Cousins or Pratt? Who has brought the game into disrepute more?

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Absolutely one thing for certain. There is barely a Carlton supporter around who calls it as it is. There is no way any President could remain (Hawks or otherwise), when you're found guilty on this level and the Judge says it's the most dishonest case ever brought before the Federal Court.

The ACCC flatly rejected Pratt's claim that he didn't know anything - so they are also calling him a liar as well as dishonest. You can't then go on and lead an AFL club because the whole system relies on people abiding by rules and playing it fair.

Carlton fans - you'd have gained a lot of respect if you stated what is plainly the right thing to do. :thumbsdown:

A suggestion for you 'HappyHawk':

Change your username to "Whingeing_pathetic_Hawthorn_nob"

That chip you have on your shoulder gets bigger by the day.

Absolutely one thing for certain, your anti-Carlton bias is there for anyone to see if they want to sift through the shit you post.

There you go, a Carlton supporter calling it as it is.
Absolutely one thing for certain. There is barely a Carlton supporter around who calls it as it is. There is no way any President could remain (Hawks or otherwise), when you're found guilty on this level and the Judge says it's the most dishonest case ever brought before the Federal Court.

The ACCC flatly rejected Pratt's claim that he didn't know anything - so they are also calling him a liar as well as dishonest. You can't then go on and lead an AFL club because the whole system relies on people abiding by rules and playing it fair.

Carlton fans - you'd have gained a lot of respect if you stated what is plainly the right thing to do.

Ok Pratt has price fixed and that we all know is wrong.

But for a Hawk fan to sit there and say Pratt is a liar and cheat is just double are all happy to have Mr Kennett as President!!!

If he a liar?? maybe not when he has been president but look at his time as premier...he was such an honest person...but lucky for him he couldn't be charged under the law for what he did....
- Closing schools
- Closing Hospitals
- Privatising anything he could, which led to job loss of many of thousands of ppl
- Crown Casino!!! (biggest family breaker ever)
- and so much more
All the above plus so much more was so honest and fair...tell that to the people and families he destroyed...but is there law against that no, i think i'd rather pay a little more for a box that have my father lose he job, send my child to a school with 40 kids in a classroom, travel 4 suburbs to find a hospital, break my family apart through gambling addiction!!!

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!!!

- Pratt is not innocent at all and should do the time and fine!!

they should be kicked out of the league for being the biggest liars and cheats the game has ever seen

Of course they should...such a valid point from a uniformed loser twat!!!

Definitely Pratt.

Scum and crook.

Cousins has been unfairly maligned by the media.

Maligned by the media??? just how do you qualify that??
- Flees his car (leaves his gf in the car), runs, swims all to avoid a booze bus
- Doesn't assist police in their investigations into a incident at a nightclub which involved known criminals
- Bar fights with team mates
- Refusing to give blood when arrested by police
- Needing to do rehab for a drug addiction
- Still paid 800K a rehab costs paid for

All while being a AFL Footballer.....if you're not aware AFL is in the media all the time...for years players have been asked to be role models for the what exactly have the media done wrong in reporting such stories??? Don't we have the right to hear these things....i mean its the supporters butts on seats and memberships that pay these people!!!

Cartelton is now synonimous for cheating the salary cap, tanking games and crooked businessmen. That's nothing to be proud of.

Of course we are.....but did Melb and Ess cheat the caps in 90's and 2000's....did Rich tank the last game in 2007, or StKilda and Collingwood in their bad bottom of the ladder days?? and are Carlton the only team to have somebody involved that has done something wrong??? Great post!!

At the end of the day Pratt's business VISY has done the wrong thing, they got caught, Pratt after initially denying it, confessed, has been fined (under the current law) and will for ever be known for what he did....he has been dishonest no Carlton supporter will argue that...

But again, this 'price fixing' was done when Pratt wasn't at Carlton, its a business not associated with why is everybody so up in the air about it bringing the game of AFL in disrepute...or is it more of a Carlton thing???

