Scribe. Ritterman and Dukes are recovering from operations. Ritterman had a frontal lobotomy and Dukes had a nut separation (a la Judd). My tip for 08 is Rovers especially if the 2 Dannys return, being Corp and Hughes. Guy Martyn would be a good inclusion but the council at Boss Reserve won’t widen the doors for his nut.
i am a long time supporter of the zebras and am pretty well connected down there at sandringham and i can tell you that these guys (corp, martyn, hughes) are freaks. dont know anything about them going back to their local club (hampton) but i can safely say that if they did they would blow the comp out of the water. hughes just got delisted from melbournes rookie list and hasnt played for sandy yet so im not sure what hes doing with his footy this year.