowd difference of less than 3,000. And last year was supposed to be a particularly bad one with crowd strikes and what not
Yeah even as a fan of the game I'm struggling. The season was done and dusted on Australia Day. The excitement and talk of where the new teams will be has turned soar. The constant lies and false hope the FFA is feeding the fans of the game is really starting to P*** people off. Its starting to hurt the game now.
yeah. think i hate the current FFA board more than the AFL one. and i am always sooking about them.

At least the AFL board is competent. Which is more than what you can say about FFA. I just wish they give up and allow reform. it is much needed.

So, the current AFL board is competent, but you still hate them - ok then!

Maybe you just sook about everything ?.
I like the simple numbered paragraph system it makes it easier to reply to. Please not that my comments below will be somewhat derogatory to AFL they are not really my opinion but only the counter opinion made by the above which was posted to shit on rugby league.

1 - I remember Karmichael Hunt kicked a winning goal in a match, so he can't have been that bad. Isreal Folau also regularly made the firsts team. Not many First grade AFL players have successfully played rugby league recently. I imagine this is due to the fact that they do not have the physical strength / raw speed to play in the power positions nor the skill set to play in the more skilled positions.

2 - In terms of broadcasts amending the hit sounds, I cant comment, I do not know. From personal experience good contact is heard a lot more at the ground then on tv. Obviously the contact made in rugby league is generally of a higher force then AFL, alot higher, hence the different physiology of the athletes at the top level.

3 - I see this typed on here all the time, again I can't confirm it from personal experience, it might be a bigfooty rumour it might be true? my own personal experience is Penrith footy stadium runs a loud cat noise then otherwise the PA announcer is somewhat similar to every other sporting event around the nation.

That said, the mighty canberra raiders have an awesome horn and viking clap to start games these days and the drum for the viking clap is run through the announcer, to assist. Also there would be cheers I imagine like the defence cheers at basketball games or go x team, again this is prett ystandard fair for sporting contests.

What is missing from rugby league games is:-
- Morons calling players goats or flogs
- stupid clappy things
- out of control racism
- screaming for a free kick every time a bloke is tackled even though he may not have had prior opportunity.

4 - Why do the same products/sports have different successes in different markets then.

Simple fact is "our" game is not some amazing god given game better then any other game, it is what it is, same as any other game. The NRL try to emulate the AFL's business success and successful business moves as every business does.
If I see the market leader do something I like in my industry, you can bet that I and others will try and copy them.

You can't have your cake and eat it.

5 - See point 4 above. An individuals perspective has the same impact on me regardless of where they come from, I am not racist, I think you should think on your own perspective here a bit more before continuing to argue this point.

6 - Two things here, I think rugby league players in general come from different socio economic areas then AFL players who come form a broader spectrum. But as a general rule, with respect of image, I think in general:-
- The NRL players has a bigger issue with violence towards women, gambling and its treatment of animals.
- The AFL players has a bigger issue with its treatment of:-

Although the above is just anecdotal based on what scandals each sport has had.

But I certainly agree that the AFL has a better run ship in that they manage to sweep a lot of shit under the carpet and will crap on about any issue the NRL has, watch one episode of offsiders, or any other AFL / General sports show for evidence.

That said, I think the NRL performed much better in handling ASADA and in the long run if the AFL continue to adopt a protect the image policy without addressing the core problems it will hurt them, regardless of any comparison, it wont end well.

7 - Good on Penrith RL

8 - RU and RL are different boats. But put simply the world is getting softer, look at the AFL for example, the game is a lot softer then it was 30 years ago, same with RL. As the world goes softer kids get put into softer sports, see the explosion of soccer numbers across australia.

Also the AFL has been far far far far better at organising and getting kids to sign up for auskick and junior clubs then what RL or RU has, congratulations to "us", any organisation putting more kids is doing a good thing.

9 - I heard something about this and I think David Smith in general stopped it. I think that is the main reason for the decline in RL numbers, it hasnt been much but for the most part similar people would be going, but its a bit more honest now.. the ave might have moved from 16k -15k, I am pretty sure if you look at expansion clubs the AFL has decreased in average too.

The RU is a different story.

Also tastes change.

Just because a quarter pounder sells 1 million less then last year doesnt make it a worse burger, it just means imo, a lot less people are getting to appreciate its goodness like I do.
Except for your reply to my Q.8, your rambling responses do not specifically address the issues I raised with relevant facts; and/or offer falsehoods & deflections. Some of your comments in points 3 & 6 are offensive.

On virtually all metrics, & NRL faux electronic ground/broadcasting policies, & off-field sordid NRL player & local GR fan behaviour, RL is in an inferior position to AF.

At least RL is providing increased employment opportunities for the uniformed security guard industry. The fact that RL is the only junior sport in Australia requiring uniformed security guards to be permanently present at junior games is a shocking indictment. Can RL's image decline any further?

