Europe Backdrop to the war in Ukraine

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This is the thread for the geopolitics, history and framework around the Russia-Ukraine conflict. If you want to discuss the events of the war, head over to this thread:

English is the official language of Canada along with French. So nothing like Russian in Ukraine at all.
Do you not read my posts?

Russian was an official language of Ukraine until the crackdowns after Maidan. It was essentially banned in the govt sphere, limited in broadcast media and removed from the 'special language' thingy. Shit even the soviets gave their minorities more freedom
French isn't the official language of Louisiana however it is still spoken widely there being a remnant of the French Empire.
lololol it was part of the French empire before sold to the Americans 220 years ago. A low population that has almost been completely absorbed into the American empire, 3.5% of the population speak any french. This region was also mostly populated by Native Americans, the small French outpost were an afterthought
Russian is spoken widely in Ukraine in exactly the same way even though the official language of Ukraine is Ukrainian (a difficult concept to understand for vatniks).
Yeh, this is why efforts to limit it are seen as controversial?
Or like mandating French? Those evil Quebecois, English speaking Canada should probably invade, to save English speaking Quebecois from linguistic oppression.

On SM-A346E using mobile app
Yes, now you're getting it. Cracking down on a first language spoken by many would be seen as suppression.
I would think Canada's national parliament would invoke all kind of laws to stop it

Russian was an official language of Ukraine until the crackdowns after Maidan. It was essentially banned in the govt sphere, limited in broadcast media and removed from the 'special language' thingy...
You make it sound as if russian should still be an official language in Ukraine. Why should an invader’s language continue to be official. The only reason it was official is because it was forced on them.

Russian, like English, has a history of being weaponized as a method of subjugation. For centuries, Ukrainians, like other peoples in the Soviet Union and Russian empire, were subjected to policies of Russification and were forced to speak Russian as a way of erasing their identity and the culture and history contained within their languages.

A few months after the war started I met up with another friend, Nika, a Kharkiv native. She had spoken Russian her whole life and only became fluent in Ukrainian at university but she enjoyed it. “It’s true you really do get to have a different personality in each language,” she told me once.

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Ummm...WW2 was the opposite. Fascists invaded Ukraine, heading east, at a rapid pace.

The Russian army started heading west, but now simply holds the line in a stalemate.

Nothing like WW2 in terms of troop movements and engagements.

The Russian army is composed of young conscripts, dragooned from impoverished families in far flung regions of the Russian federation.

The Ukrainian army likewise consists of young working class men and women (and older ones), often kidnapped off the streets of Ukrainian cities and forcibly conscripted.

However, the Ukrainian army also includes the Azov Battalion and other openly anti-Semitic, fascist military units, who wear swastikas on their uniforms. This is publicly documented in a myriad of documents and images.

This is what I wish.

That the Ukrainian and Russian soldiers refuse to kill each other. Join forces, and overthrow the criminal governments (Putin's and Zelensky's) who are sending them to slaughter each other for the profit interests of their respective capitalist elites.

No it really isn't. Ukraine doesn't want to be a puppet state any longer, rejects Russian fascism outright. As a result despite being absolutely no threat to Russia at all Putin has attacked Ukraine and is desperately trying to occupy Ukraine for eventual integration to his delusions of a new Russian empire.

The Russian military has the Rusich group and Wagner group, openly fascist Neo Nazis. Putin, even though originally denying it, had to admit the Kremlin had been fully funding Wagner after the insurrection last year leading to Putin murdering Prigohzhin.

Ukraine's armed forces have far less neo Nazi sympathisers than Russian ones do, this is a cold hard fact.

And the difference between Ukraine's army and Russia's army is they are forced to fight because of an invader trying to impose Ruscism (or Russia fascism) on Ukranians.

What I wish is Putin withdraws completely from Ukraine on the basis that Russia can openly trade freely with Europe again and be reintegrated as a respectable state on the world stage. Right now Russia & Putin are simply becoming closer and closer to what Hitler and the Nazis were leading up to WW2 and there is simply no defending or justifying them.
You make it sound as if russian should still be an official language in Ukraine. Why should an invader’s language continue to be official. The only reason it was official is because it was forced on them.

Russian, like English, has a history of being weaponized as a method of subjugation. For centuries, Ukrainians, like other peoples in the Soviet Union and Russian empire, were subjected to policies of Russification and were forced to speak Russian as a way of erasing their identity and the culture and history contained within their languages.

