Collingwood - us v them campaign

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Apr 22, 2007
AFL Club
Got to acknowledge pretty accurate. GF this year underlined fact hardly anyone other than pie fans were supporting Collingwood.

Here's the ad that appeared in todays Hun:

Not sure these campaigns really mean too much when 45 K memberships role over automatically in direct debit plans without need for an actual renewal.

That said, the fallout from Essendon's recent membership drive is prett funny.

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Not sure this kind of thing is a great idea considering the antisocial nature of a decent section of Collingwood's fans, and their immature behaviour at games.

Also, not sure if Eddie can claim that Collingwood doesn't tolerate that sort of behaviour, when they rely so heavily on it for marketing purposes.
Not sure this kind of thing is a great idea considering the antisocial nature of a decent section of Collingwood's fans, and their immature behaviour at games.

Also, not sure if Eddie can claim that Collingwood doesn't tolerate that sort of behaviour, when they rely so heavily on it for marketing purposes.

Very valid points.
Not sure these campaigns really mean too much when 45 K memberships role over automatically in direct debit plans without need for an actual renewal.

That said, the fallout from Essendon's recent membership drive is prett funny.
What about our membership drive? Or are you referring to the mandatory reserved seats?
What about our membership drive? Or are you referring to the mandatory reserved seats?

& the price hike, the good thing about Collingwood this year is despite the 3% natural allowance for CPI & 1 less Melbourne game, membership prices have pretty much stayed the same. The only Melbourne based club to do so.
Not sure this kind of thing is a great idea considering the antisocial nature of a decent section of Collingwood's fans, and their immature behaviour at games.

Also, not sure if Eddie can claim that Collingwood doesn't tolerate that sort of behaviour, when they rely so heavily on it for marketing purposes.

Every club has bogan supporters, the Collingwood minority are just exceptionally stupid. No club should be judged by the action of a minority of their supporters.

I hate to admit it, while the minority of Collingwood morons are horrible to be around at the footy, they are a significant minority. Go to a game against Carlton or Essendon and person for person I would much rather be stuck next to an average Collingwood supporter than the mouthbreathers that fill the ranks of the other two of the big three.

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There are passionate supporters and then there's zealots who don't tolerate anyone else, even at their own home games. I refuse to go to an away game against Collingwood, they scare the kids.

In terms of the big old VFL clubs, Collingwood is closer to our club, being another working class club and being the club that helped us out during fightback, while the silvertail clubs were circling our best players.
I don't know about this campaign - it could backfire massively. Malthouse certainly encouraged an us against them mentality, and it is something that has worked very succesfully elsewhere. Alex Ferguson has done this for years at Man U. But the thing is, it works best when it comes from the guys at the sharp end, not the marketing department. It just looks contrived.
Anyone who lived in the week after this years’ Grand Final in Melbourne knows it is Us against Them.

Every other supporter from every other team wanted to give it to you.

As if they were the first ones to talk to you….

The us v them mentality is driven by the supporters of all other Clubs.

The next person who walks up to me and says Colingwood fans are feral as if I am hearing it for the first time and then laughs at their own joke, is going to find out all about..

Us v Them!

My boss is a Melbourne supporter. I reckon he goes to about 2 games a year maximum. But every meeting we have, he spends the first half hour on a diatribe of how much he hates Collingwood and Collingwood supporters. Every second day. Like it is original and no one has heard it before...and he thinks he is funny.

If African Americans or Chinese people coped that much abuse, they would call it racial vilification. Just look at the minimum stuff said about Tiger Woods by his former caddie and how the press is all over that.

Yet Collingwood and Collingwood supporters can be abused - left, right and centre...without any form of censure.

Sometimes we don't even get to the topic of the meeting..

Prime example of how this hatred, which I am not even sure where it comes from? The 1950s probably. Drives his every thought about football.

He doesn’t really support his own team, he watches the AFL to hate Collingwood.

if you try and have a civilised conversation with a non-Collingwood supporter, they will swear black and blue that all the abuse comes from Collingwood supporters and all the rest of the team’s supporters are as quite as church mice.

The big issue in the Us v Them tag is that it is really ALL OF THEM.

Richmond fans may hate Carlton, Hawthorn fans may hate Essendon, Sydney and West Coast may have a rivalry etc etc…

But we are EVERYBODYS’ arch enemy.

And the only way they see they can beat us; is to gang up on us!

Which they all do!

Hence the beauty of the US v THEM! Slogan.

It really is ALL of them..

Individually and collectively.

