Politics Aussie Fascists and (neo)Nazis

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Well there u go.
They're 40% of the concern.

I'll be sure to hate to as many nazi's as i can....if i can find one.

Sounds like Islamic nutjobs arnt trending on social media anymore.

I'll be sure to hate nazi bushwalkers far more in the future :thumbsu:

Well yes, 40% of the terrorism caseload is quite a large percentage.

From ASIO themselves:

''Extreme right-wing groups and individuals have been in ASIO’s sights for many decades—while we have maintained continuous and dedicated resources to this area, extremists such as neo-Nazis represent a serious, increasing and evolving threat to security. The 2019 Christchurch attack continues to be drawn on for inspiration by right-wing extremists worldwide.

These groups are also becoming ideological: more aware of and committed to specific dogmas, philosophies and views. They draw from a diversity of ideas and are attracting a younger membership who display few overt signs of their extremist ideology."

Again, why are you in this thread/ so determined to say the neo nazis etc aren't a problem? Seems an odd crusade for someone to have... especially when, as above, an Australian right wing extremist killed 51 people not that long ago...
Well yes, 40% of the terrorism caseload is quite a large percentage.

From ASIO themselves:

''Extreme right-wing groups and individuals have been in ASIO’s sights for many decades—while we have maintained continuous and dedicated resources to this area, extremists such as neo-Nazis represent a serious, increasing and evolving threat to security. The 2019 Christchurch attack continues to be drawn on for inspiration by right-wing extremists worldwide.

These groups are also becoming ideological: more aware of and committed to specific dogmas, philosophies and views. They draw from a diversity of ideas and are attracting a younger membership who display few overt signs of their extremist ideology."

Again, why are you in this thread/ so determined to say the neo nazis etc aren't a problem? Seems an odd crusade for someone to have... especially when, as above, an Australian right wing extremist killed 51 people not that long ago...
We've always had these far right wing drongos in this country; drongos being the operative word.

Since Morrison was elected to Parliament in 2007, he brought with him the far right Pentecostals and with them, they bought in the Australian Christian Lobby (formally known as theAustralian Christian Coalition) that was led from 2013 to 2018 by your favourite fascist pig and mine, Lyle Shelton.

These far right, USA trained, tax free fascist organisation, started organising the knuckdraggers, the drongos, the Hanson types because let's face it, they are f****ng morons and couldn't organise a chook raffle. The election of the psychopath Trump, emboldened these morons, now organised morons, and the mainstream media, going back to when Hanson was first elected, legitimised these rednecks by giving them a voice on free-to-air telli as if their racist and bigoted views were a necessary part of the "conversation".

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Its only hate to you because it doesnt fit your politics.
I'll bet 5 interwb bux you had no problem with what the lefty crazies in the states were doing.

You want others to be somehow "scared" of those idiots ?

The only difference is they dress differently to the lefties and burn different shyt.

They're all nutters and easily ignored. Not "scarey " in the slightest.

You're obviously just too easily led around the paddock by a nose ring.

Life's too short to give a sh*t about BLM and Nazis under the bed.

So anything could be centrist if it fits your own ideology.

Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Idi Amin etc.
They just want to be able to say the n word and tell racist jokes, “telling it like it is”
There's always a new little buzzword that gets used to try to give their ideas some form of philosophical basis. Be it staving off the dreaded social justice warriors (never hear about them any more) or banging on about post modernism or cultural relativism, the Great Reset, all these things get thrown around for a bit and then discarded because it soon because evident that racism is still racism however nicely you try to juzz it up.
Of course they think that, just like other groups think they're centrist and sensible,
In the past they have set themselves apart as a new order, as proud fascists. Now it’s becoming “we’re not fascists or extreme, it’s the left who protest against us who are extreme”. You see it all through this board “leftist fascists” and “Antifa are the real fascists”.

Fascism is bad, so the dissonance is resolved by claiming “the other” is the real fascist.
Like a cancer...

What made you focus on the rise of the far-right in the Australian heavy music scene?
Ben: My PhD is on Australian metal and a part of that PhD is looking at unique Australian sounds, but also what the Australian identity is. And pretty quickly, when you’re looking at Australian metal, you brush up against bands that have a very, very narrow view of what it means to be Australian. You run into bands like Spear of Longinus and Destroyer 666. These bands that use these symbols and they put these lyrics together, they know what they’re doing.

We originally wanted to look at fascism and anti-fascism in Australian metal and Australian punk. We found a lot of fascist Australian metal bands and not very many anti-fascist ones.

Ash: For my current research, I look at this thing called techniques of neutralisation, which is about how people, when they get called out for something, respond to dealing with responsibility and blame.

We were looking at our two separate interests and we started to realise the way that people respond to being told that they’re a Nazi band has very similar stuff. Like, “Oh no, that’s just our persona.” Or “that’s just a part of the act that we do.” Instead of engaging with what they’re actually doing, what they’re saying and how they use dog whistles to have people interested in their things.

