Certified Legendary Thread Corona, Jamaica ooh I wanna take ya (COVID-19 Information & Discussion Here) Part 2 "The Second Wave"

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There’s been two halts. And do you know what a control group is? Do you understand double blind testing?

It appears that you're the only person that doesn't. Didn't you state as fact that the trial must halt JFC, when it hasn't. Why attack me when you're the failure. Seriously, why halt a trial when someone from the control group gets sick. Surely you're not that stupid.
How about you actually research the topic at hand instead of just spewing bullshit. Why don't you try that? You Kane and Jen are looking ******* stupid. All information is fully available, yet you guys somehow mix up a recent death with a medical issue over a month ago.
Youre looking like a hot head. Kane and I haven't actually said anything worthy of being labelled idiots
Youre looking like a hot head. Kane and I haven't actually said anything worthy of being labelled idiots

You 2 have made strong statements based on nothing resembling reality. It's weird. It's almost like you Jen and Kane have a personal attraction to a failing vaccine. At least you're all consistent. At least admit you ignored readily available info to prosecute your personal view. I'm not judging you. That's up to you.
You 2 have made strong statements based on nothing resembling reality. It's weird. It's almost like you Jen and Kane have a personal attraction to a failing vaccine. At least you're all consistent. At least admit you ignored readily available info to prosecute your personal view. I'm not judging you. That's up to you.
Incorrect. Simply stated that the Oxford vaccine was suspended due to a reaction, even if unrelated. You even responded by backing up that it was stopped.
How you want to react to information that is true is up to you. It's like you are arguing with yourself. Been drinking?
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Perhaps you should have responded to my actual post instead of looking stupid.
Like replying to my 1 post 3 times!

All I said was they did temporarily stop the trial due to concerns... which is usual for vaccine development.

This is a 100% correct fact.

I gather you are going to be in for a tough day tomorrow when you sober up! ;)
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You 2 have made strong statements based on nothing resembling reality. It's weird. It's almost like you Jen and Kane have a personal attraction to a failing vaccine. At least you're all consistent. At least admit you ignored readily available info to prosecute your personal view. I'm not judging you. That's up to you.
I don't want the vaccine to fail! You can't find a quote anywhere near a long these lines because it's a complete lie!

All I & others like Jenny have said is it's takes time to properly develop a workable vaccine... a fact that the likes of you & others fail to properly appreciate.

Do yourself a favour & research the time taken to develop the quickest ever vaccine... then get back to be when you have had a reality check & preferably sober.

And forego his "power" presser opportunity in the morn?
Surely a presser with good news would be a welcome change to a presser of bad news like most of this year... or has he got COVID Stockholm Syndrome?
It appears that you're the only person that doesn't. Didn't you state as fact that the trial must halt JFC, when it hasn't. Why attack me when you're the failure. Seriously, why halt a trial when someone from the control group gets sick. Surely you're not that stupid.
Halt as in stop while they investigate. It absolutely did halt while they investigated. How reckless would it be if they didn’t? Seriously, you need to get a clue.
Volunteer in AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine trial dies in Brazil
Clinical trials for the drugmaker's vaccine remain on hold in the United States.
Halt as in stop while they investigate. It absolutely did halt while they investigated. How reckless would it be if they didn’t? Seriously, you need to get a clue.
Volunteer in AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine trial dies in Brazil
Clinical trials for the drugmaker's vaccine remain on hold in the United States.
The Astra Zeneca trail was all ready Halted In the US, due to the Sept issue, the Death of a Bazialian Volunteer did not create a Halt, even in Brazil, reason why has been published,
The Halt in the US has not affected the Trial as they had enough Voulateers already vaccinated prior in the USA to appease the FDA once the data has been finalized, due I believe at end of the month phase 3 trail wrap up and the data assessment and requests for approval start,
as you should know the monitoring still continues, it will not stop until late next year,
The latest problems they are facing and struggling to get is the life of the vaccine once prepared, at this time the Protein base vaccine have a life of 5-10 days, again as I have mention roll out is the biggest hurdle at this time.
And sorry to say it will be a Risk vs Reward decision, more with the latest developments, they are now talking Millions of death if a vaccine is not in play by the middle of 2021, to be honest, the data I am seeing I would be very scared if they don't have one by winter 2021 in Australia,
Every week the data for not getting a vaccine quickly is changing and not for the best.
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