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CARLTON lost $2.2 million cash on the 2006 season,8033,21050994%5E19762,00.html

This has been an embarrassing but revealing week for everyone at Carlton. Nobody at the club appears to be any good at anything.

Members and supporters would be distressed to see their club bumble about. Sponsors would be horrified that their club could be run in such a shambolic way, and potential sponsors might now be knocking on Melbourne Victory's door in the A-League.,20867,20371959-12270,00.html


Pratt, 72, said in a statement on Friday: “It is great to be back involved with the Carlton Football Club and I am looking forward to the resurgence of this great club. The new board has generated positive enthusiasm and it is time all Carlton supporters united for the good of our club.”


Mr Steven Icke has been appointed the General Manager Football Operations with the Carlton Football Club following an extensive national search to fill the vacant position.

"We are delighted to announce the appointment of Steven Icke to this vital role with the Carlton Football Club. Steven has a thorough knowledge of Football Administration and his record working with young players in particular will be of enormous benefit to the Carlton Football Club. His role working with the players and the coaching staff as well as the senior management team of the Club is a vital role for the continued development of the Carlton Football Club,” said Carlton CEO, Mr Michael Malouf.

The President of Carlton, Mr Richard Pratt, said the Club is delighted to welcome Mr Swann to the Club and looks forward to working with him on the task of returning Carlton to its rightful place as one of Australia's greatest sporting institutions.

"Greg has the track record and the skills required to accelerate Carlton's rebirth. We see his appointment as a major step in building the new Carlton," Mr Pratt said.

The Blues are expected to announce a profit of around $3 million for the year ended on October 31, a far cry from the disappointing results in recent years including last year, when the club recorded a $3.2 million loss.

CARLTON has told skipper Lance Whitnall he has no playing future with the club, ending his 11-year career with the Blues.


Pagan gone.


BRETT Ratten is a revered figure at Carlton.

He does not command the “legend” status of Stephen Silvagni, Stephen Kernahan or Craig Bradley, but many regard his contribution to the club as equal to that of these champions.

Now, Ratten, a former captain, premiership player and triple best and fairest winner will coach Carlton


CHRIS Judd will leave West Coast for Carlton after the two AFL clubs announced a trade was completed today.

Blues chief executive Greg Swann confirmed the deal had been completed late this morning.

"Chris Judd is the premier player in the competition and will be a major boost to Carlton as the club embarks on what is a new and exciting era," Swann said.

"We look forward to officially welcoming Chris to the Carlton Football Club later this afternoon.",25197,22568725-2722,00.html

He's a great man Dick Pratt :thumbsu:
Before answerring, let me say that 95% of the stuff written about Cousins is absolute crap. Complete codswallop. Murders, swimming from police, all heresay, innuendo and speculation.

Get facts together and what has been proven, not pure speculation. I mean bringing the game into disrepute for media speculation?

On Cousins
Yes he took illicit substances, as have about 60% of males aged between 18-35. Because of factors (money, time, pressure etc.) he became an abuser rather than a casual user. Easy to happen, hard to get away from.

Yes he ran away from a booze bus (don't know where this swimming came from, a media myth) and was convicted of that. Stupid and not planned.

Yes he refused to answer police questions about an incident in a night club where all parties are still alive and comfortably living in the Perth underworld so no murder was involved (where do people drag that up from). Cousins was only involved (i will speculate here) as he phoned the bloke up looking for something related to point 1. He was not in the nightclub on that night and had nothing to do with the incident at all (even the police said that).

Think about it
Policeman: Mr Cousins,.why did you call ********* (name removed to protect me) at 2.30am on the night in question.
Ben: I was phoning him up to buy some coke from him!
Yeah right we would all exercise our right to remain silent then.

Then he tried to face up to his demons by kicking his drug habit. Do we pillory someone for that.

Being involved in Mainwarings death? Then surely all the people (police etc.) who saw Mainwaring after Cousins are involved too. I'm sure Cousins didn't force Mainwaring to take the drugs, and i don't think it was the first time Mainwaring had used either.

Then was caught in a police operation and basically humiliated with petty charges, misleading police statements and innuendo. Was he driving under the influence of illicit drugs? Was the police action lawful? Yet to be answered and he is penalised before this has gone to court.

