Werewolf BEaston WW - Village wins!

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I know the majestic is a quieter player, 3KZ is a rollercoaster, we either get 100 posts or he disappears for large chunks. Nothing is someone I haven’t played with so not sure how they play either. Have you played with any of these three before?
This is my 2nd game and you're asking the village idiot?
Nothing is on his 3rd game, aka Mr Zilch or in France 'Rien de Tout'.
Came from behind in the one game, likes to keep a low profile but is onto it.
I don't pick him as village just as I don't pick you as a plain old villager.
You, him or 3KZ(it's scientific) are possibly the Vamp.
This is my 2nd game and you're asking the village idiot?
Nothing is on his 3rd game, aka Mr Zilch or in France 'Rien de Tout'.
Came from behind in the one game, likes to keep a low profile but is onto it.
I don't pick him as village just as I don't pick you as a plain old villager.
You, him or 3KZ(it's scientific) are possibly the Vamp.

I’ve had a WW hiatus, didn’t realise only your second game sorry. I really am just a villager but I get why you put me in the suspect pile. I’m most curious of all about 3KZ I think, then maybe chat/nothing/DP after that.

3KZ is Football Nothing you have been quiet, come out and play

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Village come with Baba Vanga. Join in the pile on.
joel mchale pitchfork GIF by NETFLIX

Chat pile because I want to see a hat trick thanks BEaston
Village come with Baba Vanga. Join in the pile on.
Okey dokey carolokey scratch my first choice of the irritation du jour who reckons he's a genius.......I'll go Chat Pile please BEaston The Bonce can go for 3/3 but I am rather partial to changing my vote.
joel mchale pitchfork GIF by NETFLIX

Chat pile because I want to see a hat trick thanks BEaston
I can get behind that as Chat Pile is in the shortlist for both SK and Head Vamp based on what's happened so far.

Flogs will have a seer result for tomorrow should The Bonce miss the hattrick.

Chat Pile BEaston
Also. You guys know my ego, should The Bonce really catch on? Let's go to thewizardmelon for review

If you go 3/3, I’d expect not only for it to catch on, but a username change would be appropriate.

The Bold. The Bonce. The Beautiful
If you go 3/3, I’d expect not only for it to catch on, but a username change would be appropriate.

The Bold. The Bonce. The Beautiful
Name change. Av change. Byline change.

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We’re flying blind here though. If you or anyone else has info regarding another option, I’m all ears.
Hey hey hey you're approaching top 25. Don't turn on me now
I’ve had a WW hiatus, didn’t realise only your second game sorry. I really am just a villager but I get why you put me in the suspect pile. I’m most curious of all about 3KZ I think, then maybe chat/nothing/DP after that.

3KZ is Football Nothing you have been quiet, come out and play
Yes, I think Mr. Radio Scientific might be my Jon Gotti in pyjamas. I have now pegged 8 players claiming village but only 6 pos.
Yes, I think Mr. Radio Scientific might be my Jon Gotti in pyjamas. I have now pegged 8 players claiming village but only 6 pos.
Just remember good roles will also claim villager to avoid being targeted at night by evil
This is my 2nd game and you're asking the village idiot?
Nothing is on his 3rd game, aka Mr Zilch or in France 'Rien de Tout'.
Came from behind in the one game, likes to keep a low profile but is onto it.
I don't pick him as village just as I don't pick you as a plain old villager.
You, him or 3KZ(it's scientific) are possibly the Vamp.

I’ve had a WW hiatus, didn’t realise only your second game sorry. I really am just a villager but I get why you put me in the suspect pile. I’m most curious of all about 3KZ I think, then maybe chat/nothing/DP after that.

3KZ is Football Nothing you have been quiet, come out and play
Just catching up. I'm in WA so miss the early part of the action (i.e. gif posting).

I've been village at the start of every game, with the one role when Gralin reassigned roles in the GD game - and that was to a group with all new players. As village, I'm observing and happy to put input in but at this stage, I'm really just muddling along. I have some suspicions but mostly at this stage, happy to follow The Bonce (tm) as stated yesterday, either they are right or we get an easy target the following day.
Just remember good roles will also claim villager to avoid being targeted at night by evil
Were you a school teacher in your former life Gralin?
Did you not see Fred's earlier posted gif to me?
Are you still seeing trainer wheels on me or that I have to be led by the nose still.
Or are you trying to be evil and provoke a massive dummy spit here?
I get that but I have the following:

Player list (15 remaining):
The Majestic
MC Bad Genius
King Tenz
Chat Pile

Roles (10 roles, maybe less if Baby vamp is a double role)
Serial Killer

Head Vampire
Baby vamp ?
(True / False ?)

Flog x2 or Doppleganger and flog

So that's 5 villagers

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