AFL Press Conference 13:45.

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Only decision that could be made.

There is no way adelaide could play this weekend. None.

All 18 clubs agreed, probably without any discussion at all. I expect the afl floated the idea before the 11:30 conference call and that was just a rubber stamp.

Calling off the round isn't necessary. Rescheduling the game almost impossible.
So probably play Sat-Wed-Sat?

Seems pretty unfair on both teams.

The is the mechanism for when a game has to be cancelled (because of really bad weather or something).

or the lights going out at Waverley?

If these are the decisions that can be made, then the AFL should change their standings rankings to a w/l ratio which rank each team's performance based on games played, and not include games they have not. Rule is flawed for the AFL points system.

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I think people also need to think about it from a Geelong players perspective. How do they get themselves up for a game against Adelaide right now. Imagine taking a kick 30 out on the siren to win the game - do you drill it or do what every non cats fan is hoping for and diff it allowing a redeeming victory for the Crows.

What if you laid a Schulz/Richards like tackle or went in hard for a contested mark and knocked a crow player out in such an important occasion? You'd want to crawl I to a whole for the rest of the game and thought may stop you going in as hard from the first minute on. How do you smash a bloke who was just welling up in the pre-game tribute and still has tears in his eyes?

While completely different to the Crows situation I reckon the Cats players would be dreading playing too.
Not really. It means points would have been allocated for match play.

Frankly the rules are stuffed. The AFL sticks with a points system, but then compromises its effectiveness with these rules, no matter how extraordinary they may be.

If the AfL had a w/l ratio to rank teams rather than a points system, then perhaps the current rule would compliment it. Many folks discuss performance in wins and losses anyway.

But the rule doesn't compliment the AFL points system, it compromises it. 4 pts is just cliche anyway and persisted with because it has always done so.

If you sit down and do the maths then you will find that win loss ratio is effectively* the same as premiership points,with an arbitrary assignment of points for the non game anyway.

*in respect to who finishes higher on ladder.
I think people also need to think about it from a Geelong players perspective. How do they get themselves up for a game against Adelaide right now. Imagine taking a kick 30 out on the siren to win the game - do you drill it or do what every non cats fan is hoping for and diff it allowing a redeeming victory for the Crows.

What if you laid a Schulz/Richards like tackle or went in hard for a contested mark and knocked a crow player out in such an important occasion? While completely different to the Crows situation I reckon the Cats players would be dreading playing too.

Yeah, I was thinking similar regarding the Geelong players' mindsets. How do you travel up to Adelaide and play out the game normally knowing what has happened and the grief the opposition are likely experiencing? Probably best for both groups that the game not go ahead.
Trying to get an impact assessment on this decision for the rest of the season and the ladder is ridiculous.

The sad loss for the players at both Adelaide clubs (and indeed others who knew him well) will far outweigh plus /minus 2 points this weekend.

Get a grip folks

I can discuss an issue of low importance without it negating the higher importance of a separate, if related, issue.

I feel too many people are drawing incorrect assumptions about my previous post because they think by rationally talking about a smaller, less important, but related issue, it must mean I've completely disregarded the more important issue completely and am therefore a monster of a human being.

Of course a game of football is less important than a person's life.

Of course!

But can't I compartmentalise and have a separate discussion about the smaller issue of the fixture without everyone wrongly claiming I think a game of football is the most important thing in the world?
I can discuss an issue of low importance without it negating the higher importance of a separate, if related, issue.

I feel too many people are drawing incorrect assumptions about my previous post because they think by rationally talking about a smaller, less important, but related issue, it must mean I've completely disregarded the more important issue completely and am therefore a monster of a human being.

Of course a game of football is less important than a person's life.

Of course!

But can't I compartmentalise and have a separate discussion about the smaller issue of the fixture without everyone wrongly claiming I think a game of football is the most important thing in the world?

I'm just saying that the relevance of plus/minus 2 points or brownlow votes this week is nothing compared to how these events will impact the teams seasons.
If they played this week and Danger got 3 votes he might lose his shit next week and not play for 3 weeks as he doesn't feel right. Grief is a personal journey 1 week isn't relevant.
Premiership points, Brownlow votes, Coleman medal tally's are all irrelevant at this time, it affects two clubs and i'm sure Geelong are fully supportive of the decision that has been made. We're all gutted by what has happened as fans of the game, but we must all respect those who were close to him and support the grieving process that will take some time to get through.
The AFL has been challenged in recent years by the Essendon drug scandal, the Harley Bennell photo this week caused a furore, but all of that is totally insignificant in comparison to a tragic and unnecessary death.
We all saw how extremely difficult it was when Phil Hughes died last November, it will be a traumatic week ahead for the young men who represent the Adelaide football club and an emotional time for all their fans and administrators. The why's and how's of this tragedy should be left for another time, i urge everyone to look at your loved ones a little differently today, that mate who gives you the shits sometimes and that stranger who just bumped into you while looking at their phone instead of where they were going.