Yes someone he knew had drugs at his home, but given 60% of 18-35 yo's have used its not really unexpected.

The AFL should be using Cousins as an example of how things go wrong modern society. Does it help him and maybe use him as an example of when things go wrong, show how you can seek help and you can overcome problems.

Nope it charges him and tries to expunge him from the game.

Lets blame all drug users and send it back underground so players mix with dodgy underworld figures where they can feed their habit.

Showing the problems of modern Australia, putting problems thousands of Australia face every day and put them in the media spotlight? Yes but does that bring the game into disrepute? No. If you stick to the facts I think it has opened up the debate about drugs and drug use and how anyone can be an addict. Cousins' issues (and how many of them are related to drug abuse?) are just bringing something into the eye that has been swept under the carpet for years by a lot of people. Rather than get rid of him lets use it as learning so it doesn't happen to more young footballers so then can come to the clubs and AFL about

on Pratt:
Pratt calculatedly and carefully orchestrated a $700 mill (thats $35 for every man woman and child in Australia) price gouge and was rich before he did it. Not very nice at all, no morals or ethics. Did he bring football into disrepute? No. Should he be president of a football club. Probably not, he probably shouldn't be on the board of any company in Australia.

However does not being president or on the board stop Pratt from assisting Carlton in becoming a power by being a benefactor and providing (the good part not the bad bit) his business acumen. If he only wants to help Carlton if he is president is he really in it to benefit the club?

Take his money (after we all get our $35 dollars back) but don't let him sully the reputation of the club by making him president.

All up neither has damaged the reputation of the code.
There's big money in the background at most Melb clubs...Smorgans, Fox etc.

Most like to be involved in some way but cant just dump squillions on their clubs.

Carlton needed to embrace a white knight but Pratt has brought disrespect to the club in the same way Elliot did.

Pratt should resign on principle and Carlton should stick their hand up for one of the many others with loads of coin that love the club but dont have a dodgy background.
Cousins has been stupid and is obviously an addict. He needs help with his addictions and should probably be stood out from the game for a year till (if) he recovers.

Pratt has been deceitful and greedy. He was described as being a thief in a suit by the judge. But still a thief. The cartel stole $700 million off all us Australian's over 4-5 years. This is unforgivable and his reputation is ruined.

Do Cartelton want a thief as their President? Obviously Cartelton want & need Pratt so much they will lower themselves to accommodate this criminal. But that's Cartelton.
Just to set something right, the $700 million dollars is the alleged value of the class action that Maurice Blackburn Cashman have suggested will be mounted against both Visy & Amcor & of course we know that is nothing more than an ambit claim. MBC are very good at exaggerating the value of a potential lawsuit.

As far as bringing the game into disrepute, the price-fixing occurred between 2001 & 2004, a period during which Pratt held no official capacity at the Carlton Football Club & during which he stated ,when first elected to the presidency, that he had been away from the club because he did not know many of the people involved with the club at that time (ie the board). The price-fixing had nothing to do with the Carlton Football Club or the AFL & was not committed by anyone who held an official capacity with either organisation.

If we were to use your logic it could be argued that Jeff Kennett brought the game into disrepute because during his time as Premier of Victoria he closed down several schools, hospitals, railway lines & sacked thousands of teachers, nurses & public servants. Silly isn't it?

On the other hand, Ben Cousins was an employee of the West Coast Eagles Football Club & a registered AFL player when his misdemeanours were taking place. That makes him accountable to both organisations. Do you see the difference?

Hardly. Chemical Cuzz is a little clown who deserves no sympathy and his irresponsibility (not his addiction or his relative minor criminality) has brought the code into disrepute. Pratt is morally no better than a thief and on a grand scale. Carlton appointed him and accepted a portion of his ill gotten gains while he was facing serious charges. These charges in any other capitalist country in the world would have led to a (long) custodial sentence. In China he might have been executed. Pratt has swindled most Australians through a price fixing scam. His culpability is far worse than a pathetic arse clown who is now hopefully a bad memory. Pratt and Carlton have done far more damage to the credibility of the game because both have PROFITED from dishonesty. Without Pratt there would be no Judd in in a Blues strip. The fact that the suits at Carlton are trying to evade the law in keeping the scamer at the top of the club makes Carlton an accessory to his crimes.
Damage ranking:
1) Carlton administration
2) Pratt
3) Cuzz (who???)