Ben: We ended up pulling apart the way their rhetoric works and looking at the reasons why people defend these bands or mitigate their problematic nature, so that they can hold onto a piece of music that they enjoy.


In the old days for a hate group you’d have a recruiter; someone that would funnel you through the different stages. Now that everything’s online and it’s atomised, they can wind you up and just let you go. No one recruited you and no one is your point of contact.
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Its only hate to you because it doesnt fit your politics.
I'll bet 5 interwb bux you had no problem with what the lefty crazies in the states were doing.

You want others to be somehow "scared" of those idiots ?

The only difference is they dress differently to the lefties and burn different shyt.

They're all nutters and easily ignored. Not "scarey " in the slightest.

You're obviously just too easily led around the paddock by a nose ring.

Life's too short to give a sh*t about BLM and Nazis under the bed.

The difference is INTENT. If the far right had political power and the ability to set laws, what do you think would happen to people of different ethnicities? What do you think would happen to mixed-ethnicity couples and their offspring?

These groups can be lived with so long as they're only mouthing off and waving placards and playing dress-ups in the bush. But what happens if this lot gets political power? We know from history that all it takes is some economic turmoil, maybe some other factors, for people to look for some sort of scapegoat and to turn to those who say in the loudest voice that they would DEAL with these problems.

We are sitting right now in a substantially trying time. Financial woes, global health woes. A perfect storm of shit could be brewing. People could turn to something downright ugly if it claims it has a way out.
I'm a dirty lefty, proud to say and aware of my biases. Most right wingers these days seem to think they occupy the mythical sensible centre.
Most campaigners ive known that call their political views 'centrist' have been slightly to the right of Mussolini.

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Fascism is bad, so the dissonance is resolved by claiming “the other” is the real fascist.
hhmmmm yes i see the problem.

Its all about which fascists and racists have the better t-shirt, and cooler symbols.

The good news is there's no need to get a posse together and hunt them down like wild animals.
I heard if you put a plate of cookies and some milk on your bedside table tonight they will come out from under the bed and change t-shirts to become your preferred fascists.
The first lot (Group A) have concerns that can actually be addressed by an inclusionary society. Employment and financial security is a common concern across all ethnic divides, and so it only benefits society as a whole to solve it as best we can together.
But many of them don't see it that way, do they? There are politicians out there who preach for better working conditions for all and greater wealth redistribution. There are unions available to help fight for all worker's rights also. Do the sort of people you mentioned seek out those advocating for inclusionary solutions? Given which party is in power federally and the current rate of union membership, I'm going to say that a lot of them don't. A lot of them are easily seduced by the simple message of blaming visible minorities for their problems, and while I lay a lot of the blame for that at the hands of politicians and the media, the people being seduced also bear some responsibility for their actions.

The second group (Group B) - pure hate. This second group see the first group as useful idiots and a pool to recruit from. What you're saying - how some are throwing around the 'racist' and supremacist' label a little too freely - is actually true to a certain extent and in some areas it is alienating Group A from the mainstream and pushing them into the arms of Group B.
How do you propose to tell the difference between the two? What if members of this Group A are so deep in their beliefs that they won't listen to those suggesting minorities aren't to blame for their problems? Does everyone have to be burning a cross to have ugly views that they cling hard to?

We can address unemployment without being racist. We can address ethnic crime statistics without being racist. We need to stop feeding Group B, and the way to do that is to try to answer Group A's legitimate concerns in a way that won't alienate anyone.
Again, you're assuming most of Group A will listen to the facts rather than what makes them personally feel better. But we live in the post-truth age of politics now, where a lot of people will believe whatever reinforces their existing biases even if the facts don't tally with them (and yes, sometimes this includes me too, nobody's perfect).

Group A are heavily influenced by the LNP, who are inherently pro-corporate and anti-worker because they're largely bought and paid for by corporate donations, and have sustained racists like Kevin Andrews for decades. Group A are also influenced by the mainstream Australian media, who are mostly also inherently pro-corporate and anti-worker because they are controlled by wealthy corporate masters and have no editorial independence anymore. There's a lot that stops Group A from correctly blaming corporate interests for the problems in their lives, when there's a simple, seductive message being peddled from on high: ethnics are taking your jobs, or living large off your taxes.
Spotted !!
Dangerous fascist type in full view of the public !
Good Fascists and Racists

Scarey Fascists and Racists.

Good fascists and Racists

Dangerous fascists and racists

I know i'm not allowed to not care....but i just cant decide between them.

One mob looks like it could be a gay bushwalking club that just wanted some privacy, and the other mob looks like moronic arts students who cant think for themselves.

Whilst i particularly hate the shorts and long socks on the flog at the top, I'm going to call it a draw.
Spotted !!
Dangerous fascist type in full view of the public !

Good Fascists and Racists
View attachment 1052902

Scarey Fascists and Racists.
View attachment 1052903

Good fascists and Racists
View attachment 1052904

Dangerous fascists and racists
View attachment 1052905

I know i'm not allowed to not care....but i just cant decide between them.