Being in control of your life and having realistic expectations about your day-to-day challenges are the keys to stress management, which is perhaps the most important ingredient to living a happy, healthy and rewarding life. Each person's drive to overwork is unique, and doing too much numbs every workaholic's emotions differently. Sometimes overwork numbs depression, sometimes anger, anxiety, insecurity.

For many of us who are over workers, work is the one place where we feel appreciated. The things that we long to experience at home - pride in our accomplishments, laughter and fun, relationships that aren't complex - we sometimes experience most often in the workplace. We sometimes find it difficult to differentiate between our home life and work life.
What emotions would we experience if we weren't working ourselves to death?
Only when we step away from our frenzy can we know. Give everyone in your family an extra hug this weekend.
Event A is nothing compared to Event B, therefore we can't discuss Event A.

Surely we can discuss two separate issues on here without some people thinking other people don't care about the more important issue.

Don't the critics on here realise they're accusing good people of a serious, psychopathic lack of compassion? It's pathetic.

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If we miss the finals by 2 points then my grief will be added to tenfold.
Geelong and the AFC could both miss finals on the back of this and I couldn't care less. Thoughts go out to everyone at both clubs who were involved with the great man. Huge loss. Great, authentic person.
Only decision that could be made.

There is no way adelaide could play this weekend. None.

All 18 clubs agreed, probably without any discussion at all. I expect the afl floated the idea before the 11:30 conference call and that was just a rubber stamp.

Calling off the round isn't necessary. Rescheduling the game almost impossible.
Calling off the round or rescheduling is necessary to have fairness in the draw. It's only not necesserily if you don't give a stuff about draw fairness.
There's few things more important than dealing with the super coach ''mess'' and I am sure the AFL has all hands on deck in regards to this tragic issue of getting fantasy football coaches out of fantasy limbo.
Not really. It means points would have been allocated for match play.

In this case, points have just been allocated according to rules for extraordinary circumstances.

Some folks are using the excuse here that neither Adelaide or Geelong are real contenders so it's moot anyway. These arguments are invalid Well, what if they were top 4 contenders? Does this variable change the views?

Frankly the rules are stuffed. The AFL sticks with a points system, but then compromises its effectiveness with these rules, no matter how extraordinary they may be.

If the AfL had a w/l ratio to rank teams rather than a points system, then perhaps the current rule would compliment it. Many folks discuss performance in wins and losses anyway.

But the rule doesn't compliment the AFL points system, it compromises it. 4 pts is just cliche anyway and persisted with because it has always done so.

Putting the events of this morning aside, the integrity of the League as a sports competition has been compromised yet again.

Its ALL compromised unless teams play each other home and away anyway. A win/loss ration against random teams is not a stable platform so your solution is even more arbitrary.

Again, this is the least compromised solution regardless of its corner cases.
Its ALL compromised unless teams play each other home and away anyway. A win/loss ration against random teams is not a stable platform so your solution is even more arbitrary.

Again, this is the least compromised solution regardless of its corner cases.
It's one thing to not have equality in the teams played, it's completely another level above to not have teams play the same amount of games in which they potentially can win.
It's a question thousands of people are asking. I am just the one who has enough balls to ask it.
I play fantasy and I didn't think to ask it. Plus what? Having enough balls to ask something excessively insensitive, that you refer to it as something you need balls to ask means you knew it was possibly distasteful. Pull your head in mate.
Geelong and the AFC could both miss finals on the back of this and I couldn't care less. Thoughts go out to everyone at both clubs who were involved with the great man. Huge loss. Great, authentic person.
I understand and support the decision, but I also have mixed feelings about the fact that it's our club that's going to be impacted in this way. I mean no offence to anyone though. Phil was a former strength & Conditioning coach at the Cats and it's a very sad day for us all.
Calling off the round or rescheduling is necessary to have fairness in the draw. It's only not necesserily if you don't give a stuff about draw fairness.

Ok post your solution that works both logistically (hint moving a whole finals series back a week doesn't) and doesn't over tax the players (which is potentially equally unjust as we approach a finals series).
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