The point of the US v THEM slogan is:-

Look we know you have tried to be civil with other teams supporters, we know you have sat there and accepted their stupid jokes and abuse and you, as Collingwood supporters, have tried your hardest to be giving and happy and let other supporters have their way…

But fair dinkum, enough is enough.

I doubt there are any other group of supporters in the world who get abused as much as Collingwood supporters.

In America, most cities are one team towns. Boston supports the Celtics, Patriots, Red Sox and Bruins. 99.9% of people in the city live and breathe these teams in unison.

In New York, you have got the Jets and the Giants and Mets and Yankees but the rivalry is a bit watered down because they are in different divisions.

In England, you have Liverpool and Everton and Man City and Man United and in London you have Arsenal, Chelsea, Spurs and the Hammers.

But there is not the constant vile, pathetic, hatred from every other franchise in the league that Collingwood and Collingwood supporters get on a daily basis.

We are the most abused fans in the world.

So Us v Them doesn’t go far enough..

You are either Us or you are Them.

And "Them" hate everything about You.

You can't talk to other teams supporters because they are unreasonable.

So why bother...

Just turn up and enjoy your team because all other supporters will abuse you and call you ******* and ****** or nuff, nuff or no hoper just because you wear a Collingwood jumper.

We know what you are like, other team supporters.

You are abusive.Thus we can only rely on ourselves.
Anyone who lived in the week after this years’ Grand Final in Melbourne knows it is Us against Them.

Every other supporter from every other team wanted to give it to you.

As if they were the first ones to talk to you….

The us v them mentality is driven by the supporters of all other Clubs.

The next person who walks up to me and says Colingwood fans are feral as if I am hearing it for the first time and then laughs at their own joke, is going to find out all about..

Us v Them!

My boss is a Melbourne supporter. I reckon he goes to about 2 games a year maximum. But every meeting we have, he spends the first half hour on a diatribe of how much he hates Collingwood and Collingwood supporters. Every second day. Like it is original and no one has heard it before...and he thinks he is funny.

If African Americans or Chinese people coped that much abuse, they would call it racial vilification. Just look at the minimum stuff said about Tiger Woods by his former caddie and how the press is all over that.

Yet Collingwood and Collingwood supporters can be abused - left, right and centre...without any form of censure.

Sometimes we don't even get to the topic of the meeting..

Prime example of how this hatred, which I am not even sure where it comes from? The 1950s probably. Drives his every thought about football.

He doesn’t really support his own team, he watches the AFL to hate Collingwood.

if you try and have a civilised conversation with a non-Collingwood supporter, they will swear black and blue that all the abuse comes from Collingwood supporters and all the rest of the team’s supporters are as quite as church mice.

The big issue in the Us v Them tag is that it is really ALL OF THEM.

Richmond fans may hate Carlton, Hawthorn fans may hate Essendon, Sydney and West Coast may have a rivalry etc etc…

But we are EVERYBODYS’ arch enemy.

And the only way they see they can beat us; is to gang up on us!

Which they all do!

Hence the beauty of the US v THEM! Slogan.

It really is ALL of them..

Individually and collectively.

The point of the US v THEM slogan is:-

Look we know you have tried to be civil with other teams supporters, we know you have sat there and accepted their stupid jokes and abuse and you, as Collingwood supporters, have tried your hardest to be giving and happy and let other supporters have their way…

But fair dinkum, enough is enough.

I doubt there are any other group of supporters in the world who get abused as much as Collingwood supporters.

In America, most cities are one team towns. Boston supports the Celtics, Patriots, Red Sox and Bruins. 99.9% of people in the city live and breathe these teams in unison.

In New York, you have got the Jets and the Giants and Mets and Yankees but the rivalry is a bit watered down because they are in different divisions.

In England, you have Liverpool and Everton and Man City and Man United and in London you have Arsenal, Chelsea, Spurs and the Hammers.

But there is not the constant vile, pathetic, hatred from every other franchise in the league that Collingwood and Collingwood supporters get on a daily basis.

We are the most abused fans in the world.

So Us v Them doesn’t go far enough..

You are either Us or you are Them.

And "Them" hate everything about You.

You can't talk to other teams supporters because they are unreasonable.

So why bother...

Just turn up and enjoy your team because all other supporters will abuse you and call you ******* and ****** or nuff, nuff or no hoper just because you wear a Collingwood jumper.

We know what you are like, other team supporters.

You are abusive.Thus we can only rely on ourselves.

You get what you deserve basically. Its a matter of what goes around comes around.

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Collingwood - us v them campaign

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