A few months after the war started I met up with another friend, Nika, a Kharkiv native. She had spoken Russian her whole life and only became fluent in Ukrainian at university but she enjoyed it. “It’s true you really do get to have a different personality in each language,” she told me once.

Russification and banning of Ukranian is just fine according to the vatniks.
Ukraine is of critical geostrategic importance, in that its territorial position represents a direct pathway into the heart of Russia. Whoever occupies Ukraine/controls its government holds a dagger to the heart of Russia's national security. Moreover control of the Black Sea is a critical goal in the strategy of US imperialism, which aims ultimately to carve up Russia into powerless ethnic mini states easy for US corporations to dominate and plunder. Does anyone really think that Putin is unaware of these plans?

As NATO kept creeping towards Russia progressively since the 1990's, Putin has made many public statements that Russia would never accept the incorporation of Ukraine into NATO.

It was hardly a surprise to NATO. In fact, this was all along the purpose of the Maidan coup way back in 2014. US and German imperialism succeeded in installing a pro-NATO regime at that time which would continually threaten the Putin regime by striving to join NATO. Civil war in Ukraine broke out as well when the Ukrainian military attempted to repress the rebellion of Russian speakers in the Donbass who were terrirfied by the prospect of living under an extreme right wing, nationalist, Russophobic Ukrainian regime.

Russia responded by in order to defend its own borders against hostile Ukraine military action on its doorstep by rendering assistance to the Donbass Russian population who were under savage Ukrainian bombardment.

One needs only to imagine what would happen if an extreme anti US government came to power in Mexico and started receiving arms from Russia, expanding its military, bombarding southern sections of the US,
and threatening to join the Russia-China axis. I think the vast majority on this board would warmly support a US invasion of Mexico under these circumstances.

After 2014, the US, Germany and Britain poured military equipment and military trainers into Ukraine precisely with the aim to prepare for a proxy war against Russia, which they fully intended to provoke.

When he was elected, Zelensky maintained this pro US imperialism and pro NATO policy.

The invasion by Putin of Ukraine was an utterly reactionary and barbaric act, which i condemn. But what is crucial to note about it, is the fact that this invasion was deliberately provoked by the Ukrainian government acting as a proxy for US and NATO imperialism. Putin fell into their trap.

He believed, falsely, that if he invaded, the NATO powers and the Ukrainian government would quickly fold and come to the negotiating table. Putin made clear that his regime sought a deal, which included a guarantee that Ukraine would not join NATO.

Now he has been trapped in an endless war of attrition. At any time, this war could spiral into a nuclear war, as NATO openly discusses its plans to reinforce Ukraine's depleted army with its own troops. Ukraine is running out of manpower, and to keep the war going NATO will have no choice but to send its own forces in. This threatens nuclear armageddon.

Putin's invasion has allowed US propaganda to portray him as the evil monster because he was the one who struck first. The US propaganda machine has been remarkably successful in this endeavour. But, the truth always in the end catches up with US propaganda, and it will again.

The truth is that every government involved in this conflict: the Putin regime, the Zelensky regime, the US government and governments of its NATO allies - along with the Australian government, which has supplied billions of aid to the Zelensky regime -are all criminal, and are all responsible for the horrific catastrophe that has befallen the Ukrainian people.

I'm going to dismantle this nonsense.

NATO doesn't creep anywhere, it is an open defensive alliance that any state is allowed to join. All existing members must agree to a new state joining, all have veto power. Pretty clearly post soviet states that choose a path of EU & also NATO membership are far better off than being a partner of Russia.

Please stop bringing up NATO, you are embarrassing yourself. Kaliningrad is surrounded by NATO states. How exactly did Putin respond to a new 1345km NATO border being established between Finland & Russia? He withdrew his military units from the region and sent them to Ukraine. Why does he do this? Because Putin knows NATO is no threat. Infact, if NATO said to Putin Ukraine can join but we'll let you subjugate the place Putin wouldn't care one iota. All he wants is to invade, occupy and eventually integrate Ukraine into his new Russian empire which is simply delusional. His aides from his early days as president said this is what Putin has always wanted, NATO or no NATO.

Do us a favor and stop bringing up stuff that is irrelevant.

Everything you post here is straight out of the KGB propaganda playbook. Russia had to invade (nonsense, Ukraine isn't and never was a threat).

