By the end of September, Collingwood could be Premiers and Abbott P.M.

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Well if your justification of that shitty education program is that "it lessens the recession" then I don't really need to rebut do I, you're doing all the work for me.

Throwing buckets of cash into the street would help lessen the recession, but you don't see people doing it do you?

Goose :thumbsdown:

We already got the buckets of cash - remember the $900 stimulus payment?

The fact is, part of the reason why the schools program was implemented was that infrastructure projects create employment and provide a boost to the economy. Keynesian economic theory and all that jazz. You can oppose it politically but you make yourself the goose by not understanding just why Australia did not enter a recession - government stimulus packages working along with better monetary regulatory policies and laws.

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We already got the buckets of cash - remember the $900 stimulus payment?

The fact is, part of the reason why the schools program was implemented was that infrastructure projects create employment and provide a boost to the economy. Keynesian economic theory and all that jazz. You can oppose it politically but you make yourself the goose by not understanding just why Australia did not enter a recession - government stimulus packages working along with better monetary regulatory policies and laws.

And you're a moron if you advocate pissing money away in order to provide stimulus. I'm all for government expenditure in order to increase economic output, but not if it's spent on flawed, overpriced projects. The fact that you try to defend this policy shows both bias and ignorance.
The fact you attack it remorselessly and without concession also shows bias and ignorance.

Are you saying that every single building built was an expensive bungle and that no school derived any benefit from it?

If you're criticising me for lamenting government and bureucratic waste, then you don't need to because I agree that governments, both Lib and Labor, are great at wasting money on pork barrelling and pseudo-bribes at election time.
I would also like to know your thoughts on the stimulus program implemented under Labor's watch, and whether you opposed the $900 handout to taxpayers and the current rollout of the national broadband network. Just for economic curiosity...
If Abbot is really a "her" it wouldn't surprise me in the least ...don't trust religious fanatics to run a church ..let alone a Country.

Abbott is a complete joke..but then again some People like that kind of thing ..they voted for Howard :eek:

I'm agnostic, but it's amazing to me that Abbot is seen as a fundamentalist zealot by the people who fawned all over that other religious crackpot, Kevin Rudd.
Since when did people of Christian Faith become pariahs?
Ironically a lot more tolerance is shown to Islamic fundamentalists!
I'm agnostic, but it's amazing to me that Abbot is seen as a fundamentalist zealot by the people who fawned all over that other religious crackpot, Kevin Rudd.
Since when did people of Christian Faith become pariahs?
Ironically a lot more tolerance is shown to Islamic fundamentalists!

Australia is a Civil Liberians paradise. Full of piss ants who take offense to anything that can get them attention. Australians as a whole, have become the softest cry babies going around these days.

If we were ever in threat of invasion again, like we were in ww2. They conquer us in hours. Weak willed soft maggots.
And you're a moron if you advocate pissing money away in order to provide stimulus. I'm all for government expenditure in order to increase economic output, but not if it's spent on flawed, overpriced projects. The fact that you try to defend this policy shows both bias and ignorance.

'Pissing it away' is a pretty poor description of what happened. The urgency of the situation demanded immediate stimulus to aggreagate demand. Inevitably in the rush there was some misallocation of capital, but what you have preferred? A lengthy cost-benefit analysis on a case-by-case basis whilst our country slipped into recession?
The stimulus package rescued us from economic disaster, Abbott opposed it, and you're a massive idiot.
Australia is a Civil Liberians paradise. Full of piss ants who take offense to anything that can get them attention. Australians as a whole, have become the softest cry babies going around these days.

If we were ever in threat of invasion again, like we were in ww2. They conquer us in hours. Weak willed soft maggots.

Civil Liberians? Polite people that migrated from West Africa?
'Pissing it away' is a pretty poor description of what happened. The urgency of the situation demanded immediate stimulus to aggreagate demand. Inevitably in the rush there was some misallocation of capital, but what you have preferred? A lengthy cost-benefit analysis on a case-by-case basis whilst our country slipped into recession?
The stimulus package rescued us from economic disaster, Abbott opposed it, and you're a massive idiot.