On the current long term downward trajectory of your crowd & contact RL regd. nos., in c. 10 -15 years RL could be in the same dire predicament that RU in Aust. finds itself.

If any of the current legal cases re the McKinnon tackle/ spinal injuries, Mc Manus concussions, & player/brothel owner etc matchfixing are proved in court, gloomy times will come much more quickly to the NRL.
NRL journalist S. Maschord (& others) has written that matchfixing, if the police prosecution is upheld, will be worse for the NRL than the Super League war.

I assume you have come onto BF to troll.
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Footy is often on 7mate in Perth, possibly due to the different timeslots it in?

That's true, but in this particular case I'm pretty sure the 7mate Saturday afternoon 66k figure applied only to the northern markets. 7mate figures applied to Perth as well in the night slot.

GWS v GC -- Syd, Bri, (regionals?) 66k

WC v StK -- Per 102k
Bris v Ess -- Syd 20k, Bri 55k
Regionals were also provided separately for the night slot.

The night figures can be found in the discussion on Mediaweek.

The only question mark may be whether regional NSW/ACT/QLD are included in the 66k.
Are you sure about that? Surely the only places this was on 7 mate was in Sydney and Brisbane?

It was only on in Sydney and Brisbane. Based on ratings fro last season, significantly less people watch the game in Sydney to Gold Coast, Ill know more in the morning.
Except for your reply to my Q.8, your rambling responses do not specifically address the issues I raised with relevant facts; and/or offer falsehoods & deflections. Some of your comments in points 3 & 6 are offensive.

On virtually all metrics, & NRL faux electronic ground/broadcasting policies, & off-field sordid NRL player & local GR fan behaviour, RL is in an inferior position to AF.

At least RL is providing increased employment opportunities for the uniformed security guard industry. The fact that RL is the only junior sport in Australia requiring uniformed security guards to be permanently present at junior games is shocking. Can RL's image decline any further?

On the current long term downward trajectory of your crowd & contact RL regd. nos., in c. 10 -15 years RL could be in the same dire predicament that RU in Aust. finds itself.

If any of the current legal cases re the McKinnon tackle/ spinal injuries, Mc Manus concussions, & player/brothel owner etc matchfixing are proved in court, gloomy times will come much more quickly to the NRL.
NRL journalist S. Maschord (& others) has written that matchfixing, if the police prosecution is upheld, will be worse for the NRL than the Super League war.

I assume you have come onto BF to troll.
My intentions - I come onto bigfooty to check AFL news and scores and to defend Rugby League against people who are ignorant of Rugby League.

Rugby League - Yes one day it could go down the same path of shit Rugby union has gone down in this country.

AFL - It could also go down the same path of shit that rugby union has gone down in this country.

As for the security guards, its a rough part of sydney and the league is taking precautions good on them. What would you prefer them to do? Not open the sport up for kids to play there? Not take precautions?

With respect you can look at everything the national rugby league does (or is happening in that space) in the worst possible light, if that is what you need to justify your evangelicalism.

However, again, if you wish to put all your balls in the popularity = strength of product basket. Im afraid you have to concede the following.

Soccer = The great sporting product on earth
Ping Pong = Another great sporting product
Rugby Union / NFL = outside of soccer probably the next best football product on the market
Rugby League = a minnow on the world stage, therefore a relatively weak product.
AFL = non existant on the world stage, so much so it focuses its marketing effort son being "uniquely australian" because outside of that no one gives a shit about it. Given it is only recognised in one country in our big bad world it really is a curiosity at best but compared to the other codes... by this measure a shit shit product!

You can not have your cake and eat it. You have to choose where you stand:-

1 -Strength of product is either an opinion / design of the taste of the individual (heavily in influenced by the environment they grew up in).

2 - Or it really is shown by the popularity of that product.
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So, the current AFL board is competent, but you still hate them - ok then!

Maybe you just sook about everything ?.
just because i think they are competent(which isnt exactly a compliment) doesn't mean that I don't think they are greedy, centralistic, arrogant individuals who ignore the regional game and especially Tasmania

The fact we have an AFL crony as head boss at AFL Tas wont help.
On virtually all metrics, & NRL faux electronic ground/broadcasting policies, & off-field sordid NRL player & local GR fan behaviour, RL is in an inferior position to AF.

Devil's advocate: as someone who lives in Brisbane (despite my user name!) the Broncos average to date is 38k and the Lions 20k. I've never heard fake crowd noises at the Gabba or at Suncorp, and yes, I've been to both.

And to play devil's advocate to my devil's advocate, I just pulled those crowd stats out of my ars* because both seasons are not complete so they don't mean anything whatsoever in isolation! :) I am going to go out on a limb and predict that the AFL will get a crowd average a bit over double that of the NRL... just like it has every other year since Queen Elizabeth II has been on the throne. Anyone want to put down a dollar seventy-five and bet against me? :) I would up the bet to two dollars to wager that both Australian Rules football and Rugby League will still be going strong in fifty years. Do I hear two fifty?
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