MRP / Trib. Caminiti hit on Murphy

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It doesn’t matter, like it or not the MRO and tribunal are outcome based. These things always come down to the medical report and unfortunately with Murphy being concussed the medical report isn’t going to help Caminiti.

I was just replying to your post. You made a statement and I was hoping you could clarify as it didn't make sense.
I was just replying to your post. You made a statement and I was hoping you could clarify as it didn't make sense.
If he made contact in the chest we wouldn’t be talking about it.

Did he mean to get him in the head? I don’t think so.

Ultimately it was reckless and he got it wrong. Doesn’t make him a dog as some claim but similarly the character assassination on Murphy is laughable.

To me the whole situation is unfortunate, is unfortunate for Murphy that he will have to miss through concussion and it’s unfortunate for Caminiti that he did make contact with the head and will now face a lengthy ban.

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Among all the emotions here I don't see any Saints fans saying Caminiti is innocent just that Murphy's shot was a cowardly act and he's a moron if he didn't expect retaliation.

Lets hope a fair outcome for both cases.
It’s all academic for Murphy worst case scenario is a fine really with how they grade it.

He is out next week either way so even if they upgrade it and give him a week over the fine it doesn’t change anything
Because it’s a cheap body shot. It’s still intent to strike regardless if it’s an open palm. Absolutely not wanting players to get concussed but play the ball and not the man. Those cheap niggling little stomach slaps and jabs need to be dealt with by the AFL as well.imagine receiving a 1000 of those a game.
The other issue is that whacking someone can, and has, resulted in unintended concussions.

The act is the problem. And the AFL continue to tolerate the act and only punish it if there's a serious result of it.

So there is no deterrent. Which is wrong.
Caminiti went to hit him in the chest.

Murphy crouched just before impact.

That probably won't have a lot of bearing on how many weeks he gets.

But it should influence people's assumption that he just ran up and tried to knock him out.

But don't let common sense get in the way of high drama.
It actually looks like Camineti gave him two. For some reason Murphy did crumple a bit which caused the second blow to hit.him in the head, rather than the chest area. But if you watch the footage closely, it almost looks like a first hit to the midriff area is what caused Murphy to drop a bit.

It looks a bit like a 1-2 combo.
It actually looks like Camineti gave him two. For some reason Murphy did crumple a bit which caused the second blow to hit.him in the head, rather than the chest area. But if you watch the footage closely, it almost looks like a first hit to the midriff area is what caused Murphy to drop a bit.

It looks a bit like a 1-2 combo.

Nope, definitely NOT a 1-2 combo. Watch the close-up, Murphy just plain shat himself and fell away, then got contact.
If he made contact in the chest we wouldn’t be talking about it.

Did he mean to get him in the head? I don’t think so.

Ultimately it was reckless and he got it wrong. Doesn’t make him a dog as some claim but similarly the character assassination on Murphy is laughable.

To me the whole situation is unfortunate, is unfortunate for Murphy that he will have to miss through concussion and it’s unfortunate for Caminiti that he did make contact with the head and will now face a lengthy ban.
I don't think it's character assassination.

What Murphy did happens 100s time each round. The problem is that as you say, it's a reckless act that can result in really hurting someone.

And the AFL enables it. It's idiotic. They need to punish the act, not just the outcome of the act.

Murphy should get 4 weeks, as should everyone else that does that shit.

That would stop it happening.

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It’s all academic for Murphy worst case scenario is a fine really with how they grade it.
Bullshit - Murphy's hit was Intentional, He struck Caminiti High and the impact was Severe because it resulted in Murphy getting him self knocked the **** out. Murphy to do the max.
So if not an unprovoked strike to the face, when do you get the right to knock a bloke out cold? Coz for the last 40 years of my life that has pretty much been the line. Just curious.
If Murphy's action are where you draw the line, we'd have 5 players knocked out cold in every single match.
Lol wtf? He did an open palm gentle hit to the chest, zero damage done, that happens literally a hundred times every game. Why shouldn't he carry on? Concussions are extremely ******* serious, especially with his history it could be career threatening. How do you STILL not understand this?
Well then maybe he should stop throwing coward punches during games.
Absolute moron. Got what he deserved.
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There's some serious mental gymnastics going on there.
If the result of niggly bullshit was getting suspended or knocked the **** out, they quickly stop doing the niggly bullshit. They do it now because they get away with it.
If Murphy's action are where you draw the line, we'd have 5 players knocked out cold in every single match.
When Gaff broke Brayshaw's jaw, he wasn't trying to hit him in the jaw. He did a reckless thing, that caused severe damage.

Given suspensions are very, very rarely classed as 'Intentional', the AFL clearly acknowledges that it is almost always reckless acts that cause guys to get knocked out and/or suffer other serious injuries.

Looking at the footage, it looks like Camineti tries to retaliate by hitting Murphy in the same place he hit him, but Murphy for some reason dropped a bit prior to contact - and as a result he was hit in the face.

So you have two reckless acts, but only 1 is considered a problem. It's ludicrous.

If the act that Murphy did was considered reckless and was outlawed from the game, dozens of concussions would be prevented.

Basically, Murphy was lucky his reckless act didn't cause injury, and Cameneti was unlucky that his reckless act did.

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MRP / Trib. Caminiti hit on Murphy

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