Werewolf Basic Werewolf - Time for Chilli - VILLAGE WINS

Do you like Choc Mint Ice-Cream

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Okay if that’s how YOU play that’s fine but this is literally how I am, boring having to play without any jokes.

I still literally gave you an answer
Yes sante knows I am always serious and never joke in these games.

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There’s 100% evil in the MCBG train, it’s just discerning which.

My opinions remain that the two evils (if we assume MCBG is SK) are hiding in the you/Dingster/ligma group. The rest are known roles or appear to be here intermittently. Chip I don’t have a great read on, JTG playing typical for him but doesn’t really give evil vibes
Chip is probably the underrated ones here. Helps to be able to hide with the time difference but can jump on early and then avoid any conflicts during the day. I would also be in favour of him.

We do have a couple of shots at this, and evil will want to take out the SK too, but we probably need a united front (or if we end up with a double lynch hit evil or we’re cooked)
I’m not surprised I’m high on your list. I think people are expecting me to be helping and then suddenly roll out at big evil or some crap. I’m not this game, I’m more surprised a group with sante and Tarks didn’t kill me.

Ligma, JTG and Chipmunk were my top three, with Dingster as possible (but then I’m applying the same thing you are to me, with him).
When I was catching up on this thread, I read it and thought "Then why are you voting me?" and then you did actually change.

You seemed on the MCBG train today, why the switch Pie?
Presumably because I made such a stirring and compelling argument.

Wow you solved the mystery!!

A villager not paying attention!! Congrats!!
Come on now. You're paying at least a little attention. You knew to target me based on being "roleblocked" by a Villager ...
I’m laughing at the fact you said I don’t joke in Werewolf.
If You Say So Reaction GIF by Identity

You think I’m serious? SMH do better
Also Dingster a penny for your thoughts? One of the few remaining veterans left, your silence is telling
I backed the village on the mcbg vote. Reading back earlier today MWPP was keen on Ligs and she was bang on with Beasty boy.
I backed the village on the mcbg vote. Reading back earlier today MWPP was keen on Ligs and she was bang on with Beasty boy.
I thought that’s because she was being fed info from the flogs? No?

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I backed the village on the mcbg vote. Reading back earlier today MWPP was keen on Ligs and she was bang on with Beasty boy.

This is a classic “not lying”. That doesn’t tell us anything. Dingsters suspicion increased by 5 points

thewizardmelon do you still have an action to use by any chance?

For the sake of evil reading this, I’m not to say what actions I have left. But feel free to outline some options and I can pick from those
This is how I am seeing things

2. Pie 4 Life = village or maybe goon but fooling me
3. Chipmunk = goon?? Haven’t heard much from him
4. Jack The Godfather = last wolf??
6. Ligma = village
8. 3KZ is Football
9. Dingster = alpha??
15. The Majestic = village
21. MC Bad Genius = sk??
24. MP_ = seer
27. thewizardmelon = I forgot the name of the role but good

I feel very similarly, except pie has done enough to suggest he’s more likely good than bad. Ding is almost certainly evil, and I’d say one of you/chip/Jack is the other evil. This also is assuming MCBG is indeed SK