Politics Climate Change Paradox (cont in part 2)

Should we act now, or wait for a unified global approach

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The point here is these millennial pricks 'jump up and down about the "environment" and leave "our" environment in a trashy state. And if you cant see plastic in that picture your are blind....not to mention wood {Did you know the stuff that comes from a tree?}:oops:
How does this relate to climate change Einstein? These protesters would use less plastic than the usual ignorant Joe.You're just trying to score cheap points because you hate people protesting and upsetting the status quo that people like you probably benefit from.I assume you were madly against the giant lithium solar battery in SA?Why? What motivates you? Is is hatred of science? Is it hatred of non-conservatives? Is it ignorance? Is it vested interests? Is it because you are gullible? Please explain why people like yourself think like you do when you know that you're wrong and you know your opinions just get more ridiculous as time goes on.?
You’ve already gotten your response
What's your story then, why do you keep posting lies and propaganda? Do you have coal shares or do you just believe idiots and morans like Andrew Bolt.Explain yourself mate because this planet is on a one way course to oblivion and you don't seem to care.

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So ‘woke’
Surprised you haven't said snowflake yet.Is David Attenborough a snowflake? Does wanting to save species from extinction make people snowflakes?Seriously some of you blokes have seriously effed up values.WTF is wrong with you!!!
.Keep the fake news coming boys, you're hilarious.
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Surprised you haven't said snowflake yet.Is David Attenborough a snowflake? Does wanting to save species from extinction make people snowflakes?Seriously some of you blokes have seriously effed up values.WTF is wrong with you!!!
.Keep the fake news coming boys, you're hilarious.
Not a fake pic .... not a fake comment.
Nice try petal
What's your story then, why do you keep posting lies and propaganda? Do you have coal shares or do you just believe idiots and morans like Andrew Bolt.Explain yourself mate because this planet is on a one way course to oblivion and you don't seem to care.
Keep posting? Probably my first venture onto this board. Lolol you are paranoid
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How does this relate to climate change Einstein? These protesters would use less plastic than the usual ignorant Joe.You're just trying to score cheap points because you hate people protesting and upsetting the status quo that people like you probably benefit from.I assume you were madly against the giant lithium solar battery in SA?Why? What motivates you? Is is hatred of science? Is it hatred of non-conservatives? Is it ignorance? Is it vested interests? Is it because you are gullible? Please explain why people like yourself think like you do when you know that you're wrong and you know your opinions just get more ridiculous as time goes on.?
Settle down sunshine...pun intended.
How does this relate to climate change Einstein? These protesters would use less plastic than the usual ignorant Joe.

Are these the same protesters who expect to be driven to school instead of walking?:rolleyes:
Are these the same protesters that demand an a/c in every classroom instead of putting up with a bit of heat?:fire:
Are these the same protesters that demand a TV in every room?:mad:
Are these the same protesters that...Oh **** it, this sums it up better.

Here's a small sample of how many coal plants there are in the world today.
The EU has 468 plants building 27 more for a total of 495
Turkey has 56 plants building 93 more total 149
South Africa has 79 building 24 more total 103
India has 589 building 446 more total 1036
Philippines has 19 building 60 more total 79
South Korea has 58 building 26 more total 84
Japan has 90 building 45 more total 135
AND CHINA has 2363 building 1171 total 3534 :oops:

And our stupid politicians are going to shut down our remaining 6 plants and save the planet?
Are these the same protesters who expect to be driven to school instead of walking?:rolleyes:
Are these the same protesters that demand an a/c in every classroom instead of putting up with a bit of heat?:fire:
Are these the same protesters that demand a TV in every room?:mad:
Are these the same protesters that...Oh **** it, this sums it up better.