There is only one person to blame for this war - it is Adolf Putin who could end the war tomorrow.
Do you not read my posts?

Russian was an official language of Ukraine until the crackdowns after Maidan. It was essentially banned in the govt sphere, limited in broadcast media and removed from the 'special language' thingy. Shit even the soviets gave their minorities more freedom
Lol. Painting a language as not being official being cracked down on is laughable. Russian language is not cracked down on at all. It isn't the official language but I am not sure why you find this surprising considering the attempts by Putin to impose his fascism on the Ukranian people.

lololol it was part of the French empire before sold to the Americans 220 years ago. A low population that has almost been completely absorbed into the American empire, 3.5% of the population speak any french. This region was also mostly populated by Native Americans, the small French outpost were an afterthought

Yeh, this is why efforts to limit it are seen as controversial?

There are no efforts to limit it. You're lying. This has been debunked countless times and yet you repeat pro Russian propaganda. Almost like you're reading from a script.
It was the US and Germany who installed the pro NATO government after fascists (funded by the CIA) spearheaded a coup.
Since 2014, it has been the US and its NATO allies calling the shots about who runs Ukraine.


The Ukranian rada did not change in 2014. Yanukovych, who effectively was running Ukraine at the personal behest of Putin (unsurprising you have no problem with that) fled Ukraine after his corruption was uncovered.

A temporary leader was voted in by the Rada. The parliament remained the same until elections in June 2014.

Anyone who suggests the US was calling the shots in Ukraine is obviously a pro Russian asset salty that Ukraine finally had enough of Putin/Russia running the country into the ground for their own gain. It's simply a lie and you know it.
I love the false equivalence arguments perpetuated by Russia and its supporters.

"Sure we're corrupt, but they probably are too"
"We're afraid of invasion so we invaded"
"We hate nazis, but we're a proud fascist Government"
"How dare they bomb Russia, that's a red line, here's 40 missiles at apartment buildings in Kyiv"
"Ukraine have conscripts in their army, we tricked some Indians and Nepalese into our army"
"Ukraine has nazis in their army. Our Wagner commanders were all nazis and now they're in the Russian Army as commanders"
I love the false equivalence arguments perpetuated by Russia and its supporters.

"Sure we're corrupt, but they probably are too"
"We're afraid of invasion so we invaded"
"We hate nazis, but we're a proud fascist Government"
"How dare they bomb Russia, that's a red line, here's 40 missiles at apartment buildings in Kyiv"
"Ukraine have conscripts in their army, we tricked some Indians and Nepalese into our army"
"Ukraine has nazis in their army. Our Wagner commanders were all nazis and now they're in the Russian Army as commanders"

Of course North Korean / Iranian ballistic missiles being fired at Ukraine isn't an escalation either not to mention tens of thousands of Iranian Shahed suicide drone attacks on Ukraine.
I would like to suggest its time the word "coup" being repeatedly used as a deliberately false misnomer for a people's "revolution" be treated similarly to those disparaging words for military assets which are a no-go in these discussions.

On SM-A146P using mobile app
Sorry, stand corrected. I thought it was over $ 1 billion. Anyway, it does equal $1 billion, which is financial funding for a criminal regime, thereby making the Albanese government a criminal actor in the Ukraine war as well.

The criminality of the Albanese government is likewise expressed in its support for the Zionist genocide in Gaza, and its attempts to demonise anti-genocide protestors as "anti-Semitic"

If nothing else, the Albanese government (and the Liberals/Greens, who all agree on the fundamental issues) are consistent in their criminality.
Repeatedly calling the Ukrainian government criminal just makes you look stupid.

The actual Nazis got voted out, and Zelensky indisputably won the vote.

Russia wanted to replace th Ukrainian government because it WASN'T criminal, that's the issue Putin had.

The majority of Ukrainians were pro moving closer to the West, and away from Russia.

A democratic freely elected government acting in accordance with the wishes of the majority was inevitably and unavoidably going to move out of Russia's sphere of influence, as is it's right as a free country.

What followed was a long run campaign to vilify and demonise the Ukrainian government, to give a pretext for replacing it with a government that would subvert the wishes of the people in the interests of a foreign power. A truly criminal government in other words.

This campaign fooled nobody but the gullible and the wilfully ignorant, which you declare yourself to be everytime you repeat it.

