News Brad Crouch decision (ADL chickenshit, decline to match, receive 23)

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After the initial backlash yesterday of FB, I noticed the ASB started to find voice.

''We dont need Crouch he's injury prone, we've got Schoenberg and Hately and pick 1''.
First round picks are sometimes busts too so we haven't missed out on anything
Because we're very, very stupid

Also whatever dire scenario befalls us we always make out that that was the plan all along and/or there's nothing else we could have done
If we have a plan to make it sound like the plan all technically we did have a plan which means it went to plan and therefore they couldn’t have planned it any better!
It’s funny how we seem to be the only club who get backed into a corner with not options in these scenarios
We're desperately unlucky.

We seem to draft all the homesick, money-hungry disloyal types too.

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Adam, I thought you said that we'd match if we didn't get Pick 2?

No, I said Band 2. You must have misheard me.

Oh.... but we got Band 3?

Same difference.

Adam "Well when we saw the paperwork from the AFL and it had 23 on there we just naturally assumed that the AFL were offering us Pick 2 and 3 so we took it, how were we to know that it actually meant Pick 23"
Everyone blaming the AFC have got it wrong.
You ALL know the Crows board are appointed by the VFL....they do as they are told BY the VFL.
This has turned out JUST as the VFL wanted it to. They were NEVER going to give Adelaide pick 2 ....under ANY circumstance.
The VFL have coached the club on whatt to say to its brainless supporters and i'm guessing those supporters will lap it up and turn their attention to who we get with pick good little ignorant customersn within a few days

The Stkilda contract was hyjacked and reworked by the VFL to ensure this outcone....when stuck on what to do next...our VFL appointed board follow the boses orders and bend they OWN the Crows.
Your supporting a Victorian a Victorian comp....for the benefit of Victorians...only the name has Adelaide in it.

Unfortunatly ive already cancelled my membership and all i have left is to stop watching or talking about the VFL at all.

As such....this is my final post.
Good bye and goodluck to you all.

AFL (Victoria) can EAD !!!!! ....what a sh*t state !!!...and a complete JOKE of a comp.

LCB out.
Whilst I'm sure the AFL was pleased with the outcome and ready to manipulate it to placate it's Victorian supporter base if we had actually done some legwork to get Band 1, I'm pretty sure our incompetence saved them the work in this instance.
The pathetic thing is we knew last year he was after a 5 year deal and we were never willing to offer it, meaning they deliberately waited until he was a free agent. We’re they hoping he would all of a sudden change his mind and only want a 3 year deal?
Then why didn’t we trade him last year you f****** moron

They are completely incompetent.

Trying to explain it away we “this is the best we could do given the situation” doesn’t work - when you had control over the situation and created it.
Poor woman on the desk clearly been giving a script to say about waiting to see the trade period as a whole before making judgement

but to be honest this membership cancellation is 50/50 a protest against the Crows & the AFL as a whole

Yep, I pulled out this year after being a member since 1991.

Mostly reached breaking point with the idiots we have at the club but as you say also a protest against the bias of the AFL, the amateur level of umpiring, the diluting of skills (too many teams), the hideous game style, the cost of a seat has become ridiculous and the bias and standard of AFL accredited "journalists".

It's just worn away my love of the club and game, still love em but its like a abusive relationship, they keep smacking you around but you love them, forgive them and think they will change so you come back for more.
“So if you match the deal, two things can happen: you can match, and then trade with them if they wanna trade, and try and get their top pick, which was pick 17, so only sort of half a dozen spots higher than pick 23.

“So in the end, six picks difference from 23 to perhaps St Kilda’s first round pick, so it’s not a lot of difference in picks… we think Brad’s worth a lot more than 23, you know, most people in the industry would say he’s worth a late first round pick, which St Kilda has got, but it’s up to St Kilda if they wanna negotiate.”

Riccuito just doesn't get it ................. :mad:

A six pick upgrade is better than what they have meekly settled for, what a moron !!.

And as for 'if they wanna negotiate' ......... FFS, they have put a contract in front of him Roo, they want him at their club. If you demanded #17 to get him there then they would have coughed up.

His explanation is "Bogan Business Practices 101".

I don't know how you can get rid of him from the administration of the club but he is the biggest impediment you have right now.
It matters because the draft pool that we have access to is weakened. 23 is not worth (prior to hindsight of knowing how the draft turned out) what 23 would be if the pool wasn't compromised

Another way of looking at it is we're still likely getting >23 in the entire national draft, which means statistically a less likely chance of getting a decent player going by previous drafts.
Not really, we don’t have access to JUH, Jones or Campbell, our recruiters have always known that. The quality of the talent pool outside of that doesn’t change.
Riccuito just doesn't get it ................. :mad:

A six pick upgrade is better than what they have meekly settled for, what a moron !!.

And as for 'if they wanna negotiate' ......... FFS, they have put a contract in front of him Roo, they want him at their club. If you demanded #17 to get him there then they would have coughed up.

His explanation is "Bogan Business Practices 101".