One mob looks like it could be a gay bushwalking club that just wanted some privacy, and the other mob looks like moronic arts students who cant think for themselves.

Whilst i particularly hate the shorts and long socks on the flog at the top, I'm going to call it a draw.
One side support an ideology based on the ramblings of an idiot Austrian which has some very poor historical outcomes, the other side don't think that's such a good idea.
hhmmmm yes i see the problem.
You really don’t.

Why are you so determined to minimise the grotesqueness of neo-Nazis? Do their views line up with your own world view? There has to be some reason you can’t let a discussion go without a false equivalence finger-pointing at the people who are against the fascist ideology.

Can you share what that is?
The good news is there's no need to get a posse together and hunt them down like wild animals.
Depends how far they decide to go with the Nazi stuff. The police may well have to arrest people if they act out their white supremacist fantasy.
Spotted !!
Dangerous fascist type in full view of the public !

Good Fascists and Racists
View attachment 1052902

Scarey Fascists and Racists.
View attachment 1052903

Good fascists and Racists
View attachment 1052904

Dangerous fascists and racists
View attachment 1052905

I know i'm not allowed to not care....but i just cant decide between them.

One mob looks like it could be a gay bushwalking club that just wanted some privacy, and the other mob looks like moronic arts students who cant think for themselves.

Whilst i particularly hate the shorts and long socks on the flog at the top, I'm going to call it a draw.
So in your mind those that hate, Blacks, Muslims, Jews and Socialists are the same as those that don't hate those groups and protest about it

I kind of see where your problem is now
But many of them don't see it that way, do they? There are politicians out there who preach for better working conditions for all and greater wealth redistribution. There are unions available to help fight for all worker's rights also. Do the sort of people you mentioned seek out those advocating for inclusionary solutions? Given which party is in power federally and the current rate of union membership, I'm going to say that a lot of them don't. A lot of them are easily seduced by the simple message of blaming visible minorities for their problems, and while I lay a lot of the blame for that at the hands of politicians and the media, the people being seduced also bear some responsibility for their actions.

I guess I see Group A as the people in the middle who have concerns but also who can be convinced either way. I don't see the people who will automatically disregard all suggestion of an inclusive solution as Group A for their minds are already lost. To reiterate - I see Group A as reachable people, who have concerns that can be addressed without subscribing to extremes. Those who already know they won't compromise are already gone.

How do you propose to tell the difference between the two? What if members of this Group A are so deep in their beliefs that they won't listen to those suggesting minorities aren't to blame for their problems? Does everyone have to be burning a cross to have ugly views that they cling hard to?

It's a matter of degrees isn't it? An uncomfortable temperature might have people grumbling, but turn the heat up and those same people will start going nuts. Once Group A manages to have the heat (hard right rhetoric in this instance) jacked up and they turn it's often too late. These people are hard right now. There are still those who turn away from extremism even after years 'in the life' so there's always hope at every stage, but it gets increasing hard to convince a committed hater not to hate anymore.

Again, you're assuming most of Group A will listen to the facts rather than what makes them personally feel better. But we live in the post-truth age of politics now, where a lot of people will believe whatever reinforces their existing biases even if the facts don't tally with them (and yes, sometimes this includes me too, nobody's perfect)

Yes, you are dead right. Not everyone will be convinced. But this won't be won through mere talking anyway. By actually DOING STUFF like successfully addressing the hows and whys of ethnic crime and unemployment and why there might be lack of assimilation among some immigrant groups these talking points are stolen from the hard right's toolbox of manipulation. If they can't use these particular tools then their brand of hate gets a lot harder to sell to the political passers-by.

Group A are heavily influenced by the LNP, who are inherently pro-corporate and anti-worker because they're largely bought and paid for by corporate donations, and have sustained racists like Kevin Andrews for decades. Group A are also influenced by the mainstream Australian media, who are mostly also inherently pro-corporate and anti-worker because they are controlled by wealthy corporate masters and have no editorial independence anymore. There's a lot that stops Group A from correctly blaming corporate interests for the problems in their lives, when there's a simple, seductive message being peddled from on high: ethnics are taking your jobs, or living large off your taxes.

Yep, too true. Part of the struggle will always be educating the masses. Rather than just making the exchange of information easier though, the internet has become a heat source all its own of crackpot extremes. Real 'wild west' kinds of shit with idea-bullets popping shot glasses and bottles every which way in the saloon. Educating the masses in a post-truth era aint gonna be easy, but we have to keep at it. Know the truth, but also know the difference between subjective and objective.
It [Nazism] is only hate to you because it doesnt fit your politics.

Id hope Nazism doesnt fit your politics either, or else that would kind of make you a Nazi.

And are you actually questioning whether Nazism preaches hate, or whether the guys doing Hitler salutes and burning a freaking cross might actually, you know, hate Jews and non Whites?

You right wingers just love defending those Nazis.

Personally, if your argument is ever constructed in such a way that it winds up defending Nazis, you lose the argument.

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Politics Aussie Fascists and (neo)Nazis

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