Here's a small sample of how many coal plants there are in the world today.
The EU has 468 plants building 27 more for a total of 495
Turkey has 56 plants building 93 more total 149
South Africa has 79 building 24 more total 103
India has 589 building 446 more total 1036
Philippines has 19 building 60 more total 79
South Korea has 58 building 26 more total 84
Japan has 90 building 45 more total 135
AND CHINA has 2363 building 1171 total 3534 :oops:

And our stupid politicians are going to shut down our remaining 6 plants and save the planet?
Your thoughts Socrates2
Lol, what's your point?? How does any of this effect the science on climate change, these people you judge do more than unrepentant coal lobby promoters like yourselves, you may be good at scoring points but you have no credibility in this debate . You sound like the type of guys who throw their McDonalds litter on the ground and buy a car with the greatest emmissions on principle.Why not help the solution instead of being ignoramuses on the wrong side of history.People will look back at guys like yourselves with disdain Your juvenile smart arsery attitude helps no one except the 4 blokes in your bigfooty circle jerk. Why not do something to help instead of parroting idiotic coal profiteers from the media.Australia is the 2nd worst country in the world per capita for carbon emmissions and you guys are the bottom of the pile if your're still arguing Malcom Roberts(use to manage a coal mine) bs.I really don't understand why you choose to reject scientific evidence?? Can you tell me why?? If something ways 4kg it weighs 4kg, you and Makcom Roberts say ,'No it weighs 3kg'.
I think he’s triggered.
That last post applies to you to mate.Instead of saying triggered, why not think of some solutions to the problem and influence your mates to get with the program.If you know people with kids try and help out so they don't have to live with longer heatwaves and species extinction.This picking apart protestors does nothing but make you feel better about yourself.I'll give you the tip, they do more than you mate.
What's your point here? Are you saying because some protesters left rubbish that climate change doesn't exist or are you saying climate change doesn't exist because all the protesters are hypocrites.How does that photo change the universal agreement on Co2 emmissions.Alot of you posters are going to look extra crazy/ silly when these threads get bumped in 10 years because they look silly now.So tell me what does this photo prove and how do you benefit from the coal industry?
You told us the same thing back in the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, 00’s. Nothing has changed. We still have floods, droughts and hot and cold weather like we did 100 or even 150 years ago.

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You told us the same thing back in the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, 00’s. Nothing has changed. We still have floods, droughts and hot and cold weather like we did 100 or even 150 years ago.

Not sure if this has been posted here but regardless of your "side" it is an interesting video on how free discusssion on the issue is being shutdown by academics when it doesn't suit their narrative.
I am not comfortable with this at all, proper scientific due dilligence must be maintained without bias and open discussion promoted.
The thing that astounds me about the hard line climate change deniers is their ego. It must be ****ing massive. Somehow, in some bizzare mechanism, they think their singular observations of the world or that of uninformed authoritative figures outweighs years of scientific research. They know more than the majority of scientists all around the bloody world. There are papers not even about climate change that confirm climate change. For scientists in earth sciences it isn't even a debate. They're observing real world effects now. It's just ridiculous really. But you know unfortunately, that's humanity. It's ****ing stupid. And this thread is a testament to it.
Here's one for you Socrates2
"The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places, the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from the Consulate at Bergen Norway. Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm. Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared. Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelts which have never before ventured so far north,are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds. Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coast cities uninhabitable."

I must apologise; I neglected to mention this report was from November 2nd 1922 and published in the Washington Post...Snope it.
...Oh, and you still haven't answered if you applaud our stupid politicians(or not) who are going to shut down our remaining 6 coal plants and save the planet; despite the many other coal plants in the world today listed below.:drunk:

The EU has 468 plants building 27 more for a total of 495
Turkey has 56 plants building 93 more total 149
South Africa has 79 building 24 more total 103
India has 589 building 446 more total 1036
Philippines has 19 building 60 more total 79
South Korea has 58 building 26 more total 84
Japan has 90 building 45 more total 135
AND CHINA has 2363 building 1171 total 3534


January 22, 2019 7:58am
Climate change over the next 20 years could result in a global catastrophe costing millions of lives in wars and natural disasters..
A secret report, suppressed by US defence chiefs and obtained by The Observer, warns that major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a 'Siberian' climate by 2020. Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts, famine and widespread rioting will erupt across the world.

January 22, 2019 7:58am
Climate change over the next 20 years could result in a global catastrophe costing millions of lives in wars and natural disasters..
A secret report, suppressed by US defence chiefs and obtained by The Observer, warns that major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a 'Siberian' climate by 2020. Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts, famine and widespread rioting will erupt across the world.

They missed the bit about fire breathing dragons and the white walkers

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