LOL, misallocation of capitol? $8 billion dollars worth lining the pockets of project administrators? I suppose that is a form of stimulus anyway!:eek:

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Tony Abbott said:
‎I think it would be folly to expect that women will ever dominate or ever approach equal representation in a large number of areas because their aptitudes, abilities and interests are different for physiological
**** I really hope the Abbott/Liberal supporters in this thread are female...
Source for $8b figure?

Either way, the package worked. Australia avoided recession. The IMF and OECD praised Australia for how it handled the GFC. There were things that could be improved, of course, but for a rush job it wasn't that bad.
Gee a Collingwood premiership sounds good......but if that fascist prick, Abbot becomes PM... I think I'll emigrate. That war criminal Howard and his disgraceful work choices were bad enough.

Seriously, why would anyone vote for a party that seeks to improve the conditions of the wealthy at the expense of the poor. Bloody disgrace how greed is the greatest motivation for some voters!!!!!!!!
Why are people arguing about which half arsed party led by a Muppet will plant a bigger seed in the melancholy middle ground and win the election when there are football teams to argue about. Honestly I don't know what is wrong with kids t'day! Who cares if the red or the blue Muppet wins and makes the same decisions anyway.

It won’t make much difference who wins the election but if Collingwood win the flag it will change the world! FFS Malthouse will break a record and win a flag after a decade of failing and Eddie, JESUS, can you just imagine Eddie! He’s been pretty quiet of late. You just know he’s saving it all up!
Source for $8b figure?

Either way, the package worked. Australia avoided recession. The IMF and OECD praised Australia for how it handled the GFC. There were things that could be improved, of course, but for a rush job it wasn't that bad.

Don't under estimate the stupidity of most people in this world, especially when it comes to politics.

* Winston Churchill was credited with saving the Great britian in world war2. Guess what happened to him at the next election??? He got voted out
* George W started several wars for no reason, the public even knew about it. Guess what he got voted in.
* Labour have saved Australia from the GFC. And it would not suprise me in the least if they get voted out too.
Christ I wish you hadn't put that video up, reminds me of what a brilliant politician Keating was and why we should all still miss him. By pandering to Hansonism, Howard single handedly destroyed Keating's vision and subsequent burgeoning acceptance in Asia of Australia as an Asian country, which if you think about it logically; geo-politically we are. Now we have two leaders further alienating our nearest neighbours and trading partners through their respective immigration and foreign policies.
Despite the stimulus spending, it is slightly disingenuous for Rudd, and now Gillard and Swan to take credit for avoiding the recession. A fairer argument would be that the deregulation policies, macroeconomic reform and strict regulation of the banking and finance sector of the Hawke and Keating era (a fact that I was surprised a man with his pretty healthy ego didn't bring up), coupled with the huge budget surplus, a legacy of the Howard (despised the man but credit were it is due) and the fact that China's seemingly endless need for our natural resources continues unabted did more avoid the current financial strife than any $900 (my weed dealer says hi and thanks Kev) and some school buildings.
Totally disheartened with both major parties at the moment. Total lack of policy and leadership. The fact that this election will decided in Western Sydney and Queensland quite frankly, frightens the wits out of me.

And for what it's worth I still think the Hawks are a chance for the flag and I'm pretty happy with the $100 I got on the coalition at $4.50 at the start of the campaign.

I would also like to know your thoughts on the stimulus program implemented under Labor's watch, and whether you opposed the $900 handout to taxpayers and the current rollout of the national broadband network. Just for economic curiosity...

Broadband no problem. $900 handout was ****ing stupid
Source for $8b figure?

Either way, the package worked. Australia avoided recession. The IMF and OECD praised Australia for how it handled the GFC. There were things that could be improved, of course, but for a rush job it wasn't that bad.

IM a long standing Labour man. BUT. How can they on one hand be boasting about getting us through the Global Crash, but a month ago be telling us the party had "lost its way" They are liars and frauds. Julia is a bogan who moved from Adelaide to Altona. No thanks.
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