On SM-A346E using mobile app
Repeatedly calling the Ukrainian government criminal just makes you look stupid.

The actual Nazis got voted out, and Zelensky indisputably won the vote.

Russia wanted to replace th Ukrainian government because it WASN'T criminal, that's the issue Putin had.

The majority of Ukrainians were pro moving closer to the West, and away from Russia.

A democratic freely elected government acting in accordance with the wishes of the majority was inevitably and unavoidably going to move out of Russia's sphere of influence, as is it's right as a free country.

What followed was a long run campaign to vilify and demonise the Ukrainian government, to give a pretext for replacing it with a government that would subvert the wishes of the people in the interests of a foreign power. A truly criminal government in other words.

This campaign fooled nobody but the gullible and the wilfully ignorant, which you declare yourself to be everytime you repeat it.

On SM-A346E using mobile app
Lets not forhet that it was the Soviet Union that got into bed with the Nazi's at the begining of the 2nd world war.

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It was the US and Germany who installed the pro NATO government after fascists (funded by the CIA) spearheaded a coup.
Since 2014, it has been the US and its NATO allies calling the shots about who runs Ukraine.
In 2014, the pro Russian president refused to agree laws passed by the democratically elected parliament, people protested and were shot, protests grew and the police refused to keep killing them. President fled and a vast majority in the democratic government voted him out. Hardly a coup, if anything the protests helped stop the formation of a fascist Russian controlled dictatorship.

On SM-A136B using mobile app
Lets not forhet that it was the Soviet Union that got into bed with the Nazi's at the begining of the 2nd world war.
Yep, Soviet union collaborated with the Nazis so it could take parts of its democratic neighbour same as the CCP chickened out of fighting the Japanese so they seize power afterwards.

On SM-A136B using mobile app
Repeatedly calling the Ukrainian government criminal just makes you look stupid.

The actual Nazis got voted out, and Zelensky indisputably won the vote.

Russia wanted to replace th Ukrainian government because it WASN'T criminal, that's the issue Putin had.

The majority of Ukrainians were pro moving closer to the West, and away from Russia.

A democratic freely elected government acting in accordance with the wishes of the majority was inevitably and unavoidably going to move out of Russia's sphere of influence, as is it's right as a free country.

What followed was a long run campaign to vilify and demonise the Ukrainian government, to give a pretext for replacing it with a government that would subvert the wishes of the people in the interests of a foreign power. A truly criminal government in other words.

This campaign fooled nobody but the gullible and the wilfully ignorant, which you declare yourself to be everytime you repeat it.

On SM-A346E using mobile app
Dunno why you bother. The campaigner is so far down the rabbit hole he's almost popping his head out back in Australia.
Repeatedly calling the Ukrainian government criminal just makes you look stupid.

The actual Nazis got voted out, and Zelensky indisputably won the vote.

Russia wanted to replace th Ukrainian government because it WASN'T criminal, that's the issue Putin had.

The majority of Ukrainians were pro moving closer to the West, and away from Russia.

A democratic freely elected government acting in accordance with the wishes of the majority was inevitably and unavoidably going to move out of Russia's sphere of influence, as is it's right as a free country.

What followed was a long run campaign to vilify and demonise the Ukrainian government, to give a pretext for replacing it with a government that would subvert the wishes of the people in the interests of a foreign power. A truly criminal government in other words.

This campaign fooled nobody but the gullible and the wilfully ignorant, which you declare yourself to be everytime you repeat it.

On SM-A346E using mobile app
Unfortunately, your comment is ill informed. Yes, Zelensky won the election. But he rapidly fell in line with the pro-NATO orientation of the Ukrainian ruling elite.

Your denial that the Zelensky regime both contains fascists and condones fascism will ultimiately make you look stupid or - in the best possible case - just a sucker for US propaganda.

I have made clear that I utterly oppose Putin, who heads a criminal regime that defends the interests of a super wealthy elite.

Never seems to sink in on this thread though, unfortunately.

What so many here fail to understand is that you can actually condemn Zelensky without supporting Putin.

It is not a binary situation. Both regimes are criminal, both regimes are sending the youth and the workers of Ukraine and Russia to die in a war being waged for the profit interests of US corporations and their Ukrainian and European capitalist sidekicks vs those of the Russian capitalists.