I don't know how you can get rid of him from the administration of the club but he is the biggest impediment you have right now.
I agree that the six pick upgrade wasn’t worth having Brad on the books for 5 years, but not being honest about this from the start is what pissed me off. Just come out last week and say ‘Unfortunately only one club is prepared to offer Brad 5 years, which we are steadfast on not offering during a rebuild as we want to prioritise our youth. This will make it tough to negotiate a deal that sees us compensated for his true worth, but we will spend every resource we can trying. If this doesn’t eventuate, we will use our strong draft hand to try for another pick inside 15.’
Riccuito just doesn't get it ................. :mad:

A six pick upgrade is better than what they have meekly settled for, what a moron !!.

And as for 'if they wanna negotiate' ......... FFS, they have put a contract in front of him Roo, they want him at their club. If you demanded #17 to get him there then they would have coughed up.

His explanation is "Bogan Business Practices 101".

I don't know how you can get rid of him from the administration of the club but he is the biggest impediment you have right now.

"It's up to St Kilda if they wanna negotiate"

That is an absolutely pathetic statement from our Director of Football

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no but it fits his patten of wacking the club at any opportunity. This is just an extension of his public push to deny us pick 2 and to degrade Brad's value publicly
Maybe if we stop giving him a fertile field in which to plough ?
Just listening to the Kelly interview on AA yesterday. FMD was a pathetic effort.
Yep, just when I was starting to think we had landed a top operator he fails miserably from start to finish, and then to go public with the "bluffing" was he thinking.

He's back to square one with me after that pearl of wisdom.
Remove Kelly now from trade negotiations. No club will believe anything he says after that crap.
I don't care about B Crouch leaving the club. He's been as much use in his 8 years as a used teabag. What I care about is the absolute amateurism of our dealings on this matter. We lack intelligence. We lack a backbone. We need cultural change in our administration. The present mob from CEO down aren't worth a pinch of poo.
The way I read the FA offer from St Kilda was a 4 year deal with an option of a 5th with triggers to achieve. It was $600-650k/year + incentives if milestones met. If we matched would that have been the contract for us. It seams pretty reasonable for a match. We may have offered similar but over 3 years.
I cant see any reason we didn't match on that.
The way I see it there were two scenarios

1. We roll over and accept compo. It's the 'safe' option as we don't risk having him on our list for 5 years and potentially upsetting the fans who have seen some of these long term deals go sour. We also get a mid second rounder who has a 50/50 chance of being half decent. The downside to this is it just strengthens the external view of our club as being a walkover and a club that loses players for not much.

2. We match. Under this scenario the 'on field' risks are higher given we may at worst end up with a player who is signed up for 5 years who continues to be plagued by injuries and/or takes a midfield spot from one of our emerging youngsters. I would assume the fan base would have been very happy accepting this risk and understanding the rationale for taking it. The upside to this scenario is we have a $600k/yr midfielder reaching their peak who we know has the potential to be an A-Grade talent if their body holds up and could still be at the top of their game when we are playing finals again. Alternately, he plays very well consistently next year and we trade him a year in for a much higher draft pick. More importantly, it improves the external perception of our club as a tough negotiator and validates the comments we say during the negotiation process (ie. anything less than pick 2 we match). Going forward, the value of this improved respect nets us better results at the negotiating table.

Surely this should have been the strategic thinking around the table at West Lakes since Sunday?...and yet they went with Option 1. The safe/weak option. You don't build premiership clubs by taking the safe option every time. In my view, this was the perfect opportunity to show some b*lls, yet they bent over.

The way I read the FA offer from St Kilda was a 4 year deal with an option of a 5th with triggers to achieve. It was $600-650k/year + incentives if milestones met. If we matched would that have been the contract for us. It seams pretty reasonable for a match. We may have offered similar but over 3 years.
I cant see any reason we didn't match on that.
Agree, and if we had concerns about his injury history, then it was already accounted for in the contract. If he triggered year 5, then injuries weren't an issue.
We're desperately unlucky.

We seem to draft all the homesick, money-hungry disloyal types too.

we also seem to be the only one busted for draft tampering. Wait until they find out about our new supplement project, where we supplement A grade players for absolute hacks!
I’m kinda over it already, dwelling on negatives just makes me depressed! I’d rather think about what Binuk can do with those picks in the 20s with pick swaps, hopefully getting Hately for a late 3rd round pick and maybe another trade we haven’t heard about yet.

I am glad we aren’t stuck with another player on a 5 year deal, we have done that enough in recent years and regretted in 2-3 years in with most. Hopefully the club can fix their messaging during situations like this so they aren’t misleading supporters next time. We also need to nail this draft, that is way more important to our onfield success than whatever happened with Brad.

stop sucking up and use some critical thinking

the AFC is a small organisation, with moderate to mediocre quality executives in charge

there is no reason to sacrifice your dignity at the altar of the all-knowingness

MOD NOTE: I couldn’t let this obvious error go. All-knowingness in this context requires a hyphen
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News Brad Crouch decision (ADL chickenshit, decline to match, receive 23)

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