For those wondering about defamation - Pratt is estopped by his guilty plea from denying that he is person of poor character, is willing to scam the public and is generally someone not to be trusted. But hey this is Oz and he's a mate of little Johnny, little Billy Shorten and the Blues Pres!
Pratt wins hands down and he has made a sqillian out of every man woman and child in Australia.He should be facing 3 years jail and not be able to sit on any board let alone be the President of the Carlton Footy Club.Why is it that Carlton seem to always attract these type of Presidents.The Libs are pathethic in allowing this law to stagnate in limbo and the AFL have no balls either.Regarding Ben he just needs a kick in the arse for being a dick head.
On the one hand, we have a troubled young man who has a medical condition (drug addiction) that he has admitted to and is seeking help for.
On the other hand, we have a wise (cunning) elderly businessman and current Blues' president who has made around 700 million dollars from price fixing (and that is the public's money in the end), who admits to it and then is fined 36 million dollars. This is a white collar crime that is punishable in many other countries with a jail sentence.
Question. Who has brought the game into disrepute more? The young guy who has mainly hurt himself and his family or the older guy who has robbed everyone in the country through price fixing?
I know who I would choose.....

I completely get where you're coming from.
I agree entirely.

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Originally Posted by YellowandBlackBlood
On the one hand, we have a troubled young man who has a medical condition (drug addiction) that he has admitted to and is seeking help for.
On the other hand, we have a wise (cunning) elderly businessman and current Blues' president who has made around 700 million dollars from price fixing (and that is the public's money in the end), who admits to it and then is fined 36 million dollars. This is a white collar crime that is punishable in many other countries with a jail sentence.
Question. Who has brought the game into disrepute more? The young guy who has mainly hurt himself and his family or the older guy who has robbed everyone in the country through price fixing?
I know who I would choose.....

LMAO......a Medical condition. Since when is the drugs ben was taking "Medical"?

And how is what Pratt done got anything to do with Carlton or the AFL in general? He committed his crime when he wasn't involved with Carlton or the AFL.

Morons. deadset. Read up on things before you run your mouths sprouting crap. FFS.
And how is what Pratt done got anything to do with Carlton or the AFL in general?
He's living off ill-gotten gains and laundering it through Carlton Football Club. Carlton is knowlingly allowing this to happen.

Chris Judd may as well run around in a jumper which says "sponsored by Dick's Dirty Dollars". No matter what success Carlton enjoys it will always be tainted........ brown paper bags, illegal price fixing, salary cap cheating.

Has Carlton learnt from the past? No way. The problem is endemic.

Carlton = Cheats :thumbsdown:
LMAO......a Medical condition. Since when is the drugs ben was taking "Medical"?

And how is what Pratt done got anything to do with Carlton or the AFL in general? He committed his crime when he wasn't involved with Carlton or the AFL.

Morons. deadset. Read up on things before you run your mouths sprouting crap. FFS.

Addiction and substance abuse are well known psychiatric/psychosocial conditions. Psychiatry is a branch of medicine. As doctors we study this in great detail through our medical degree. So yes, Cousins has a medical condition and that is why he is seeking medical help at these rehab clinics. Do you think they are staffed with yahoos?

So who is the moron now?
Interesting article by Trevor Grant in the Heraldsun this morning. To quote:

The fact that Demetriou, between 2002 and 2006, was non-executive chairman of a waste management company in which Pratt's company had invested heavily would play no part in any league decision to remain silent.

But it is the sort of thing that leaves Demetriou, and therefore, the AFL, open to the conspiracy theorists.

This explains a lot!!!!!!!!!!
LMAO......a Medical condition. Since when is the drugs ben was taking "Medical"?