Maybe one day, as the truth filters through (it always does), those trapped in a binary thought loop will start to find a way to get out of the infinite loop.
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Yep, Soviet union collaborated with the Nazis so it could take parts of its democratic neighbour same as the CCP chickened out of fighting the Japanese so they seize power afterwards.

On SM-A136B using mobile app
Your interpretation of WW2 history is I won't be euphemistic...Your interpretation of this history is utterly false.

The Red Army defeated Hitler, no sane/well informed person would disagree.

It was Chiang Kai -shek and the KMT - not the CCP - which pursued the policy of appeasement to Japan. For 6 years, from 1931 to 1937, Chaing Kai-shek attempted to destroy the CCP militarily. In other words, he placed the priority not on defending China against the brutal Japanese invasion, but on destroying the "internal enemy", ie the CCP.

Next tim
I'm going to dismantle this nonsense.

NATO doesn't creep anywhere, it is an open defensive alliance that any state is allowed to join. All existing members must agree to a new state joining, all have veto power. Pretty clearly post soviet states that choose a path of EU & also NATO membership are far better off than being a partner of Russia.

Please stop bringing up NATO, you are embarrassing yourself. Kaliningrad is surrounded by NATO states. How exactly did Putin respond to a new 1345km NATO border being established between Finland & Russia? He withdrew his military units from the region and sent them to Ukraine. Why does he do this? Because Putin knows NATO is no threat. Infact, if NATO said to Putin Ukraine can join but we'll let you subjugate the place Putin wouldn't care one iota. All he wants is to invade, occupy and eventually integrate Ukraine into his new Russian empire which is simply delusional. His aides from his early days as president said this is what Putin has always wanted, NATO or no NATO.

Do us a favor and stop bringing up stuff that is irrelevant.

Everything you post here is straight out of the KGB propaganda playbook. Russia had to invade (nonsense, Ukraine isn't and never was a threat).

There is only one person to blame for this war - it is Adolf Putin who could end the war tomorrow.
I have already explained in a previous post why the Russian regime regards the incorporation of Ukraine into NATO as an existential threat - far more than that of any other country on its northern flank (Finland, etc)

Did you just actually say that "Putin knows that NATO is no threat" ?? o_O
That simply shows how little clue you have. NATO is already discussing its plan to get troops on the ground in Ukraine. It is supplying the Ukrainian military with ever more lethal weaponry that can hit targets as far away as Moscow. It is supplying satellite data to the Ukrainian military in order for it to maximise the impact of its bombardments.

"All Putin wants is to invade and occupy and eventually integrate Ukraine into his new Russia"...straight from the US/NATO propaganda playbook.

"Do us a favor and stop bringing up stuff that is irrelevant".

a) That is not your real motivation. You want me to stop bringing up the truth, because the truth opposes US propaganda (which you have swallowed hook, line and sinker)
b) While you speak for many on this board, I am sure, there may be others who actually would like to open their mind to an analysis that does not toe the US line.

I have already explained in a previous post why the Russian regime regards the incorporation of Ukraine into NATO as an existential threat - far more than that of any other country on its northern flank (Finland, etc)

Did you just actually say that "Putin knows that NATO is no threat" ?? o_O
That simply shows how little clue you have. NATO is already discussing its plan to get troops on the ground in Ukraine. It is supplying the Ukrainian military with ever more lethal weaponry that can hit targets as far away as Moscow. It is supplying satellite data to the Ukrainian military in order for it to maximise the impact of its bombardments.

"All Putin wants is to invade and occupy and eventually integrate Ukraine into his new Russia"...straight from the US/NATO propaganda playbook.

"Do us a favor and stop bringing up stuff that is irrelevant".

a) That is not your real motivation. You want me to stop bringing up the truth, because the truth opposes US propaganda (which you have swallowed hook, line and sinker)
b) While you speak for many on this board, I am sure, there may be others who actually would like to open their mind to an analysis that does not toe the US line.


No, your NATO nonsense has no place in a legitimate discussion about Ukraine.

You're simply justifying Putin murdering Ukranian civilians en masse - all because Ukraine doesn't want to be a puppet Russian state.

You should be ashamed - but I can guarantee you won't be.
No, your NATO nonsense has no place in a legitimate discussion about Ukraine.

You're simply justifying Putin murdering Ukranian civilians en masse - all because Ukraine doesn't want to be a puppet Russian state.

You should be ashamed - but I can guarantee you won't be.
Do you actually read anything I write?
Because if you did - assuming that you can actually comprehend the written word - you would realise that your comments are quite frankly stupid.
Do you actually read anything I write?
Because if you did - assuming that you can actually comprehend the written word - you would realise that your comments are quite frankly stupid.

Yes, all you can write about is the US, completely ignoring the fact that Ukrainians reject the fascists from Russia and don't want to be a puppet state of Russia any longer.
Yes, all you can write about is the US, completely ignoring the fact that Ukrainians reject the fascists from Russia and don't want to be a puppet state of Russia any longer.
The zelensky government does not reject the fascists...the fascists are an integral component of both his regime and of the military.

The Ukrainian financial oligarchy wants to be a puppet of US imperialism instead of being a puppet of Russia.

Yes, I keep writing about the US, because US imperialism is on a rampage. It is providing weaponry and political support for Netahayu's genocide in Gaza, because the elimination of the Palestinian question from Middle Eastern affairs will assist the US in asserting domination over the Middle East. If the US controls the Midldle East, it will be able to rapidly encircle Russia.

Likewise the US is funding, and escalating the war in Ukraine as part of its aim to provoke the overthrow of Putin by internal opposition forces, and carving up the Russian federation into powerless ethnically based nation states which will then be rapidly looted by US corporations.

The US is on a downward economic spiral. Its rivals, particularly China, are threatening US economic hegemony. Therefore the US is resorting to its only option: use its military power to defeat its rivals.

The war against Russia and the US funded genocide in Gaza are all parts of the same war: the frenzy of US imperialism to redivide the globe in its own interests.

You have every right to your opinions. I have every right to mine.

You can post whatever evidence you think you have to refute what I have just said. But asking me to "do us a favour by no longer writing about the US" is a polite way of saying: we need to censor anything that contradicts US propaganda.
I love the false equivalence arguments perpetuated by Russia and its supporters.

"Sure we're corrupt, but they probably are too"
"We're afraid of invasion so we invaded"
"We hate nazis, but we're a proud fascist Government"
"How dare they bomb Russia, that's a red line, here's 40 missiles at apartment buildings in Kyiv"
"Ukraine have conscripts in their army, we tricked some Indians and Nepalese into our army"
"Ukraine has nazis in their army. Our Wagner commanders were all nazis and now they're in the Russian Army as commanders"
Excellent post. confirms that both regimes, Putin's and Zelensky's, are criminal regimes who are sending a whole generation of youth into a slaughter house - for no reason other than to defend the interests of their respective wealthy elite.
The zelensky government does not reject the fascists...the fascists are an integral component of both his regime and of the military.

The Ukrainian financial oligarchy wants to be a puppet of US imperialism instead of being a puppet of Russia.

Yes, I keep writing about the US, because US imperialism is on a rampage. It is providing weaponry and political support for Netahayu's genocide in Gaza, because the elimination of the Palestinian question from Middle Eastern affairs will assist the US in asserting domination over the Middle East. If the US controls the Midldle East, it will be able to rapidly encircle Russia.

Likewise the US is funding, and escalating the war in Ukraine as part of its aim to provoke the overthrow of Putin by internal opposition forces, and carving up the Russian federation into powerless ethnically based nation states which will then be rapidly looted by US corporations.

The US is on a downward economic spiral. Its rivals, particularly China, are threatening US economic hegemony. Therefore the US is resorting to its only option: use its military power to defeat its rivals.

The war against Russia and the US funded genocide in Gaza are all parts of the same war: the frenzy of US imperialism to redivide the globe in its own interests.

You have every right to your opinions. I have every right to mine.

You can post whatever evidence you think you have to refute what I have just said. But asking me to "do us a favour by no longer writing about the US" is a polite way of saying: we need to censor anything that contradicts US propaganda.

You can't help yourself. You blaming the US is your excuse for Ukrainians rejecting Russia and it's attempts by Putin to impose fascism on Ukraine. You just don't get why Ukrainians don't want to be part of Russia, see themselves as a democratic European nation. Ukraine's future is similar to the Baltics & Poland and you can't stand the fact that Russia isn't welcome or involved and is a disgraced international fascist pariah state.

Just like in WW2 Ukranian soldiers are fighting against fascists in Kursk supplied by the US. Funny how history repeats itself.

You have your right to your opinion but you don't have the right to your own facts.

This may be a bit of a shock to you over at the internet research agency.

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Europe Backdrop to the war in Ukraine

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