And how is what Pratt done got anything to do with Carlton or the AFL in general? He committed his crime when he wasn't involved with Carlton or the AFL.

Morons. deadset. Read up on things before you run your mouths sprouting crap. FFS.

All I know about Pratt is he is the majority shareholder, it was his decision to create a cartel with Amcor that made Visy $700m+ in revenue and it was his decision to "come clean"... err... that is after Amcor ratted him out!!! Then, Pratt/Visy were made to pay a measly $36m... approx. 5% of the turnover he created by this collution.

Is this the type of person you want as the head of your football club?

Well, if Essendon struggle financially, I'm going to try and get in contact with Alan Bond, Henry Kay, Rodney Adler... or maybe John Elliot would jump boats?!?!
Pratt/Elliot... they're the same person aren't they???

It was found out soon after the Salary cap cheating that Elliots business was on the verge of being bankrupt. I would be extremely suprised if Pratt is in the same situation. As long as he has his money, he can do anything he wants and still be president of Carlton.

I find it interesting that Demetriou likes to think he is a moral creusader of the AFL. But he turns a blind eye on the dodgy business that Pratt has been convicted of. Make no mistake that the Demetriou wants Pratt and his money to be Carlton president. I assume so that the AFL doesn't have to help Carlton themselves anymore.
He's living off ill-gotten gains and laundering it through Carlton Football Club. Carlton is knowlingly allowing this to happen.

Chris Judd may as well run around in a jumper which says "sponsored by Dick's Dirty Dollars". No matter what success Carlton enjoys it will always be tainted........ brown paper bags, illegal price fixing, salary cap cheating.

Has Carlton learnt from the past? No way. The problem is endemic.

Carlton = Cheats :thumbsdown:

How do you know that it's the laundering money? Most of the money that has come into Carlton has been from Fundraisers from other high profile Carlton supporters such as Ahmed Fahour. Dick Pratt really has not put much of his own money into Carlton.
How do you know that it's the laundering money? Most of the money that has come into Carlton has been from Fundraisers from other high profile Carlton supporters such as Ahmed Fahour. Dick Pratt really has not put much of his own money into Carlton.

Under Pratt’s direction, Visy expanded from two factories in Melbourne to more than 55 plants across Australia, U.S., New Zealand, and Papua New Guinea. From cardboard boxes and packaging, Visy moved into waste paper recycling. Later in the 1990 Pratt expanded his operations considerably into the New York waste paper business.
In 1993 the National Crime Authority (NCA) raided Pratt's offices in connection with an investigation into businessman John Elliott's foreign exchange dealings and his spoiling domestic stake in BHP while his Elders IXL was insolvent.[5] The following year, however, the NCA paid costs and returned documents seized.
Also in the 1990s Visy was ordered by the ACCC to pay a half million dollar fine for illegal anti-competitive behaviour.[6]
On 16 May 2007, he was awarded the Woodrow Wilson Medal for Corporate Citizenship.[7] This is given to is executives who, their examples and their business practices, have shown a deep concern for the common good beyond the bottom line. They are at the forefront of the idea that private firms should be good citizens in their own neighborhoods and in the world at large[7]

How do you know that it's the laundering money? Most of the money that has come into Carlton has been from Fundraisers from other high profile Carlton supporters such as Ahmed Fahour. Dick Pratt really has not put much of his own money into Carlton.

There's several other lawsuits against Visy, including one of $120m by Schweppes for this price-fixing. He's no good guy! Plus the fact that he has children to a long-term mistress and a wife of 47 years... he's just a greedy and dirty old man that cares little for anyone but his own gratification!
How do you know that it's the laundering money? Most of the money that has come into Carlton has been from Fundraisers from other high profile Carlton supporters such as Ahmed Fahour. Dick Pratt really has not put much of his own money into Carlton.

RUBBISH! Wasn't it at a famous fundraiser earlier this year, when Pratt said whatever the rest of the "wealthy" tipped in, he would match?

And Corrosion, your medical knowledge seems to have reached a moronic low!

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Cousins or Pratt? Who has brought the game into disrepute more?

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